Открытый урок английского языка по теме "Are Stereotypes Harmful? Verbal Political Correctness". 9-й класс

Разделы: Технология

Класс: 9

Технология: компетентностный подход.

Общедидактическая цель:

  • создать условия для осознания актуальности новой учебной информации, ее ценности и полезности не только в общении со сверстниками, но и в повседневной жизни.



  • знать о необходимости соблюдения правил вербальной и поведенческой политкорректности;
  • уметь вести беседу, используя сформированные и только что обретенные на уроке лексические и фразеологические единицы, с учетом выше изложенного;
  • владеть навыками этически грамотного общения с пожилыми людьми, людьми с инвалидностью и т.д., то есть со всеми, в отношении кого возникает тот или иной стереотип восприятия.


  • обеспечить практико-ориентированный характер содержания учебного занятия, направленный на развитие лингво-культурологических компетенций;
  • активизировать лексику и лексические конструкции по теме;
  • реализовать межпредметные связи (этика).


  • создать условия для формирования конкретных компетенций необходимых для общения в социуме;
  • воспитать толерантность в отношении к одноклассникам и окружающим;
  • формировать потребность к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре или группе.


  • создавать условия для развития самостоятельной деятельности учащихся, способности грамотно выстраивать алгоритм работы, делать выводы на основе собственного опыта

Оборудование урока.

1. Мультимедийная презентация к уроку.

2. Учебник М.З.Биболетовой, Е.Е. Бабушис 9 кл.,10 кл.

I этап (мотивационно-ориентировочный)

Teacher: Good morning, friends. Nice to see you again.

I hope that we will do our best working further at the theme we started to learn last lesson.

Who can tell me what was the plot of our research?

Slide 1

Student: We spoke about the modern world and learned how to communicate in it in a proper way.

Teacher: Today will try to learn one of the new aspects. I wouldn't like to denote it now.

I want you to realize the subject yourself after making acquaintance with the certain material.

That's why I've omitted the part of the title of it in the picture.

Slide 2

Read the text and answer the question: What rules the modern world?

Student: Mutual respect does.

Teacher: Now let us review the main notions we should deal with today. Read them and comment.

Slide 3

Student 1: Tolerance is the respect of other person, culture, religion, ideas and values that are different from yours.

Student 2: Lack of prejudice is the possibility to ignore some ill stereotypes that can be found in the modern world (the prejudice against this or that religion, nation, skin colour etc.)

Student 3: Rejection of the discrimination should be based on the idea that all people are equal.

Student 4: Respect and politeness are valuable while communicating with other people.

Student 5: Political correctness...

Slide 4

Student 5: reads the Slide 4.

Teacher: Do you think that it is easy to be politically correct?

Student: In my opinion we should do much to fulfill it.

II этап (операционно-исполнительский)

Teacher: Now I want you to subdivide into three groups. The first one deals with the first text, the second - with the second and so on.

Teacher: Well, take your text book, open it at the page 170, ex.46. I hope that it will help us in studying how to be politically correct.

Please, subdivide into three groups and do the task:

1) Look thought the text.

2) Find the meaning of the new words in the dictionary.

3) Pronounce them

Slide 5-6. Repeat the words.

Slide 7. Students read aloud and start their work: Groups begin reading the texts, peaking up key words and phrases, giving titles, explaining the main idea of each of them.

Group 1:

After reading sentences students give the key words of the text:

Student 1: "Senior citizens", "generation at the top", people of "golden age".

Student 2: The text shows how Americans call and treat elderly people.

Teacher: What is permitted and what should be dropped communicating with elderly people?

Students: elderly people but not old people

talented, skilled, helpful weak orhelpless

people whocangiveadvice,

who can support

Student 1: I guess they support their children more frequentlythan they are supported.

Student 2: I think they are highly respected in their country.

Teacher: Thank you. You are right. All is well done.

Group 2:

After reading the text students give us key phrases:

“people with disabilities” but not disabled people

a person who is deaf (lame, blind) deaf (lame, blind) man

Student 1: This extract makes us acquaintance with the term “people with disabilities” that shouldn't turn a person into “victim” or “sufferer” because there were and are a lot of famous people that could and can do great things.

