What is love?

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: сформировать представление о понятия "любовь" у современных подростков.

Задачи урока:

  • Учебные: активизировать употребление лексики по теме, совершенствовать речевые умения, навыки чтения.
  • Развивающие: развивать способность к умозаключению, развивать умение сравнивать, обобщать, анализировать, способствовать развитию творческой деятельности учащихся.
  • Воспитательные: формировать уважительное отношение к чувствам и эмоциям других людей.

Методический инструментарий

Методы Средства Формы



самостоятельная работа








Оснащение урока: проектор, интерактивная доска, компьютер, раздаточный материал (тетрадь на один урок), презентация

Описание технологий

Развитие критического мышления (РКМ),

Теория решения исследовательских задач (ТРИЗ)

Обучение умению анализировать (выделять главную мысль, сопоставлять полученную информацию с ранее известной), обобщать информацию. Три стадии процесса обучения: вызов, осмысление, рефлексия
Разноуровневое обучение Дифференцированные задания, дополнительные опоры для слабоуспевающих учеников
Информационно-коммуникационные технологии Демонстрационный показ слайдов
Здоровьесберегающие Нетрадиционные задания

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, my dear girls and boys. I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please. I hope that you're well and ready to work.

2. Вызов (загадка)

T: Look at the screen, please. In a couple minutes you'll have to answer the question What am I going to speak to you about?

Просмотр учащимися ролика о любви

P: You are going to speak about love.

T: Yes, you are absolutely right. Today we try to answer the question "What is Love?"

3. Мозговой штурм и составление на его основе ассоциограммы

T: Have you ever loved anybody?

P: Yes, of course.

T: Whom?

P: Maybe it's our secret.

T: OK. In my opinion love is a great feeling. Do you agree?

P: Yes

T: I want you to close your eyes and think about love. Whom or what are you thinking about?

Учащиеся выполняют задание на фоне спокойной расслабляющей музыки.

В результате работы составляем ассоциограмму

When I think about love I think about

  • my country
  • my boyfriend/girlfriend
  • my parents
  • myself
  • my family
  • my friends God

T: What first conclusion can you make?

P: When we speak about love we speak not only about our beloveds.

T: Thank you. There is an opinion that love is friendship plus sex. Personally I think that love is understanding, supporting and trust. What is love for you?

P1: I think love is passion

P2: I agree that love is friendship plus sex

P3: As for me love is tender

T: OK. What second conclusion can we make?

P: We connect love with our feelings and emotions

T: And what do we really know about love?

P1: Love is a chemical process

P2: Love is a biological process

P3: Love is a great feeling

T: I hope you'll find the answer in the text "What is Love?" But before we begin reading the text I want you to fill in the first column of your journal. Please, do exercise 1 in your Workbooks. You have one minute to do the task. (Приложение 2)

I know I've learnt

Учащиеся заполняют первую колонку бортового журнала, основываясь на имеющихся по теме знаниях и комментируют свои записи.


T: Children, in your books you see the text. (Workbook, ex.2). While reading it you have to do some notes. I want you to write:

"+" if you see something new for yourself

"-" if you don't know anything about this fact

"?" if you don't understand why/how

"V" if you have already known about it. Then we'll discuss the text.

Учащиеся читают текст, делая пометки на полях.

В это время звучит тихая романтичная музыка.

T: I'd like to hear your opinions.

P1: It is really new for me that excitement is created by adrenaline. When stimulated, the adrenal glands also produce a hormone called cortisone, whose side-effects include feelings of great happiness.

P2: I didn't know that we can give unspoken messages about ourselves every day from the day walk, talk and hold ourselves. I mean our facial expressions, movements, tone of voice, accent and so on.

P3: It's interesting to learn that adrenaline enlarge our pupils. Having large pupils also means that we are more appealing to others.

P4: Frankly speaking I don't understand how people who don't know each other can choose partners who are similar background, social class and upbringing.

P5: As for me I've already known that people are often attracted to others who have a lot in common with them.

P6: It's surprisingly but our facial expression has a big influence on our choice of partner too. People have long-lasting relationship with a similar level of attractiveness.

T: Thank you for your opinions. Now you see seven sentences in front of you. Your task is to complete them (Workbook, ex.3)

T: Are you ready? Let's check our answers. Look at the board, please.

Учащиеся проверяют правильность выполнения заданий, сравнивая собственные ответы с ответами на доске.

T: What conclusion can you make now?

P: I may suggest that many of us are at least a little bit "in love" most of the time.


T: I think you've just learnt a lot of interesting information. As you see I divided you in two groups. The members of the first group I'd like to ask to make up a cluster and the members of the second group to make up a cinquain. Then the members of the first group will have to tell us about love according to the cinquain, and the members of the second group according to the cluster.

Учащиеся выполняют групповые работы по выполнению синквейна и кластера.

T: Let's have a look at your cinquain


  • tender great
  • transforms people inspires makes stronger
  • Love makes us to take care of other people
  • Passion of our life

T: What cluster have you made up?


  • Symptoms of love
  • Biological aspect
  • Experiments of researchers
  • Psychological aspect

T: Thank you for your work. Let's listen to your stories.

Group2: Love is remarkably common. When we are in love we feel butterflies in our tummies, rapid pulse rate and legs turning to jelly. Love is an excitement which is created by adrenaline. It enlarges our pupils and we become more appealing to others. We are often attracted to others who have a lot in common with us giving unspoken messages. We choose partners who are similar background, social class and upbringing. Facial expression has a big influence on our choice of partners too. People have long-lasting relationship with a similar level of attractiveness. Aside of our ability to rate others, each of us carries a rough estimate in our heads of how attractiveness facially might be. We realize that if we approach someone who is much better-looking than we are, we run risk of being rejected. But nevertheless, one thing is clear: nature has made the whole thing as wonderful and addictive as possible.

Group 1: We think that love is a great tender feeling. It transforms people, inspires and makes them stronger. Love makes us to take care about other people. It's passion of all our life.

T: Brilliant. I have nothing to add. There is only one task we have to do. Open your journals again, think a little and write down what you've learnt about love.

Учащиеся заполняют вторую колонку бортового журнала (Workbook, ex.1).

Подведение итогов урока

T: Dear boys and girls, you have done your work well. I hope we continue our discussion during next lesson. And I offer you to write a composition "People I really love and respect". Your marks are : Thank you for the lesson. I wish you to love and to be loved.

Просмотр слайдов (музыкальное оформление George Benson "You Are The Love of My Life")