What We Should Do To Keep Fit

Разделы: Начальная школа

Цель урока: систематизация и закрепление учебного материала по теме "Health and Body Care"

Задачи урока:

  • Учебная задача: совершенствование навыков чтения с целью извлечения конкретной информации; отработка навыков аудирования как средства развития диалогической и монологической речи; развитие навыков монологической речи учащихся; формирование лексических навыков; формирование орфографических навыков, употребление модального глагола should
  • Развивающая задача: развитие способностей к поиску конкретной информации и осуществлению продуктивной речевой деятельности, развитие умения рассуждать, логически мыслить
  • Воспитательная задача: воспитание ответственного отношения к собственному здоровью, пропаганда здорового образа жизни

Оборудование: цифровой лингафонный кабинет НОРД-Ц версия 3.2 (аудиозапись диалога), интерактивная доска SMART Board (презентация в программе SMART Notebook, иллюстрации по теме, игры); распечатки диалога и теста

Ход урока

I Организационный момент

1. Приветствие

Teacher: Hello. Glad to see you. Do you remember the proverb "Good health is above wealth" ? Let's have a look at the rules of healthy way of life that you've prepared at home.

Дежурный размещает на доске рисунки и карточки с правилами здорового образа жизни, подготовленные дома.

2. Oбъяснение целей урока

Teacher: Well done. We'll learn some more rules at the end of the lesson. Today we'll discuss what to do to keep fit, speak about fitness and diet, learn new words on the topic "Health and Body Care". We are going to practice modal verb should to give advice, play some games on Smart Board and at the end of the lesson we'll do a quiz in order to know how fit you are.

II Проверка домашнего задания

Teacher: Now let's read the dialog you've prepared at home (ex.18 page 225)

Ученики читают диалог по ролям и проверяют правильность выполнения упр.20 с.226

III Введение и активизация новой лексики

<Рисунок 1> Работа проводится на интерактивной доске.

Teacher: You can see some new words on the board. Repeat them after me, please.

leisure centre центр досуга/ спорт-центр
gym спортзал
equipment оборудование инвентарь
exercise machine тренажер
facilities возможности, условия
spa водолечебница
sauna сауна
massage массаж
beauty treatment косметологический сеанс
member член (клуба, центра)
membership членство (в клубе)

Teacher: Match each word to its translation, please.

<Рисунок 2 >Работа с интерактивной доской. Учитель убирает часть слов из таблицы, затем ученики подходят к доске и перетягивают слова в таблицу, соединяя слово и перевод, проговаривая слова по-английски.

IV Тренировка учащихся в аудировании

Teacher: Put on the headphones and listen to the conversation at the leisure centre.

Ученики слушают диалог в наушниках без опоры на текст.

Mrs. Petrova: Excuse me.

Trainer: Yes?

Mrs. Petrova: Can you tell me about the facilities here, please?

Trainer: Yes. We have three main areas here at the leisure centre. There's a heated pool.

Mrs. Petrova: What size is the pool?

Trainer: It's 25 metres long. We also have a gym.

Mrs. Petrova: What equipment does it have?

Trainer: There are twelve exercise machines. We also have a spa.

Mrs. Petrova: What's in there?

Trainer: I'll show you. This is the spa.

Mrs Petrova: Oh, it's very big.

Trainer: Yes, we have a sauna and a steam room. We also have two small pools: one hot, one cold. And we offer massages here and beauty treatments.

Mrs Petrova: It sounds wonderful. How much is it to join?

Trainer: It's 10 000 roubles for six month.

Mrs Petrova: What do you get for that?

Trainer: As a member, you can use all the facilities whenever you like: the gym, the swimming pool and the spa. We also offer a family membership for 20 000.

Mrs Petrova: Oh, that sounds just what we need. Yes, I'd like a family membership.

Teacher: Have you understood everything? Answer the questions, please.

How many areas are there at the leisure centre? (Three areas)

What are they? (They are a swimming pool, a gym and a spa)

Is the pool 25 or 50 metres long? (25 metres)

What do they have at the spa area? (A sauna, a steam room and two small pools)

Which membership did Mrs. Petrova choose? (a family membership)

V Тренировка навыков чтения и произношения

Teacher: Put on the headphones and read the dialog along with the tape.

Ученики получают распечатку диалога и в наушниках проговаривают его синхронно с аудиозаписью.

VI Тренировка в написании новых слов- игра на Smart Board

Teacher: I think you are a bit tired now. We need two teams to play a lexical game.

Игра проводится на SMART BOARD (игра Word Guess). Представители команд по очереди выходят к доске и собирают слово, выбирая нужную букву. За правильно выбранную букву засчитывается очко (Goals), за неправильную букву - штрафное очко (Misses). Кнопка Clue - перевод слова на русский язык. В конце игры определяют победившую команду.

