Урок английского языка с применением ТРКМ "Is it easy to be young?"

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Презентация к уроку

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Тип урока: обобщающий урок

Форма урока: дискуссия

Методы и приёмы, применяемые на уроке: “Ромашка Блюма”, “Толстые” и “тонкие” вопросы”, “Fishbone”; Cinqwayns, the Six Thinking Hats (Caps).

Цель урока: систематизировать и обобщить материал по теме на материале текстов для чтения и их анализа с применением приёмов и методов, способствующих развитию критического мышления.

Задачи урока:

  • повторить материал по теме;
  • развивать интеллектуальные и творческие способности учащихся;
  • развивать навыки чтения с различными стратегиями и анализа текста;
  • учить высказывать своё мнение;
  • развивать навыки подготовленной и неподготовленной речи (индивидуально и в группе);
  • учить работать в группе и уважительно относиться к мнению каждого.

Оборудование: экран, проектор, раздаточный материал, таблица “Language support”, плакат “Fishbone” для проведения анализа текста, презентация урока.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

2. Мотивация.

No men, no problems.

How do you understand this proverb?

It’s really so many teens’ problems. Like any citizen in Russia every teenager has not only rights but duties. Of course, there are different kinds of problems. What are they? (dealing with friends, parents, teachers at school, classmates, dating, joining the army, getting a job, having not enough money, watching violent films, dieting and even being young) Let’s discuss some of them!

3. Работа с текстом

  • Let’s read the poem written by Gary Sharpe, a boy of 15.

Who is his friend? Find the sentence that helps you to make a guess. (guessing meaning by synonyms/ definition, using the dictionary)

My friend and I go out together,
We watch the football despite the weather.
We shout and cheer and both agree
That Tottenham are the best to see.

(even if the weather is bad)
I feel my friend is getting old,
He’s fat and bald and feels the cold,
And when he dances it’s such a giggle
His feet don’t move but he gives a wiggle

(has no hair on his head)
(it’s fun)
(извивается, вертится)
I don’t like his taste in clothes,
He’s hardly with it as fashion goes.
But somehow I feel he is my mate,
In fact I think my friend is great.

(не следит за модой)
The time has come for me to admit,
That my friend to me is quite a hit.
I wouldn’t swap him for any other –
Apart from which he’s married to my Mother.
(to agree that it’s true)
(I’m lucky he’s my friend)
(не поменял бы)
(не говоря уже о том ….)
  • Why does Gary have his father as a friend?

Support your opinion with sentences from the poem. (understanding cause – effect relations stated in the text) Why is Dad friends with his son? (understanding cause – effect relations which are not stated in the text)

  • What about you? Do you have any problems with your friends?

What does it mean to be good friends? Don’t mistake, you’ll have as positive as negative meanings of the words. What are the causes? (Parents don’t understand their son. John disobeys)

4. Dear children! There are envelopes on your desks.

They contain the tasks for you.

  • Read the poem!
  • Understand it!
  • Be ready to do some exercises!

Well my parents are fine, I can’t complain,
But there are things that they’ll have to explain.
They can’t stand my music, my clothes and my mates,
And they nag me for days if I come home late.

But when I say that I’ve grown up and need my space,
They don’t listen. They just make a clever face.
They control me no matter how much I object.
They don’t understand a thing about respect.

My parents are choosing who I should be,
But why don’t they leave the decision to me?
They never forget to say what they expect,
But what about friendship, trust and respect?

And then they talk about my future and success,
I don’t listen because I couldn’t care less.
I upset them because I always disobey,
But I hope they will be proud of me one day.

I’m quite cool, my parents shouldn’t complain,
But there are things that I’ll have to explain.
I get on their nerves and I drive them mad,
So now is the time to say sorry for that.

 Answer the questions!

  1. What problems does John have with his parents?
  2. What is John fed up with?
  3. What problems do John’s parents have with him?
  4. Does John understand his own faults?
  5. What things does John say are the most important in his relationship with his parents?

Tick all the problems that John mentions!

1) Parents make their children do chores.

2) They nag their children.

3) Parents don’t give their children any pocket money.

4) Dads and Mums control their children.

5) Parents don’t understand their children.

6) They don’t respect their children.

7) Parents don’t trust their children.

8) They check that their children have done their homework.

9) Mothers and fathers don’t let their children decide who they should be.

10) Parents hate their children’s boy/girlfriends.

11) Parents don’t like their children’s music.

12) They don’t pay attention to their children.

13) Parents punish their children for everything.

Let’s check up your answers!

5. Работа с иллюстрациями

What are John and his parents in the picture saying to each other? Match the phrases!


  1. You are driving me mad!
  2. I’d like you to go to university when you finish school!
  3. Why you locked the door again?
  4. This music is getting on my nerves.
  5. Have you done all your chores?


  1. Can’t I decide for myself?
  2. Please don’t nag me, Mum.
  3. Will you give me some pocket money this week?
  4. But we need to have some fun!
  5. Leave me alone! I need my space.

6. How can they solve their problem?

(- They should make friends.

- They should respect and trust.

- They should explain everything.

- They should communicate with each other.

- They should say sorry for everything.)

Do you consider John likes his parents?

Give the examples from the poem!

(- My parents are fine.)

Do you think everything will be fine?

Find the sentence which says about it!

(But I hope they will be proud of me one day.)

7. Анализ текста с использованием метода “Fishbone”

Do you want to help John make friends with his parents?

To help them we should play a game. It’s called “Fishbone”.

There is a fishbone on the blackboard. Answer the questions and write!

What is the problem? (John and his parents aren’t friends.)

What are the causes? (Parents don’t understand their son. John always disobeys.)

What are the facts? (Parents: They can’t stand his music, clothes, mates. They nag and control him. They don’t understand a thing about respect.

John: He comes home late. He objects. He upsets them. He gets on their nerves. He drives them mad.)

8. Do you have problems with your parents?

9. Let’s play “The six thinking hats (caps)”! Look at the screen!

Take a colored cap you like best of all. Be ready to give your opinion.

10. Make up cinqwayns!

  • A general word (a noun);
  • Two adjectives, which describe this word;
  • Three verbs on the topic;
  • The main idea (3 or 4 words);
  • A synonym of the general word.

For example:


The best, reliable

Trust, help, care

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

(Pan) pal, (class) mate, comrade, girl (boy) friend.

11. Рефлексия.

Is it easy to be young? Why? Why not?

12. Подведение итогов урока.