Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Christmas fairy-tale". 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Класс: 4

Цель: развивать умения и навыки устной речи; развивать творческие способности учащихся; прививать детям чувство интереса к изучаемому языку.


  • диск с песнями «Winter Wonderland», «Jingle Bells»;
  • плакаты, посвященные Рождеству;
  • реквизит: домики поросят, большое письмо, телефон, лыжи, веревка;
  • новогодняя елка;
  • класс, оформленный снежинками и гирляндами.

Действующие лица:

  1. Ведущий.
  2. Три поросенка.
  3. Волк.
  4. Снеговик.
  5. 2 зайчика.
  6. Дед Мороз.

Ход внеклассного мероприятия

Звучит песня «Winter Wonderland». Зрители входят в зал и рассаживаются по местам.

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived three little pigs. They were merry little piglets.

Sniff-Sniff, Snuff-Snuff and Snaff-Snaff (dancing and singing «Who`s afraid of the Big bad wolf?»):

Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf?
Big, bad wolf? Big, bad wolf?
Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf?

Winter was coming. The pigs made the houses. Sniff-Sniff made the house of grass. Snuff-Snuff made the house of sticks. Snaff-Snaff made the house of bricks.

In winter Big Bad Wolf was very hungry. He wanted to eat the little pigs. They ran to Snaff-Snaff`s house and the little pigs were safe.

But an interesting story has happened in the forest this winter.

Snuff-Snuff: It`s winter. It`s very cold.


But this is the season
When children ski,
And Father Christmas brings
Christmas tree.

Snaff-Snaff: The twenty-fifth of December is the day when we have a great holiday.

Snuff-Snuff: Let`s write a letter to Father Christmas and ask him to come to our forest.

Sniff-Sniff: I don`t know where he lives.

Snaff-Snaff: We`ll ask Snowman. He will give a letter to Father Christmas.

(Writing a letter to Father Christmas.)

Snuff-Snuff: This Christmas greeting is just for you.

Sniff-Sniff: Be happy in the coming year.

Snaff-Snaff: Come to us and have some fun.

Snuff-Snuff: We are waiting for you

Together: In the forest – House number one.

Sniff-Sniff: OK! Let`s phone to Snowman. He will give the message to Frosty Man.

(Calling to Snowman.) Hello! Who`s speaking?

Snowman: Snowman. What`s happened?

Snaff-Snaff: How can we find Father Christmas?


He lives in the Snowland,
To all English children
Christmas presents he sends.

Sniff-Sniff: Give him a letter and ask him to come. We are waiting for him.

Snowman: OK! Everything will be done.

Wolf (very sad): I am a poor, poor Wolf. I have no friends. I know that pigs want to have a party and have written a letter to Father Christmas. Ha! Ha! Ha! I`ll take the letter and I`ll be Father Christmas. Then we`ll see…

I like to skip,
I like to jump,
I like to run about,
I like to play,
I like to sing,
I like to laugh and shout.

Snowman (running):

I am running on my skies,
White and silver are the trees,
I am skating on the ice,
Winter holiday is nice.
Oh! I can`t find my way,
I should ask somebody to say.
This is Mr Grey Wolf
He will tell me the way to Father Christmas` roof.

(Turning to Wolf.)

Mr Wolf! Help me, please.

Wolf: No words! I want to eat! Give me the letter and stay here. I`ll be Father Christmas.

Snowman: And Wolf disappeared.

Piglets (round the Christmas-tree):

We have a fir-tree in the hall,
It`s so beautiful and tall.
Around it we dance and play
Because it`s Christmas Day.

(Snowman and Hares.)


I am crying.
I don`t know what to do.
Nobody is helping.
Piglets will be frightened too.

Hare 1:

Look! This is a Snowman.
He is tall and fat.
He has a carrot in his nose.
He has a funny hat.

Hare 2:

But he is tied with a rope.
I think he has a problem.


That angry Mr Wolf has done
And Father Christmas he has become.
He`ll go to Piglets` place
And eat them all if we don`t race.

(Round the Christmas-tree.)


Christmas Day`s happy day.
We are all glad and very gay.
We all dance and sing, and say
«Welcome! Welcome! Christmas Day!
Father Christmas! Father Christmas!»


It`s winter! It`s very cold!
Father Christmas is very old.
But he is always full of joy
And glad to give you a nice toy.
Ah! Ha! Ha! Ha!

(Catching Piglets.)

Father Christmas: Go away, ugly liar!

And never come again here.

Is it clear?

Merry Christmas, my friends!
Merry Christmas today!
Let`s dance hands in hands
I will show you the way.

All dance and sing the song «Jingle bells».