The world of animals

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: дальнейшее развитие языковых умений и навыков по всем основным видам речевой деятельности в формате ГИА. Урок ориентирован на адаптацию учащихся 6 класса к текстовым заданиям с учетом нового формата. Задания каждого этапа – аудирование, чтение, лексика и грамматика, говорение и письмо нацелены на развитие соответствующих языковых умений и навыков.

Оборудование и оформление: стенд “At the zoo” (творческие работы детей) газета с рисунками и описаниями животных, фотографии по теме “Мир животных”, использование программы “Microsoft Word”, лексико-грамматические упражнения на карточках.

Lesson plan

1. Introduction

Teacher – Good morning dear guests and students! We are glad to invite you to our unusual lesson! Why is it unusual? Do you know? Yes, you are not mistaken

Today we should speak, listen, read and write about favourite animals in our life. You will do tasks in the form of State exam. It’s the most important thing.

2. Pronunciation practice

T – The “music” of English pronunciation comes from its intonation and rhythm. This depends on the mixture of “strong” and “ weak” syllables in a sentence. Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm and intonation.

“Shadow reading”-pupils reading aloud with the teacher. (Текст появляется на экране монитора.)

Have you, have you a monkey
Have you, have you a monkey
A monkey and a dog?
Have you, have you a lion
Have you, have you a lion,
A lion and a cat?

3. Warm up

Pupils answer the following questions:

  1. Have you got a pet?
  2. Is it a cat or a dog?
  3. Which is cleverer, a cat or a dog?
  4. Which is stronger, a lion or a cat?
  5. Which is funnier, a monkey or a squirrel?

Teacher: Do people keep wild animals at home?

P – It’s impossible, but I wish I had a monkey.

T – Where can we see wild animals?

P – We can see them at the zoo.

T – You are right. Zoo is a large place where many types of wild animals are kept, usually in cages. So people can see them. What animals can we see at the zoo?

P1 – We can see tigers, camels, monkeys.

P2 – We can see leopards, penguins, foxes.

(Pupils answer these questions looking at the table)

T – Can you think of different idioms involving animal?


idiom meaning
To monkey around to behave in a silly way.
To be like a bear with a sore head to be in a bad mood.
To fox to confuse you and be impossible for you to understand

4. Listening

Понимание запрашиваемой информации (верно/неверно)

Прочитайте утверждения. Предположите, какие утверждения могут соответствовать содержанию текста, какие не будут соответствовать. Послушайте текст, чтобы понять основную мысль и услышать ключевые слова. Прослушайте текст еще раз. Определите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту, какие не соответствуют. Если затрудняетесь с ответом, используйте догадку.

    true false
1 I live in Moscow    
2 I went to the Zoo last Saturday    
3 First we went to the tigers    
4 Monkey had a baby    
5 People like tigers very much    
6 Camel was an animal with one hump    
7 It was boring to feed the squirrels    
8 I would like to have a squirrel    

T – Сейчас вы прослушаете рассказ. Постарайтесь понять содержание рассказа.

At the Zoo” и выполнить задание. Верно (true)или неверно (false)

Запишите ответы в таблицу

I live in Moscow. I like to go to the zoo because I live not far from it Last Sunday my parents and I went to the Zoo First we went to the bears I fed them and talked to them a bit. Then we went up to the tiger’s house, where we saw two tigers.

Not very many people like tigers. So there weren’t many people there. Then we went on to have a look at the monkeys. She had a baby monkey at that moment and we had a lot of time talking to him. The monkeys were funny and played tricks. Then we went to the camel. It was a large animal with a long neck and one hump on its back.

Last of all we fed the squirrels. It was fun! I would like to have a squirrel

Squirrel is a red-brown animal with a long thick tail

Teacher – That’s the end of the listening test.

T – complete the task, check your answers, please in 20 seconds you’ll see them on the board. Now compare them to mine.

Key – 1 – true, 2 – false, 3 – false, 4 – true, 5 – false, 6 – true,7 – false , 8 – true.

5. Reading

Общее понимание прочитанного текста – (соотнесение заголовков и абзацев)

Сейчас вы прочитаете тексты (1–6) с описанием знакомого вам животного. Ваша задача – узнать, о каком животном идет речь, и подобрать подходящее название (a, b, c, d, e, f). При этом одно заглавие лишнее. Читайте внимательно и установите соответствия.

a) tiger
b) camel
c) monkey
d) elephant
e) bear
f) fox

  1. It’s a wild animal, similar to a small dog with red-brown fur, a pointed face and a thick tail.
  2. It’s an animal with a long tail that climbs trees and uses its hands as people do.
  3. It’s a large animal with a long neck and one or two humps on its back. It is often used in deserts for carrying people.
  4. It’s a very large wild animal that lives in Africa and Asia. It has thick grey skin and a very long nose called a trunk.
  5. It’s a large Asian wild animal that has yellowish fur with black lines. It is a member of the cat family.

