Проектные работы на тему "Saint Valentine's Day". 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 9

Презентация к уроку

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Форма урока: презентация и защита проектов.

Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний.

Цели урока: развитие коммуникативной и социокультурной компетенции учащихся, совершенствование речевых лексических навыков по теме: «Saint Valentine’s Day».

Задачи урока:

  • Образовательные: углубить знания учащихся об особенностях традиций празднования Дня Святого Валентина.
  • Познавательные: развить социокультурную компетенцию; активизировать лексику в монологической речи; развить навыки поисковой работы в Интернете.
  • Развивающие: развить навыки говорения и понимания речи на слух; развить способность выражать собственное мнение; развить память, мышление, воображение, языковую догадку; развить умение работать в группе.
  • Воспитательные: формировать у учащихся познавательный интерес и уважение к традициям; расширить кругозор учащихся; воспитывать умение внимательно слышать и слушать.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент (приветствие, сообщение цели урока)

(На экране написана тема урока: Saint Valentine's Day).

Teacher: Good morning, children! Glad to see you! I hope everything is OK. Let’s start our lesson. Today we’ll talk about Saint Valentine’s Day which is one of the most favourite holidays especially among young people. You’ll present your projects and do a test.

II. Речевая разминка в виде коммуникативной ситуации.

Teacher: Now, let's remember what you know about Saint Valentine’s Day. Answer my questions, please.

Teacher: Valentine’s Day is one of the most favorite holidays not only in the UK and in the USA, but also in Russia, isn’t it?

Pupil 1: Yes, it is.

Teacher: When is Saint Valentine’s Day celebrated?

Pupil 2: Saint Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14.

Teacher: What do people send to their lovers and friends on St. Valentine’s Day?

Pupil 3: People send valentines to their lovers and friends.

Teacher: What flower is one of the symbols of this holiday?

Pupil4: A red rose is one of the symbols of this holiday.

Teacher: What presents are the most popular on St. Valentine’s Day?

Pupil 5: Sweets, roses or other flowers, jewellery are the most popular presents on St.Valentine’s Day.

III. Формирование умения работать с источником информации, делать выводы.

(На экране девиз урока: Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none).

Teacher: Look at the screen, please. You see the motto of our lesson. The motto of our lesson is

William Shakespeare’s famous quotation: Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

I’d like you to translate these words into Russian. What do you think about this quotation?

Pupil 1: I could translate it into Russian like that: Люби всех, доверяй немногим, не делай вреда никому. This quotation is very true. It would be very well if people followed this quotation in their actions and then the life on Earth would be easier and happier.

Pupil 2: In my opinion it’s very important to be able to love people, understand them and be kinder to each other.

Teacher: Thank you, children. I agree with you. Let’s go on. Look at the screen and read the other famous sayings about love. (All ages bow to love. One cannot love and be wise. Love is blind). Your task is to give Russian equivalents to them and say if you agree with them or not. Explain why you think so.

Pupil 3: I think the saying All ages bow to love corresponds to the Russian saying: Любви все возрасты покорны. Of course, I agree with this saying, because in reality people of different ages fall in love with each other, they can love and be loved.

Pupil 4: It seems to me that the saying One cannot love and be wise is identical to Russian saying: Любовь зла, полюбишь и козла. Unfortunately, there are cases when people fall in love without reasons. They can love somebody who does a lot of bad actions and they even don’t pay attention to them.

Pupil 5: The saying: Love is blind is like the previous one and it’s translated into Russian as Любовь слепа. I am sure that the person who loves sees in your partner only positive points though it can be only at the beginning of their relations. So I can say that I agree with this saying, but only partly because sooner or later love won’t be blind and everything will be clear.

IV. Представление проектных работ учащихся о происхождении праздника и его символах.

Перед представлением проектных работ, ученики получают карточки с заданием на контроль понимания прослушанного. Ученики заполняют карточки в процессе прослушивания. Проверка контроля осуществляется после представлений всех проектных работ. Ученики зачитывают правильные ответы (Pupil's card – см. Приложение или пункт 5).Ученики представляют свои проектные работы, используя нужные страницы одной общей презентации (см. Презентацию).

Teacher: Let’s remember why we celebrate this holiday.

Pupil 1: There is a beautiful legend behind St Valentine’s Day. Saint Valentine lived in Rome in the third century AD. At that time the Emperor of Rome was Claudius who thought that single men were better soldiers than married, so he passed a law which banned marriage.

Valentine was a Christian priest who didn’t like the new law. He secretly married people who were in love. One night the Emperor’s soldiers caught him and put him in prison.