< Рисунок 3>, < Рисунок 4>, < Рисунок 5>

VII Беседа о правильном питании

Teacher: Everybody knows about the pyramids in Egypt. Who knows about the food pyramid? Look at the board, please.

<Рисунок 6 >Ученики обсуждают представленную на слайде пищевую пирамиду.

Pupils: You should eat more whole grains and rice every day (5-7 servings per day).

You should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits of all colours (2 servings each per day).

You should eat meat, fish, eggs and drink milk (2-3 servings per day)

You shouldn't eat a lot of fats, oils, sugar and salt.

VIII Совершенствование навыков чтения с извлечением необходимой информации

Teacher: Now you know enough to read the text about the Petrovs. Pay attention to the new words and then read the following questions.

Новые слова и вопросы вначале прочитывают вслух.

  • give up- отказаться, бросить (привычку)
  • cut down - сокращать
  • plenty - of много, множество
  • carbohydrates - углеводы

1. What is Olga Petrova's job?

2. What three things can the Petrovs do at the leisure centre?

3. Why did Nikita Petrov give up carbohydrates?

4. What did their daughter Dasha give up?

5. Why are they all eating a lot of fruit and vegetables?

6. What should they all do to keep fit?

Teacher: Read the text and answer the questions in written form.

Дежурный раздает листы с вопросами и текстом об оздоровительной программе семьи Петровых. Ученики читают текст и дают письменные ответы на вопросы в тетради.

The Petrov Family Get Fit

Olga Petrova is a doctor. She often gives advice to her patients about what they should and shouldn't do to lead a healthier life. So one day Olga decided that her family should eat better and get more exercise. First, she bought a family membership for the leisure centre so that they could all go swimming, do exercise and use the spa. Then, she told her husband Nikita and her daughter Dasha that they should give up either carbohydrates or fat. Nikita decided to give up carbohydrates, because doesn't really like pasta or rice. Dasha decided to give up chocolate, sweets and cakes. Olga is cutting down on carbohydrates and fat. They all are eating a lot of fruit and vegetables to get plenty of vitamins. And, of course they all visit the leisure centre regularly.

IX Тренировка в диалогическом общении

Teacher: Work in pairs, answer the questions, please.

Ученики работают в парах, отвечая на вопросы.

Teacher: Let's discuss the text together. Who wants to answer the questions?

Ученики отвечают на вопросы.

X Даем советы

Teacher: Тренировка учащихся в употреблении модального глагола should/ shouldn't

Задание выполняется на SMART BOARD. Доска разделена на две колонки You should/ You shouldn't, советы уже написаны. Ученики выходят к доске, проговаривают совет вслух и помещают его в нужную колонку.

Teacher: What advice can you give to your friends and relatives?

You should: go in for sport, exercise every day, eat dairy products, eat different fruit and vegetables, drink only soft drinks, ride a bike, go on foot, have a healthy weight, walk up stairs, sleep enough, limit screen time, spend enough time outdoors

You shouldn't: drink alcohol, eat fast food, eat a lot of sweets, eat a lot of fried food, smoke, take the lift, go to bed late, spend hours playing on computer, spend the whole day indoors, do only sitting-down activities

< Рисунок 7>

XI Тест: "Как вы поддерживаете форму?"

Teacher: Now it's high time to answer the questions of the quiz to know how fit you are.

Ученики получают распечатки теста, дают ответы и подсчитывают баллы.

Quiz: How fit are you?

1. How careful are you about what you eat?

a) very careful

b) fairly careful

c) not very careful

d) not at all careful

2. How often do you have fatty food?

ф) hardly ever

b) twice a week

c) once a day

d) twice a day

3. How much exercise do you do?

ф) a lot

b) quite a lot

c) not very much

d) hardly ever

4. How many kilometers do you walk in a normal day?

а) or more

b) two

c) one

d) less than one

5. How often do you go swimming?

ф) every day

b) once a week

с) once a month

d) hardly ever

6. How much time a day do you spend in front of the screen (TV or computer)?

a) less than one hour

b)two hours

c) three hours

d) more than three hours

How did you score?

Look at your answers. Do you have more As, more Bs, more Cs, more Ds?

If you more As:

Congratulations! You are probably very fit and very slim, but shouldn't overdo things.

If you have more Bs:

Well done! You are probably fit and not overweight. You have a good balance between having fun and being sensible about fitness and diet.

If you have more Cs:

You should try harder. You shouldn't eat quiet so much, and you should get more exercise.

If you have more Ds:

You really should look after yourself better. You should eat more healthily and you should get more exercise.

XI Итоги урока

Teacher: Our lesson is coming to an end. Your work today was excellent. I hope now you understand more clearly that your health is the most precious thing you have. Your home task is to write an essay "My Family Get Fit".

Ученики записывают домашнее задание и оценки за урок в дневник

By Irina Syomina, School № 126, Saint-Petersburg


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