Teacher: What is the main principle while communicating with such people?

Student 1: We should focus “on the person's individuality not his/her disability”. Never use the word “normal” as in contrast to these people.

Teacher: Fine. I see you've understood everything correctly. Students, listen to the third group.

Group 3:

After reading they choose key words:

“African American” but not “Negro”

Student 1: the last part of the text calls us to be rather careful about the words that we use speaking about minorities. No jokes or impolite behavior are permitted.

Teacher: What conclusion can be made? What does the text teach us?

Student 2: The text teaches us what is proper and what is impropercommunicating with the groups of people who are always under the stereotypes.

Teacher: Well, you have got the right idea.

This way we've come close to denoting the subject of our today's lesson. And I would like you to formulate it.

Student 1: I suggest we should call it: “The words we use to be correct.

Student 2: May be it is “Politically correct words”?

Teacher: You have caught it right. Let me help you a bit. Tell me please, if we speak about oral speech what other term can we use?

Student: I think it's the term verbal.

Teacher: Can you explain the word “verbal”?

Students 1: Verbal [latin. verbalis] it means oral, pronounced.

Slide 8

Students read: “Verbal political correctness”.

Teacher: Do you agree with this version?

Students: It depicts the subject of our research more accurately.

Teacher: Good. Now I'd like you to look at the “Basic Politeness Rules”

Slides 9-16

Students make acquaintance with the rules and perform dialogues.

Teacher: Comment the acting, please.

Student 1: The first conversation has ended with fight, the second — peacefully.

Teacher: Where the rude or indecent words used in the first case?

Student 1: No, they were not.

Teacher: But what was wrong then?

Student 2: All words were neutral. But the first boy ruined the rules of political correctness and it led to the conflict.

Teacher: Does every body agree it with?

Students: Surely, we do.

Teacher: And now I would like you to translate the phrase into English: “Если бы мальчик был полит корректен, то он выбрал бы иной тип общения”.

Student 3: If the boy had been politically correct, he would have chosen the other one way of communication

Teacher: Thank you very much. You've done it correctly.

Student 1: And how can you comment the rules of politeness speaking Russian?

Student 2: In my opinion the rules are just the same. Such words as “invalid”, “starik”, “starushka”, “prestarelyi” are to be forgotten.

Teacher: Excellent. You have done your best learning verbal political correctness.

Slide 17-25

Students try to make short stories and describe the elderly person, a man with disabilities, a young African American woman. They can use some words and phrases.

III этап (рефлексивно-оценочный)

Teacher: You have worked hard today, I understand that you are tired, but our last task is to draw a conclusion.

Student 1: If you want to be treated with respect — respect other people.

Student 2: Mutual respect does us good.

Student 3: To show the respect you should be politically correct.

Teacher: Let us look at the slide 26.

Students read the text.

Slide 27-28

Teacher: We've tried to put our logical chain up to the end. I think that today's lesson will help you in your future life. All of you worked hard. Thank you very much. I have highly appreciated your work and I am going to put you high marks.

Your home task is to study stereotypes of older people, people with disabilities ethnic groups in order to work out a project on the theme you've chosen.


  1. М.З. Биболетовой, Е.Е. Бабушис для 9 класса, Титул, 2008. С.170-171.
  2. М.З.Биболетовой, Е.Е.Бабушис для 10 класса, Титул, 2010. С.149.
  3. Лебедев О.Е. Компетентностный подход в образовании//Школьные технологии. -2004. - №5.-С.3-12.(http://www.orenipk.ru/seminar/lebedev.htm)
  4.  Иванов Д. Компетентности и компетентностный подход в современном образовании – Учебное издание Воспитание. Образование. Педагогика. Библиотечка “Первого сентября”. №6 (12). 2007.
  5. Виноградова Н.Ф. Модернизация начального образования и проблемы целеполагания / Доклады 4-й Всероссийской дистанционной августовской педагогической конференции "Обновление российской школы" (26 августа - 10 сентября 2002 г.). -http://www.eidos.ru/conf/