Напишите свои ответы в таблицу

1 2 3 4 5

Key – 1-f, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d, 5-a.

Для проверки учащиеся читают по цепочке, сверяя свои ответы.

6. Moving activities

T– It’s time to stand up and sing an action song

While singing the chorus, all bend and stretch
in any way they like. During the verses,
the children can pretend to be different animals,
doing all the actions indicated in the words.

Be a giraffe, be a giraffe
Stretch up tall just like a giraffe.
Be a giraffe, be a giraffe
Stretch up tall just like a giraffe.

Be a mouse, be a mouse
Curl up small just like a mouse.
Be a mouse, be a mouse
Curl up small just like a mouse.

Be a tiger, be a tiger
Jump up high just like a tiger.
Be a tiger, be a tiger
Jump up high just like a tiger.

Teacher: Good for you! Are you as good at your grammar as moving activities? Let us see it.

7. Grammar and Vocabulary

Teacher: Read the text “ A crocodile and a monkey” Change the lexical and grammatical form of the word written in the right hand column so that it fits the gap in the text.

If you have any questions, raise your hand (in order to show that you want to speak)

Once an ugly crocodile saw a monkey. The monkey was like a bear with a sore head .He wanted to eat (1)____ But the monkey (2)_____very clever. She thought, “I’ll try to make friends with this crocodile”. She began to make funny faces and to play tricks. The crocodile looked at the monkey and laughed. He said, “You are (3)______ than all the monkeys in our forest”. He forgot about (4)______wish to eat the monkey. So, they (5)_____friends and played together. she





Занесите ответы в таблицу

1 2 3 4 5

Key – her, was, the funniest, his, became.

Teacher – Well, let’s exchange the papers with your neighbors. Compare your choices with other students Check them up with the help of the correct words and figures on the board and give me the results, please.

Учащиеся обмениваются работами для взаимопроверки и отмечают ошибки на полях. Учитель просит вернуть работы их авторам и подводит итоги работы.

8. Speaking (dialogue)

Teacher-Let’s play the game “Guess the animal”. One pupil will go to the blackboard and think of the wild animal. You will ask the questions and try to guess it. If you guess the word, you will go to the blackboard and think of another word.


Wild animal Where it lives Favourite food How it looks How it behaves
Tiger, zebra,
camel, giraffe,
monkey, lion,
elephant, bear
fox, crocodile.
other animals
White, red, funny,tall, large, fat, angry, strong, clever, curious,unusual Run,jump, climb, fly, hop, swim, walk.

– Interview your partner and find out:

Does it live in the desert?
What colour is this animal?
Does it monkey around?
Can it fly?
Can it run?
I can guess, it’s a……
It’s fun to play the game!


Вопросы к тексту и ответы учащихся создают базу для следующего задания – монологического высказывания по теме.

После проведения игры “Угадай животное”, и, используя уже знакомую таблицу, учитель организует активизацию навыков монологической речи по теме “Мир животных. Ученики рассказывают о выбранном животном, используя ключевые предложения и выбранные картинки животных

T – And now boys and girls I want you to tell us about the animals in your life. You may use the table

Say a few words about the animal you choose.

Remember to say:

If you visited the zoo
What is the most unusual animal?
Your favourite animal

9. Summarizing


Teacher – You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mary

We’ve spoken a lot about wild animals in our life. . I want you to look through the list of vocabulary on this topic and write a letter

Your homework is to write a personal letter I am sure you‘ll write a very interesting letter about your visit to the zoo.


Прочитайте письмо от друга по переписке и напишите дома ответ по образцу. Помните о правилах написания писем.

Dear pen-friend,
I like writing about animals. There is a large Zoo in Moscow. I often go there because I like feeding and watching wild animals.

Last week we went to the Zoo. I saw a lot of wild animals there, but my favourite was the giraffe. It could eat leaves from a high tree. His head was five metros above the ground.

Is there a Zoo in your city? Do you often visit it? What is your favourite animal?

Best wishes,

The conclusion of the lesson

Отвечая на вопрос, ученики перечисляют, что нового они узнали и сделали на уроке.

Teacher – Thank you for all your hard work at the lesson

Your marks are excellent. A lot of questions about animals were answered Your speaking and reading skills are good. Day by day your knowledge will grow. To provide an adventure for better skills I will work too I’m glad to teach talented and bright pupils.

The bell has gone
Good-bye, everybody.
See you on Monday.


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  4. Game-songs – Пой и играй – Сборник песен для начальной школы. Обнинск: Титул 2001.
  5. Использование Интернет-ресурсов: фото.