Интегрированный урок английского языка и литературы. Тема: "Поэзия Серебряного века". 11-й класс

Разделы: Литература, Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 11

Презентация к уроку

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ЦЕЛЬ: совершенствовать навыки аудирования и обогащать словарный запас на материале темы “Серебряный век русской поэзии”



  • совершенствовать навыки аудирования
  • тренировать навыки выполнения заданий формата ЕГЭ
  • обогащать и активизировать словарный запас
  • совершенствовать произносительные навыки, познакомить с произношением некоторых фамилий русских поэтов, писателей и философов в английской транскрипции
  • осуществлять межпредметные связи, активизировать знания о поэзии Серебряного века, полученные на уроках литературы
  • совершенствовать навыки художественного перевода


  1. воспитывать трудолюбие и внимательность
  2. совершенствовать умение работать в команде
  3. воспитывать самостоятельность и активность


  • содействовать развитию мышления
  • способствовать укреплению благоприятного психологического климата в коллективе
  • совершенствовать навыки работы в группе
  • содействовать расширению кругозора
  • способствовать активизации творческих способностей
  • развивать художественный вкус


у учителя: 1. учебник “Opportunities Upper Intermediate Russian Edition” 2. книга для учителя к учебнику “Opportunities Upper Intermediate Russian Edition” 3. рабочая тетрадь к учебнику “Opportunities Upper Intermediate Russian Edition” 4. кассета № 3 к учебнику “Opportunities Upper Intermediate Russian Edition” 5. презентация, подготовленная к уроку (и оборудование для её демонстрации)

у учащихся: 1. учебник “Opportunities Upper Intermediate Russian Edition” 2. рабочая тетрадь к учебнику “Opportunities Upper Intermediate Russian Edition” 3. тетрадь 4. русско-английские словари (на группу)


Орг. момент: приветствие 0,5 мин
введение в тему урока 0,5 мин
Работа над темой:
работа по совершенствованию фонетических навыков 2 мин
сообщения учащихся об основных литературных направлениях 10 мин
работа по совершенствованию навыков аудирования 10 мин
работа по обогащению словарного запаса 8 мин
работа в группах над художественным переводом 10 мин
Итог урока:
итог урока 1 мин
рефлексия 1 мин
итог работы класса 0, 5 мин
анализ домашнего задания 1 мин
орг. конец урока 0,5 мин




T: Hello, everybody. I`m glad to see you. Take your seats, please, and let`s start our English lesson.


T: Today we`ll talk, listen, work with vocabulary and even practice translation, but let`s start with some pronunciation work.



T: Look at the blackboard, please, and read these words using their phonetic code.

On the blackboard: [b?`d^j?v], [so`lovjev], [`solog^b] `[b^lmont], [blok], [m^j^`kovski], [`klebnik?v], [se`veri?nin]

S: (read the surnames)

T: Let`s practice pronouncing these words (in a teacher-class format)

What do all these words have in common?

S: They are surnames of Russian poets and philosophers.

T: Absolutely correct. And now: what do you know about these people? I`d like each of you to make a sentence about one of them.

S: (at random)

T: Thanks. And now – who can guess the topic of our today`s lesson?

S: The Silver Age of Russian poetry

T: Absolutely right [slide 1], but could you explain what helped you guess?

S: All these poets and philosophers and poets worked during the Silver Age period.

T: But when exactly did this period start and finish?

S: It started in 1890s and finished in 19209s

T: [slide 1], Absolutely right.


T: And now lets`s talk a bit about the main movements of the period. What is the first one?

S: Symbolism

T: O.K. Who`d like to tell us about the Symbolists [slide 1]? Well, please, …

S1: …

T: Let`s have a look at an example poem: “The Girl was Singing in a Church Choir” by A. Blok. First in the original.

S2: …

T: And now in English

S3: …

T: Well, what is the next movement?

S: Akmeism

T: O.K. Who`d like to tell us about the Akmeists [slide 1]? Well, please, …

S4: …

T: Let`s have a look at an example poem: “The Song of the Final Meeting” by A. Akhmatova. First in the original.

S5: …

T: And now in English

S6: …

T: Thank you. Well, what is the next movement?

S: Futurism

T: O.K. Who`d like to tell us about the Futurists [slide 1]? Well, please, …

S7: …

T: Let`s have a look at an example poem: “A Spring Day” by I. Severianin. First in the original.

S8: …

T: And now in English

S9: …

T: Well, what is the next movement?

S: Constructivism

T: O.K. Who`d like to tell us about the Constructivists [slide 1]? Well, please,

S10: …

T: Well, what is the next movement?

S: Imaginism

T: O.K. Who`d like to tell us about the Imaginists [slide 1]? Well, please, …

S11: …

T: Let`s have a look at an example poem: “From still waters mist is rolling” by S. Esenin. First in the original.

S12: …

T: And now in English

S13: …

T: Thanks a lot for your interesting stories.


T: And now let`s practice listening. Please, open your Students` book at page 102-103 and have a look at ex.5. What kind of task have we got here?

S: We have to decide if the statements are true or false.

T: Absolutely correct. This is a State Exam task, so, please, look at your State Exam Sample paper sheets and be ready to complete A1 to A5 tasks after listening to the text.

But before we actually start listening, let’s try to predict the answers basing on our general knowledge. So, “The poets of the Silver Age followed classical poetic traditions” – yes or no?

S: …

T: [slide 2] Well, the next one: “The Symbolists were among the first innovators in poetry” – true or false?

T: [slide 2] O.K. “There were no arguments among the Symbolists” – right or wrong?

