Урок страноведения "Opening Great Britain". 9-й класс

Разделы: География, Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 9

Презентация к уроку

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Деятельность учителя и учащихся

I. Организация начала урока.


II. Постановка целей и задач.

III. Актуализация знаний.








IV. Изучение нового материала.

1. Географические объекты Великобритании.


2. Национальные эмблемы.


3. Флаг и гимн Британии.




4. Праздники Великобритании.

V. Подведение итогов.

VI.Информация о дом.задании.

– Good morning pupils. I’m glad to see you, sit down please.
T: How are you today?
P1: I’m fine, thank you.
P2: I’m brilliant, thank you.

T: As you know the following year will be a year of history. History includes a lot of different aspects, so I offer you to talk about the history of Great Britain. [Слайд 1] To begin with, what do you know about UK, its culture, traditions, and history, about geographical position of this country?
P: It’s an island, consists of four parts…
T: Yes, you are right. Look at the slide: the full name is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It’s quite long, you see. [Слайд 2] Now let’s speak about some points before we look at the map. What is the capital of GB?
– London.
– What is the official language and nationality?
– English, Britons.
– What is its location?
– Europe.
– Do you know the highest mountain, longest river and the major cities?
– Ben Nevis, the Severn, Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham, Edinburg, Belfast, Cardiff (capitals).

– Now look at the slide, you see the map of GB. [Слайды 3-5] These are four parts and their capitals, their rivers and mountains (talking about the geographical position). What do you think, why London is the capital of GB?
– Because it’s a big city, not far from the sea…
– Yes, you are right. Now I’ll give you a blank map, we’ll write some geographical names on it. First, name four countries.
– England, Scotland, Wales, northern Ireland.
–  Now write the names of the capitals.
– London in England, Edinburg in Scotland, Cardiff in Wales, Belfast in Northern Ireland.

Very well. Every part of GB has its own flag, symbols, traditions, saints etc. Let’s discuss some interesting facts, but before we begin let’s do ex.103 on page 95 («Enjoy English-9»). There are some words in this exercise, listen to them and repeat. Rewrite these words in your dictionaries please. Now you are ready to read some information about British symbols, ex.104 p.96 (reading, translating by variants and discussing four texts). Write down the names of the countries and their symbols in your work books please. You can use the slide with pictures [Слайд 6].
Now look at the slide, there are all flags of Great Britain on it. [Слайд 7] Did you see them before?
– Yes, we did.\ No, we didn’t.
– I offer you to have a rest and to listen to the hymn of Great Britain. [Слайд 8]
Did you understand what the hymn is about?
– It says about the Queen.
– Yes, the queen is the head of the country, you know. Now let’s remember the holidays of Great Britain. What holidays do you know?
– New Year, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day etc.
– There are a lot of holidays in Britain that we haven’t in Russia and of course they are very interesting too. Don’t forget about Saints’ holidays. What saints do you know?
–  St. David in Wales and St. Patrick in Ireland.
– Yes, you are right. I’d like to tell you a little information about some interesting holidays which I guess you have never heard about. Let me begin with “the hottest” holiday. It’s a Guy Fawkes night which is celebrated in England on the 5th of November. Look at slides please. [Слайд 9, 10] (Отмечается провал Порохового заговора, когда группа католиков-заговорщиков попыталась взорвать Парламент Великобритании в Лондоне в ночь на 5 ноября 1605 года).
The next interesting tradition is called Pearly Kings and Queens. [Слайд 11, 12] (с 1875 года. Это общество возникло, когда сирота по имени Генри Крофт попросил своих друзей — владельцев рыночных палаток помочь собрать деньги на благотворительность. Генри пришил много пуговиц на одежду, чтобы привлечь внимание, другие торговцы пуговицами поступили точно также. Перламутровая семья есть в каждом районе Лондона. Они сохраняют также традиции рифмованного сленга. Это тайный язык, который используют рыночные торговцы, чтобы полиция не узнала об их намерениях.
Перламутровые короли и королевы до сих пор развлекают публику в базарный день. Люди видят огромное количество костюмов, покрытых пуговицами, одетые в них артисты поют на площади и все это приносит тысячи фунтов каждый год).
Now I’d like to show you the video of the Patrick’s Day in Ireland.
Look at the screen please.

So, what did you like in our today’s lesson? What new things did you know?
Now I want to put you marks (ставлю отметки за работу на уроке).
Please open your record books and write down the home task. Your home task will be to draw the map. All necessary information you’ll find on your papers.
Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good bye!