The most popular holidays and traditions in Britain and Russia ("Самые популярные праздники и традиции в Британии и России")

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тема урока: The most popular holidays and traditions in Britain and Russia.
Цель урока: Обобщить полученные знания о самых любимых праздниках России и Британии. Провести презентацию мини-проектов учащихся о праздниках.
Основные задачи: Расширить знания по страноведению. Активизировать изученную лексику в устной речи. Совершенствовать речевые навыки, умения понимать речь на слух, развивать творческую деятельность и самостоятельность учащихся. Воспитывать уважение к традициям другой страны и эстетический вкус.
Оснащение: Флаги России и Британии, портрет Р.Бернса, стенгазета о праздниках, мультимедийная установка с аудиокассетой, распечатки песни.

Ход урока

1. Вступление: Good morning to everybody. Dear children and guests. We are glad to see you at our lesson. Today we are going to speak about the most favourite holidays in Britain and in Russia.

We`ll listen to mini-projects of our pupils, play and listen to the songs.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.Read these words please (На доске слова)





Presents = gifts




The first foot-первая стопа





The New Year


St. Valentine`s Day

Women`s day

Victory day

Defender of Fatherland Day

Knowledge Day



3. Речевая зарядка.

Name religious holidays please.

Name the public holidays.

What holidays do we celebrate in our country.

What do we celebrate on the 1 of September.

You like the New Year most of all, don`t you?

In February we celebrate St. Valentine`s day, don`t we?

Now listen to the dialogue and answer the question?

What is Sergey`s favourite holiday? Why does he like it.

4. Исценирование диалога.


5. Презентация проекта о Новом годе.

(Now listen to the project about the New Year in Russia and in Britain

(Просмотр и слушание минипроекта через мультимедиа)

Answer the questions.

What does the first foot mean?

Who brings luck and happiness, man or woman?

What are the main symbols of the New Year?

6. When the clock strikes 12 o'clock on the 31 December in Britain the people go to Trafalgar Square, where is the decorated fur tree.

They join their hands and sing a popular song "Auld land Syne"

The author of this song was Robert Burns the outstanding Scottish poet.

Let`s listen to this song, please.(звучит песня "Auld land Syne")

What is this song about? How do you think?

The famous Russian poet Marshak translated this song in Russian. Рlease read this translation.(лист с переводом)

7. What holiday do British celebrate on the 25`th of December?

Will you listen to the project about it. (мини - проект о Рождестве)

The children in Great Britain and Germany like singing a very popular song about Christmas tree.

Will you sing this song all together (Все поют песню Christmas tree)

What is Christmas connected with? (candles, pudding, crackers)

A coin is placed traditionally into the pudding, isn`t it?

What brings a coin?

The British decorate their homes with hollies, don`t they?

What religious holidays do we celebrate in spring? (Easter and Shrovetide)

8. Will you listen to the story about them. (слушание и просмотр мини-проекта)

What is the Shrovetide connected with?

What is the symbol of Easter?

The children like an egg rolling game at Easter. Will you play this game (2 ученика соревнуются)

Отгадывание фраз.

What is in this picture written.

Please guess a code.


9. Подведение итогов.

I hope. You have learned today a lot interesting information about British and Russian traditions and holidays. You have worked well and actively. I thank you very much. I am satisfied and pleased with your work and I would like to make my little surprise for you (раздаю всем шоколадные батончики).