T: [slide 2] Well, the next: “The Imaginists looked for new forms in grammar and style – yes or no?

T: [slide 2] Fine. And the last one: “The Futurists used coined and invented words” – right or wrong?

T: O.K. And now, please, take your State Exam Sample paper sheet and complete A1 – A5 tasks accourding to the text. (listening and completing)

T: So, who would like to give us correct answers accourding to the text? Well, …, please.

S: A1 is 2 - false

T: does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 2]

S: A2 is 1 - true

T: does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 2]

S: A3 is 2 - false

T: does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 2]

S: A4 is 1 - true

T: does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 2]

S: A5 is 1 - true

T: does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 2]

T: Well done. And now let`s listen again and complete the missing information. Look at your State Exam Sample paper sheet and complete B1 – B9 tasks. [slide 3] (listening and completing)

T: Well, who`d like to answer? O.K., please, …

S: B1 is 1890s

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 3]

S: B2 is 1920s

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 3]

S: B3 is Constructivism, Akmeism, Imaginism

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 3]

S: B4 is Domino

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 3]

S: B5 is Tverskaya

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 3]

S: B6 is Moscow

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 3]

S: B7 is invented and derived

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 3]

S: B8 is Slavic

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 3]

S: B9 is time and space

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes [slide 3]

T: Well, thanks a lot.


T: And now we`re going to talk about “Rich language”. [slide 4] What do you mean by this concept?

S: It means using synonyms, fixed expressions etc., avoiding repetition and making your speech artistic, convincing.

T: Absolutely right. No open, please, your books at page 103 and have a look at ex. 6. Your task is to match these expressions to their general meaning. I give you just a couple of minutes to distribute these expressions into 4 groups: meaning “a great time”, meaning “changing”, “really good” and “a start of”. (reading and distributing) And now, please, discuss your answers in pairs. (discussing)

T: Well, let`s check. … and …, please.

S1: an explosion of creativity is “a great time”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S2: outstanding is “really good”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S1: in a period of transition is “changing”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S2: a Golden Age is “a great time”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S1: undergoing dramatic changes is “changing”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S2: masterful is “really good”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S1: the birth of is “a start of”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S2: living through major changes is “changing”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S1: breathtaking is “really good”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S2: a frenzy of creativity is “a great time”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S1: a creative flowering is “a great time”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S2: was born is “a start of”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S1: in a state of flux means “changing”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S2: a birst of literary activity is “a great time”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S1: being revolutionized means “changing”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S2: magnificent means “really good”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S1: was the cradle of is “a start of”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S2: sculpture and painting flourished means “a great time”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S1: was emerging means “a start of”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

S2: bursting with new ideas is “changing”

T: Does everyone agree?

S: Yes. [slide 4]

T: Well, thanks a lot! And now look please at ex.7 p. 103 in your students` book. You are to listen to the text again and enrich these four columns with the synonyms from the text. [slide 5] (listening)

T: So, what words have you written down? Please, …, what did you add to “a great time”?

S: an outburst of creativity

T: anything else?

S: no. [slide 5]

T: So, what words have you written down? Please, …, what did you add to “a great time”?

S: an outburst of creativity

T: anything else?

S: no. [slide 5]

T: Well, what did you add to “changing”?

S: radical change and challenge old forms.

T: anything else?

S: no. [slide 5]

T: So, what did you add to “really good”?

S: remarkable, distinguished, brilliant, impressive

T: anything else?

S: no. [slide 5]

T: Right. Well, what did you add to “start of”?

S: gave birth to and first spark of.

T: anything else?

S: no. [slide 5]

T: So, what did you add to “really good”?

S: remarkable, distinguished, brilliant, impressive

T: anything else?

S: no. [slide 5]


T: And now we`ll work as interpreters. We`ll make four groups, and each group will translate just one line. Please, look at the screen. [slide 6]. Do you know the author of the quatrain?

S: A. Akhmatova

T: Yes, absolutely right. So, please, work in groups. Group 1, translate the first line, group 2, the second line, etc.

(working in groups, translating)

T: Well, your time is up. Now, please, form new groups so that each new group has four people from four different original groups. (helping students to arrange new groups). And now work in your new groups, making up a complete translation of the quatrain. Итак, ваша задача в новых группах – согласовать те переводы строк, которые вы выполнили в первоначальных группах, и составить целостный перевод четверостишия. Let`s start. (working in groups)

T: So, now, I hope, we have four different translations of the quatrain. Let`s listen to them.

S: …

T: Well, thank you. They were all very interesting versions. If you wish, you can search the Internet for the professional translation.


T: So, our lesson is coming to an end. Let`s try to make a short summary of it. What was the main input of the lesson? What knowledge did you gain?

S: We revised the Silver Age poetry and learnt some poems in English, practiced listening in the State Exam format, learnt new fixed expressions of similar meaning, and finally we practiced Russian-English translating.

T: Well, thank you.


T: And now I`d like you to express your impressions of the lesson continuing one of the phrases that you can see on the screen. [slide 7]

T: So, did you like the lesson in general?

S: Yes.


T: I liked it too and I liked the way you worked today. I`d like to thank … and to wish … better work (more enthusiasm) next time. Your marks for the lesson are …


T: Now, please, open you record books and write down your homework. It is students` book p.103 “Comparing Cultures”. Who could explain the task?

S: We are to write a short essay explaining why there are creative eras at certain times in certain places.

T: Absolutely right. Is the task clear?

S: Yes.


T: Well, the lesson is over. Goodbye.