Урок по теме "Hospitality". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

English учебник для 5-го класса общеобразовательной школы. Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки РК. Алматы, “Атамра”, 2010. Авторы: Т. Аяпова, Д. Укбаев.

Unit Eight. Hospitality.

Step Four. Would you like to order?

Step Five. What do you eat for breakfast?

Date: April.

Class: 5.

Materials: computer, textbook, interactive board, handmade menu, dice for dice game.

Lesson Theme: Review of Unit 8 Steps 4 + 5 (continued)

Objective: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to speak at least 8-10 sentences in realistic dialogue between a waiter and a restaurant customer, using all the food vocabulary from the previous 3 steps, and sentence/question structures from the previous 3 steps.

Warm Up: begin with long, full dialogue between two senior students, simulating real-life dialogue between a waiter and a customer at a restaurant.


– Good evening, miss. Here is your menu. Would you like to order?

– Yes, I’m very hungry! I’d like beef, place.

– You have a choice of vegetables. Would you like cabbage, potato or beans?

– Cabbage, please.

– Anything to drink?

– Oh, yes, I’m very thirsty! I’d like some juice, please.

– You have a choice of juice. Would you like apple, carrot, orange or tomato?

– Tomato, please.

– And what about dessert?

– What kind of fruit do you have?

– We only have apricot. Would you like apricot?

– Oh, no thank you. I’m allergic to apricot.

– Anything else?

– No, thank you. I’m full. How much is that?

– That’s 600 tenge. Thank you.

– Thank you, good bye.

(3 mins) St1-St2 or T-Sts.

Introduction: Introduce review of Unit 8 Steps 4 and 5. (1 min).

P1/P2 Presentation: leave entire typed out dialogue on whiteboard, as senior students said it, so that students in pairs may create their own full dialogues using ours as a model. Some pairs will present aloud to class.

(15 mins) S=S.

P2: Sts recite Jazz Chant, first altogether as class, then choose certain individuals to recite to class. Make necessary corrections.

Jazz Chant:

Would you like to have a pear?
Have a pear if you dare.
Would you like to have a sweet?
Have a sweet for a treat.
I’d like to have a pear.
I’d like to have a sweet.
I’d like to come to your house.
That would be really neat.

(5 mins) T-S1S2, S-Cl.

P2 Practice: Dice Game: sts in small groups will receive a dice for this game. One individual of each group starts by rolling dice. Number showing on dice corresponds with a food (meat, veggies, or fruit) written on board. Using this food item, sts must create a full sentence using the structure "I have/eat ________ for breakfast."

Dice Game:

Vegetable Meat Fruit Drink
1. potato(es) 1. mutton 1. pear(s) 1. tea
2. rice 2. beef 2. apple(s) 2. coffee
3. bean(s) 3. pork 3. grapes 3. cola
4. tomato(es) 4. veal 4. orange(s) 4. juice
5. cabbage 5. lamb 5. apricot(s) 5. milk
6. carrot(s) 6. chicken 6. banana(s) 6. water

(8 mins) Gr1, Gr2, S.

P2: Chinese Whisper game: to work on vocabulary words about food. Two lines of students are made, teachers whisper different vocabulary words into each of the two FRONT students' ears, in English. The students pass the secret to the next person in line, and so on until it reaches the last students in line. The last student then translates this word and passes it back to the front of line. The first line to correctly translate their word back and forth wins.

(6 mins) Gr1, Gr2, T-S1S2, S=S.

P3 Production: Sts will create a personal identification card from p. 151 ex. 6, showing their name, hair color, eye color, height and weight. Will also show their level of satisfaction with today's lesson by drawing a happy or sad face in the corner of the I.D. card, for purposes of reflection.

Name: _________________________________

Colour of hair: ___________________________

Colour of eyes: ___________________________

Height: _________________________________

Weight: _________________________________

Face in the corner of the I.D. card, for purposes of reflection.

(5 mins) S.

Homework: review word and sentence structures from today, and take REVIEW TEST p. 153. Also, create menus for those of the students who haven't completed them yet.

(2 mins).
