Урок английского языка по теме "Взаимодействия между людьми". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 7

Презентация к уроку

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Цель: формирование коммуникативной компетентности учащихся по теме «Взаимоотношения между людьми» посредством развития рецептивных и продуктивных видов речевой деятельности (аудирование и чтение, говорение и письмо).


  1. формировать лексические навыки говорения;
  2. развивать умение аудировать с целью поиска конкретной информации;
  3. развивать умение делать краткие записи на основе услышанного;
  4. развивать умение писать письмо-запрос.

Лексика: homeless people, lonely people, needy people, disabled people, elderly people, orphans, nursing homes, raise(money, clothes), donate (money) / make donations, provide (shelter), show sympathy to, support needy people, make a contribution to work, be involved in a project, make a difference, get life experience, give a helping hand to, the charity, voluntary work, charity, volunteer.

Оборудование и материалы: Система мультимедиа или интерактивная доска, электронная презентация, аудиофайл, карточки с заданием для аудирования, учебник, рабочая тетрадь, книга для чтения, толковый словарь русского языка.

Ход урока


Good afternoon, dear friends. I’m very glad to see you. How are you?

What date is it today? What Day Of The Week Is It? What season is it now?

Look out of the window. What is the weather like today?


My dear friends, Today I want us to discuss one important theme. Answer the question, please: Do you do any voluntary work?

I suggest speaking about charity.


Объяснение, что такое благотворительность.

(В словаре С.И.Ожегова «Благотворительность – оказание частными лицами материальной помощи бедным»)


  • Look at the blackboard and match the words and their meaning.

Charity is kindness in giving help.

A charity is an organization that helps poor people.

A volunteer is a person who helps without any money.

Voluntary (work) is work without any money.

  • Listen and say after me.

(На доске написана транскрипция новых слов, необходимо выйти и подчеркнуть произносимое слово)


  • In Britain there are more than 157 000 charities. There are charity organisaitions for every area of life. These organizations help the needy. We are going to answer 3 questions to the following charities:
  1. Who or What does the charity help?
  2. How does the charity help?
  3. Why do people work for charity?
  • Open your books at p. 51. Let’s read what categories of people the charity help.

T – PP

P1, P2, P3…


Look at the board and complete the word.







Now we can answer the first question. Who or What does the charity help?

  • Look at p. 51 again, let’s continue reading new words.


Answer the second question. How does the charity help?

  • Let’s read any more new words at p. 51 to answer the third question


Why do people work for charity?

  • Do you think that the charity organizations are important? Why?

III. Аудирование

On the 5th of December is International Volunteer’s Day. A lot of children in Russia do something for charity. One of the children is Ksenya Bolokhova. We are going to listen to what she says about her work. Your task is to listen and take notes. Then answer the questions:

– What charity does she help?

– What does she do in the charity?

  • Listen to the text twice. (СЛАЙД 13)
  • Will you answer the questions? What charity does she help?

What does she do in the charity?

P1: She helps the youth voluntary organization.

P2: She works for help the homeless children.

T: Do you find Ksenya’s work useful?

P3: Yes? I think her work is useful. She helps homeless children and cares for them

P4: She also takes part in charity concerts to raise money.

T: What makes young people help a charity?

P5: I think that young people help a charity because they want to make a contribution, to get experience and to make a difference.

IV. Письмо

T: Do you know any other charities in your country? Do the task in your activity books at p. 22-23.

Next lesson we will continue to talk how and why people care for the needy.

Your home task is at the blackboard. Write it down.


Our lesson is over. Goodbye.
