Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "The Guinness Show"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

The Guinness Show

(You may open the show with ballroom dancing to make it ceremonial)

Teacher: Hello, everybody! I am very glad to see all of you. I am also very grateful to our American guests and to students’ parents for coming here. I hope you will enjoy our show greatly today. A lot of celebrities are invited and they look forward to giving you prizes. Everyone has a good chance to win in any of our five competitions. Good luck to everyone! Please, meet my friends Polly and Mike. They will help me to hold our show.

Polly: Hello!

Mike: Hi!

Polly: Are you ready? I hope you are!

Mike: Our first record will be so called “The Brilliant Vocal Cords”. Any volunteers?

Polly: To be a great success in singing demands a lot of training. You know what I mean, our breath, of course.

Mike: Let me see whose vocal cords are the best. You should sing any note all in the same breath as long as possible!

The Competition “The Best Vocal Cords”

The assistants choose a winner.

They may ask him some questions such as: “Are you fond of singing? What is your favourite song?”

Polly and Mike give him a certificate of achievement and a souvenir to remember the show by.

Mike: And now Kate Simpson, a famous pop star, is going to appear. She was a winner of “The Brilliant Vocal Cords” last year. I love her charming voice!

Polly: Kate, you are welcome!

Kate Simpson sings an English Song.

Polly: Our next competition is for real gentlemen! We’ll choose the strongest person.

Mike: The record is called “The best in arm wrestling”.

Polly: Any volunteers? Can you please take your positions?

The participants are competing to music.

The Competition “The Best in Arm Wrestling”

The assistants choose a winner.

They may ask him some questions such as: “What sportsman do you admire? What makes you happy?”

Polly and Mike give him a certificate of achievement and a souvenir to remember the show by.

Polly: I believe everyone would welcome the opportunity to ask some questions to our handsome Bobby and his dancing group.

The dancing group is coming onto the stage.

The group is asked questions by the audience.

Mike: Thank you for answering our questions. I think it’s high time to enjoy your sports dancing.


Polly: And now we are waiting for the on-line interview with the descendants of Arthur Guinness and Hue Beaver. They will be pleased to answer your questions.

Possible questions: When was the first “The Guinness Record Book” published? Why is it still popular nowadays?

(You can make a video film about the origin of creating “The Guinness Record Book” beforehand)

Mike (to the descendants): Thank you very much for taking part in the show.

Mike (to the audience): Our dear guests would like to give a prize to our next winner.

The prize is fantastic. It is a week in New York.

Polly: Our next record is called “The tiniest hand”. Your little brothers and sisters can also take part in the competition.

The competition “The Tiniest Hand”

Mike: So, a winner is ..

One of the students’ fathers takes a winner in his hands and puts him/her on his shoulder and goes around the pointer “New York” 7 times as though imitating seven days of the week.(It would be better to do it to music. You can also make 7 posters writing on them days of the week and sights of New York)

Polly: So, our show is going on. And I would like to introduce a famous fashion queen Laura Shannon.

Mike: We are very lucky as now her models are demonstrating her new collection.

(Students usually do it with great pleasure)

Demonstration of the collection

The Fashion Queen Laura: Hello, my dear friends! I love you so much!

Polly: Our fourth competition is for ladies only! It is called “The longest hair.”

Mike: You are welcome!

The Competition “The Longest Hair”

The Fashion Queen is giving a prize to a winner.

(You may ask student’s parents to show their talents beforehand, for example they may play the piano or the guitar after that contest)

Mike: Can you imagine what the following competition is connected with? I can’t. And what about you, Polly?

Polly: Certainly, I know. The next record is “The Longest Step”. No doubt, it is for gentlemen only. Any volunteers to get a prize?

The Competition “The Longest Step”

The assistants choose a winner.

They may ask him some questions such as: “Are you fond of taking part in competitions? What is your favourite hobby?”

Polly and Mike give him a certificate of achievement and a souvenir to remember the show by.

The teacher invites the winners to come onto the stage.

Polly: Our dear winners! We are so proud of you! (fanfare)

Mike: Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for having taken part in our annual show! See you next year! Good luck to everyone!