Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в начальных классах "We go to the Zoo"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Pupil 1: Hello, boys and girls, teachers and dear parents!

Pupil 2: Today we are going to speak about the animals.

Pupil 1:

Today on Sunday we go to the zoo
Today, today we go to the zoo,
There is a giraffe there, and a zebra too,
A bear, and a monkey, and a kangaroo,
А dog, and a cat, and an elephant too.

(Дети с игрушками в руках по одному  выходят на сцену) 

The pupils sing a song: «Ernie goes to the zoo» [Приложение 1]

Ernie feeds the elephants. He works in a zoo
He feeds the elephants every day. He’s got lot to do.
Ernie feeds the zebras. He works in a zoo .
He feeds the zebras and the elephants every day.
He’s got lot to do.

Pupil 1: What animals you can see at the zoo?

Pupil 3:

I am a dog, my name is Jack,
My fur is yellow and black.
I am a friend
Of all the animals at school,
And I am very-very cool!

Pupil 4:

Harry has a little dog, 
Such a funny fellow!
But his dog is made of wool
Painted white and yellow .

Pupil 1: Let’s sing a song about a dog.

Song: «Oh! Where has my little dog gone?» [Приложение 2]

Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his ears cut short and his tail cut long,
Oh where, oh where can he be?

Pupil 5:

I am a cat, my name is Jane
I go to school,
My bag is heavy,
And I’m so small and weak .
But I can read and write
Too quick!

Pupil 6:

I have a little Pussy cat,
And her coat is grey
She lives in my house
And never runs away
I love my cat, It’s warm and fat
My cat is grey, she likes to play.

Pupil 7: Let’s sing a song about a cat.

Song: «Pussy cat» [Приложение 3]

Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?
I’ve been up to London to visit the Queen.
Pussy cat, pussy cat, what did you there?
I frightened the little mouse under her chair.

Pupil 8:

My name is Mary, I am a mouse.
Do you know my cozy house?
I live at the zoo,
Sometimes in the kitchen,
I like to play with a silly grey kitten.

Pupil 9:

Bess is my name, I am a fox,
A cunning, clever, orange fox
My tail is long and very fluffy,
I like it, but sometimes I’m huffy.

Pupil 15:

My name is Nick, I am a cock,
My feather is my beautiful cloak.
I like to eat seeds,
I like to eat corn,
I like to sing my morning song
Please, sing about me!

Song: «Cock-a-doodle-doo» [Приложение 4]

My dame has lost her shoe,
My master’s lost his fiddling stick
And doesn’t know what to do,
And doesn’t know what to do.

Pupil 10:

I am an elephant, my name is Thomas.
I am big and I am strong
And my trunk is very long!
I came from Africa – you know,
I play the violin with a bow. 

Pupil 11:

My name is Billy, I am a bear,
About my figure I don’t care,
I like sweets, cakes and honey,
I like to climb up trees
And I look funny.
Please, sing about me!

Song: «The bear went over the mountain» [Приложение 5]

The bear went over the mountain, 3 t.
To see what he could see.  – 3 t.
The other side of the mountain, 3 t.
Was all that he could see!

Pupil 12:

I am a lion, my name is Leo
My paws are big and strong,
My tail is very long,
My mane is fine and trick,
And I am very big.

Pupil 1:

My name is Martin, I am a rabbit,
I’ve got a little «tasty» habit.
I like green grass, cabbage and carrots,
I like to listen to clever parrots!

Pupil 1: Let’s sing a song about a rabbit.

Song: «Llittle Peter Rabbit» [Приложение 6]

Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose, – 3 t.
And he flicked it till it flew away.

Pupil 13: I am a monkey.

 I’m new at the zoo, and my name is Mago.
I came here from Africa some weeks ago.

Pupil 14:

Two little monkeys were jumped on the bed.
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said:
“No more little monkeys jumped on the bed.»

Pupil 1: Let’s sing a song about a monkey.

Song: «Pop! Goes the weasel» [Приложение 7]

All around the cobbler’s bench
The monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey thought ‘twas all in fun.
Pop! Goes the weasel.

Pupil 2:

I saw, I saw a lion at the zoo.
I saw, I saw, I saw a baby tiger too.
I saw, I saw, I saw a grey big Kangaroo.
Isaw, I saw, I saw all animals at the zoo.
And now we are going home too.

(При исполнении следующей песни дети выполняют различные движения: плывут, бегут, прыгают, шагают ит. д.)

Song: [Приложение 8]

Can you swim like a fish? (плывут)
Can you run like a rabbit? (бегут)
Can you jump like a kangaroo? (прыгают)
He can, she can, you can, and I can too! (показывают в зал рукой и на себя)
Can you sing like a bird?
Can you walk like a cat? (шагают)
Can you climb like a monkey in the zoo? (карабкаются)
He can, she can, you can, they can,
And I can too!

Использованная литература:

1. Все песни, пронумерованные цифрой [1] взяты из учебника английского языка «Excellent 1», издательство «Pearson Longman», 2008 г (с. 51, 61).
2. Все песни пронумерованные цифрой 2 взяты из сборника песен:

  • «Песни для детей на английском языке». Книга 1. Nature – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2008.
  • «Песни для детей на английском языке». Книга 2. Аnimals/ – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2008.

3. Балк Е. А., Леменев М.М. Английский язык. Занимательный урок: Сб. доп. Материалов – М.: Изд-во НЦ ЭНАС, 2004.
4. Илюшкина А. В. Изучаем английский легко и весело – Спб.: Издательский Дом «Литера», 2008.
5. Каретникова А.А. Веселый английский в начальной и средней школе. Праздники, игры и занимательные задания. – Ярославль: Академия развития, 2010.