Many people were sorry for Valentine and visited him in prison. One of them was a daughter of a prison guard. On the day of his execution Valentine wrote a note to her and signed it “Love from your Valentine”. This was on 14 February 269 AD.

Since then 14 February has been the Day of Love, when people send love letters and presents to each other. They don’t sign the cards with their names, but write “Guess who” or “Your Valentine”.

At first this was a European tradition, but then it became popular in other countries. It came to Russia too, but a lot of people say, “If you love somebody, you should show it every day, not only one day a year”.

Teacher: Let’s talk about Valentine's Day symbols. I hope you know some of them. What are they?

Pupils: Roses, hearts, Cupid, lovebirds and doves, love knots, laces and others.

Teacher: Yes, they are the most popular symbols of Valentine’s Day. Each of these symbols has an interesting story. Today we’ll listen to the stories about them. The first story is about red rose.

Pupil 2:

Valentine's Day roses

Rose is one of the most popular flower and one of the most powerful symbols of Valentine's Day. For romantic people the lovely rose stands for beauty, passion and love.

There is an interesting story behind the legend of Valentine's Day Rose. It is said that once a beautiful maiden by the name of Rodanthe was pursued by a number of impassioned suitors. In their desperate pursuit the lovers broke the doors of Rodanthe's house. This enraged goddess Diana. She turned Rodanthe into a flower and her suitors into thorns.

New words:

  • to pursue – преследовать;
  • impassioned suitors – страстные поклонники;
  • to enrage – приводить в ярость;
  • thorns – шипы;

Pupil 3:

Everyone needs to be careful while presenting roses to someone because there are different meanings for different colors of roses, for example:

  • red roses mean love and passion;
  • yellow roses mean friendship and domestic happiness;
  • white roses symbolize unity, sincerity, loyalty, purity and love, so they are usually for brides;
  • pale pink roses mean gentleness, grace, happiness, but deep hue symbolizes appreciation and gratitude;
  • a mixture of pink and red roses signifies a romantic relationship;
  • mixing different colors together in one bouquet is an excellent way to convey a mixture of emotions when one sentiment is not enough;
  • green roses symbolize growth, life and also relaxation and tranquility

New words:

  • unity – единство;
  • sincerity – искренность;
  • loyalty – верность;
  • purity – чистота;
  • a bride – невеста;
  • gentleness – мягкость;
  • grace – изящество;
  • hue – оттенок, тон
  • appreciation – высокая оценка;
  • gratitude – признательность;
  • to signify – обозначать;
  • to convey – передать;
  • sentiment – чувство;
  • tranquility – спокойствие.

Pupil 4:

Valentine's Day hearts

Red heart pierced by the Cupid's arrow is a traditional symbol of Valentine's Day. Heart symbolizes love and giving someone a heart means to hand over one's existence to someone. A heart pierced by a Cupid's arrow means that when someone presents a heart, the person takes the risk of being rejected and feeling hurt. Piercing arrow therefore symbolizes death and vulnerability of love. Some people also believe that the heart and arrow symbolizes the uniting of male and a female.

Around 12th сentury people were not aware the function of heart was to circulate blood inside the human body. What they knew was that heart begins to beat faster when a person is upset or excited. They, therefore, derived that heart was the seat of emotions and feelings. Today, even though it has been scientifically proved that emotions come from the brain heart remains a powerful symbol of love and Valentine's Day.

The popular expression of 'Wearing one's heart on one's sleeve' comes from the tradition prevalent in America and Britain around 1800s. At that time, young men used to wear slips of paper pinned on their sleeves and had their girlfriend's name written on it.

New words:

  • to pierce – пронзать, протыкать;
  • to hand over – передавать;
  • to reject – отвергать, отклонять, отказываться;
  • vulnerability – уязвимость, ранимость;
  • aware – осведомлённый;
  • to derive – выводить, получать;
  • prevalent – распространённый;
  • slips of paper – полоски бумаги

Pupil 5:


Winged and mischievous little angel called Cupid is one of the very famous Valentine's Day Symbols.

The symbol traces its origin from the Roman mythology where Cupid has been described as the son of Venus – the Goddess of Love. It is believed that Cupid had a bow with arrows and anyone hit by Cupid's arrow did not die but fell in love. According to a myth, it was Cupid's mother Venus who used to send him on such errands.

In Greek mythology, Cupid is known by the name of Eros and as the son of Aphrodite – the Greek Goddess of Love. In Roman and Greek mythology Cupid is always shown as a youth with wings.

In Latin, however, the meaning of the word ‘Cupid' is desire. Latin mythology shows Cupid as a chubby, naked, winged boy or youth with a mischievous smile and as someone who made people fall in love.

