Урок английского языка по теме "Любимое время года. Погода". 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4

Цели урока.

Развивать умения и навыки устной речи:

- учить понимать на слух диалог, построенный на знакомом языковом материале;

- учить рассказывать о временах года, погоде, занятиях детей;

- научить детей читать текст; построенный на знакомом языковом материале;

- повторить употребление в речи видовременной формы “Простое будущее время”.

Воспитывать интерес к иностранному языку как к средству общения, к многообразию средств английского языка.

Ход урока

Учитель: Good morning children. Sit down, please. Today we are going to speak about seasons, weather, different kinds of activity and sport. Our lesson consists of 4 parts.

  1. Seasons and months.
  2. Weather.
  3. Activities in any season.
  4. My favorite season.

1.  Let’s begin our lesson. Answer my questions, please.

1. What month is it now?

2. What is the date today?

3. What season is it now?

4. What seasons do you know?

5. Is it autumn or spring now?

6. Is it autumn?

7. What is the weather like today?

8. What color is autumn?

Now I want you to remember the song about seasons. (Spring is green…)

2. Let’s do some phonetic drills:

[t] – terrible, hot, melt, frost, autumn

[d] – dry, cold, cloud, cloudy

[s] – snow, sunny, spring, season, summer

[w] – weather, wet, windy, warm, winter

When the weather is wet
We must not fret
When the weather is cold
We must not scold but be thankful together
Whatever the weather

3. Try to guess what season it is:

This is the season
When children ski
And Grandfather Frost
Brings the New Year tree.

This is the season
When snowdrops bloom
When nobody likes
To stay in the room.

This is the season
When nights are short
And children have plenty
Of fun and sport.

This is the season
When fruit is sweet
This is the season
When school friends meet.

Let’s remember one more poem about seasons (стр. 9 “Enjoy English).

In winter it’s cold and snowy,
In summer it’s sunny and fine
In autumn it’s cloudy and rainy,
In spring I can jump up to the sky.

Each season has 3 months. Listen to the chant about months of the year (“Happy English.ru” К. Кауфман. стр.221)

What are winter months? К доске выходят дети и рассказывают стихи о зимних месяцах.

What are spring months? What are summer months? What are autumn months?

5. Now, the second part of the lesson.


Let’s watch some episodes on TV. People speak about the weather. Then you will discuss the weather forecast. (Видеокассета к учебнику М Биболетовой “Enjoy English” 5 класс. Смотрят и слушают диалоги о погоде. What weather does Jack like? Does he like rainy weather? Do you like rainy weather? Let’s say good buy to rainy weather.

Rain, rain go away
Come again another day
Little Tiny wants to play
On a sunny lovely day.

Look at these pictures and listen to me. Try to guess what season it is.(учащиеся слушают рассказ учителя о погоде в разных столицах мира и догадываются какое изображено время года.

Now you may try to speak about the weather in different countries. Open your textbooks on page 10. Read the dialogue. Act out the dialogue. (Учащиеся воспроизводят диалог.)

6. Физкультминутка.

7. The third part of the lesson

Activities and sports

Let’s make up sentences using these words and expressions.

We can make a snowman




ride a bike



play hockey

play badminton


watch TV

in winter




8. It is autumn now. We go to school, do homework, play football in good weather or play computer games in bad weather. Open your books write down the date and make up 3 sentences. The question is What will you do in winter( spring, summer)?

Let’s check up your task.

9. We have a guest at the lesson today. It is I-Don t Know, Незнайка.

Correct him, please.

I’ll play hockey in summer. - No, you won’t play hockey in summer.

I’ll swim in winter. – No, you won’t swim in winter.

Who wants to be Neznaika?

10. I have some pictures on my table. Take one and say what we can do in any season.

11. The last part of the lesson

What is your favourite season?

We have an exhibition of your works. You drew pictures and wrote about your favourite seasons. Ivan, take your work, show it to the pupils and guests and speak about your favorite season. (Спросить 4 человека)

12. My favorite seasons are spring and summer. I like green trees and beautiful flowers. Dear Queen Rose, come here, take your place and introduce your friends, spring and summer flowers. (Cценка “Meeting flowers”).

Thank you for acting. So, all seasons are beautiful. Each season is fun. But there is a thing that is good in any season. Do you know? It is school. School is good in any season, isn’t it?

13. Заключение. You worked hard today. You get excellent marks. Давайте вспомним, о чём мы говорили сегодня на уроке. Что понравилось больше всего? Что не понравилось? Mы повторили слова по теме “Seasons”, научились говорить о них, описывать их. Мы рассказывали о том, чем можно заниматься в любое время года. Мы вспомнили правила употребления будущего времени. The lesson is over. Good buy. You have no homework today.