Урок по теме "Keeping pets is fun". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цели урока:  

  • образовательные: расширение кругозора учащихся;
  • воспитательные: воспитание доброжелательного, бережного отношения к домашним животным;
  • развивающие: развитие памяти, мышления, воображения; развитие фонетических, грамматических, лексических навыков, навыков чтения.

Задачи урока:

  • совершенствовать фонетические навыки;
  • повторить и активизировать в речи ранее изученный грамматический материал (модальный глагол can);
  • активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме “Keeping pets is fun” в речи;
  • совершенствовать умение чтения (чтение текста “Keeping pets is fun”), а также извлечения необходимой информации из прочитанного.


I. Организационный момент


Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning,
I’m glad to see you!
Учащиеся:    Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning,
We’re glad to see you!

Учитель: Sit down, please! Let’s begin our lesson. Today we’ll revise modal verb “can”, we’ll speak about animals, read an interesting text about pets and do some exercises.

II. Речевая зарядка

– How are you?
– What date is it today?
– What day of the week is it?
– What is the weather like today?
– Who is absent in your group?
– Can you read (ride a bicycle, swim, draw, wash the floor, etc.)?
– What can your mother (father, friend, etc.) do?

III. Фонетическая зарядка

Why, why, why?
Can you tell me why
I can sing, I can dance,
But I can’t fly?

IV. Активизация ранее изученной лексики в речи

– What can you see in this picture? (Учащимся предлагаются картинки с животными).
– Say what animals can be strong (weak, clever, noisy, sleepy, angry, funny, etc.)?
– Look at the whiteboard. You can see three columns: “in the forest”, “at home”, “in the country”, “at the zoo”. Say what animals can live in these places. Write down the animals into the correct column.
– What do we call animals that live at home? (Pets) What pets do you know? Have you got a pet (a cat, a dog, a hamster, a parrot, etc.)? Do you like your pet? What do you call it? Do you take care of it?

V. Чтение текста. Выполнение упражнений по прочитанному

– Now I’ll give you a text. Read the text and say what animals people keep as pets.

Keeping pets is fun

A lot of families have got pets at home. People keep dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits and parrots as pets. All boys and girls are fond of pets. If you treat them kindly, they become very friendly and make you happy. Good boys and girls never make them angry.
A dog is the most friendly and clever of all pets. You can teach him to answer to his name, to understand you, to help you, to do what you tell him. Dogs enjoy bones.
A cat is a very nice animal. She enjoys milk and fish. You can teach her when she is a kitten. She needs a warm place at home. Cats like it when you stroke them.
A rabbit makes an interesting pet. He needs a good clean home and a little ground in which he can run about. Rabbits like to eat vegetables.
A parrot is one more interesting pet. You can teach him to talk and to sing songs. He is very tame. A parrot can sit on your hand and eat out of it. He needs a clean cage. You must cover his cage with a cloth at night.
I have a dog. I take care of him, feed him and keep his place clean and tidy. I call him Jack. Jack is very nice-looking, funny, playful, friendly and clever. He is very brave and has a very good smell. It’s fun to play with him, to train him. I always talk to Jack and teach him to understand what I say. I take him outdoors for a walk two times a day.
I like my pet very much. I think keeping pets is fun.

– Say what animals people keep as pets.
– You can see some exercises after the text. Let’s do them.

Say if the sentences are true or false.

  • All boys and girls are not fond of pets.
  • If you treat them kindly, they become unfriendly and make you sad.
  • Good boys and girls make them angry.
  • Dogs enjoy bones.
  • Cats don’t like it when you stroke them.
  • A rabbit makes a boring pet.
  • A parrot is very tame.
  • You must cover his cage with a cloth in the morning.
  • Jack is not very nice-looking, funny, playful, friendly and clever.
  • He is very brave and has a very bad smell.

Finish the sentences.

  • If you treat them kindly …
  • You can teach a dog …
  • Cats like it …
  • A rabbit needs a good clean home and …
  • A parrot can sit on your hand and …
  • You must cover his cage …

Answer the questions.

  • Are all boys and girls fond of pets?
  • What pet is the most friendly?
  • What can you teach a dog?
  • What do dogs enjoy?
  • What does a rabbit need?
  • What does a rabbit like to eat?
  • What can you teach a parrot?
  • Have you got a pet? What is it?
  • What do you call your pet?
  • What do you teach your pet?


  • Люди держат дома собак, кошек, хомяков, кроликов и попугаев.
  • Собака очень любит косточки.
  • Кошка очень любит молоко и рыбу.
  • Ей нужно теплое место в доме.
  • Ты можешь научить попугая говорить и петь песни.
  • Ему нужна чистая клетка.
  • Я забочусь о нем, кормлю его и содержу его место в чистоте и порядке.
  • Я вожу его гулять на улицу два раза в день.
  • Я очень люблю моего питомца.

VI. Объяснение домашнего задания. Подведение итогов