In certain mythologies it is said that anyone shot with a Cupid's arrow falls in love with the first person he/she sees. It is also said that Cupid's arrow was invisible to his victims so that they would not be aware that they were shot until they fell in love.

New words:

  • mischievous – озорной, непослушный;
  • to trace – находить;
  • errands – поручения;
  • chubby – круглолицый, полнощёкий;

Pupil 6:

Lovebirds and doves

Lovebirds and doves are prominent Valentine's Day symbols. The symbol traces its origin from a belief in the olden times that birds found their mate on February 14.

About Lovebirds

It is said that blue colored lovebirds got their names because they sit closely to each other just like people who are in love do. People say that lovebirds can't think of their lives without their mates. Besides, it’s known that lovebirds like young lovers want to live in privacy. Nowadays, lovebirds that are depicted on Valentine's Day are tiny parrots in bright colors. This is because lovebirds are genetically from parrot family.

About Doves

A special characteristic of doves and pigeons is their extreme loyalty to their mates. Unlike most other animals that go from partner to partner, doves remain with one partner all through their life. That’s why doves are recognized as a symbol of love and loyalty on Valentine's Day.

According to a myth, Roman Goddess Venus considered dove as sacred because of its fidelity towards mate.

New words:

  • lovebirds – небольшие попугаи;
  • in privacy – в уединении;
  • doves (pigeons) – голуби
  • fidelity – верность, привязанность.

Pupil 7:

Love knots

Love knot is yet another symbol of Valentine's Day which traces its origin to early Arab traditions. Young Muslim women living in strict orthodox households used to express love to young men through secret messages woven through the knots of a carpet. Lovers read the messages by turning the knot around and around. The tradition of sending messages through the knots gave birth to the concept of love knots that exist even to this day.

New words:

  • weave (wove, weaved / woven, weaved) – ткать, плести;
  • woven – плетеный, сотканный, тканный.

Pupil 8:

Valentine’s Day lace

Laces and ribbons are a delicate Valentine's Day symbol. Their association with love and romance can be traced to ancient times. At that time when kings and knights went to battles their ladyloves presented laces to them.

There is yet another reason attributed to popularity of laces as Valentine's Day symbol. Hundreds of years ago ladies used to carry a lace handkerchief. If a lady accidentally dropped her hanky, courtesy demanded that the man standing near the lady picked up the handkerchief for her. Sometimes, ladies used to drop their handkerchiefs deliberately in front of the man they liked and wanted to meet. Lace therefore became a tool in the hands of ladies to encourage romance.

New words:

  • courtesy – учтивость, правила вежливости, этикет;
  • deliberately – преднамеренно, умышленно, нарочно.

V. Контроль понимания прослушанного.

(На усмотрение учителя можно провести устно или письменно, заранее раздав ученикам карточки с заданием).

Pupil’s card

Task Complete the sentences

  1. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on _____________________________________.
  2. On this day people ________________________________________________.
  3. The day got its name from __________________________________________.
  4. St Valentine went to prison because __________________________________.
  5. For romantic people the lovely rose stands for __________________________.
  6. According to the legend Goddess Diana turned a beautiful maiden Rodanthe into _____________ and her suitors into ____________.
  7. On the wedding day, the bridegroom usually presents his bride ____________ because they symbolize unity, sincerity, loyalty, purity and love.
  8. Though it has been scientifically proved that emotions come from the brain heart remains __________________________________________.
  9. According to the Roman mythology Cupid has a bow with arrows and anyone hit by Cupid's arrow did not die but ________________.
  10. Lovebirds and doves are the symbols of love and loyalty because __________________________________________________________________.
  11. The tradition of sending messages through the knots gave birth to the concept of ________________that exist even to this day.
  12. When kings and knights went to battles their ladyloves presented ____________ to them.

VI. Подведение итогов (выставление оценок и домашнее задание на дом).

Teacher: Our lesson is coming to the end. I would like to thank you for your preparation and activity at the lesson. Your marks are: …

At home, write, please, a composition “What is love?”

Используемая литература:

  1. Кауфман К., Кауфман М., учебник «Happy English.ru» 8 кл., – Обнинск: Титул, 2011. – 256с.;
  2. Кузмин С.С. «Русско-английский фразеологический словарь переводчика» – Флинта Наука, 2001 – 766 с.;
  3. www.squidoo.com/what-do-the-colors-of-roses-mean-#module152777473;
  4. www.stvalentinesday.org/valentines-day-symbols.html;
  5. images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=symbols%20of%20saint%20valentine%27s%20day &stype=image&lr=213&noreask=1