Тема урока: "Northern Folk Crafts" ("Северные народные ремесла"). 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Цель урока: развить интерес к северным народным ремеслам, расширить общеобразовательный кругозор учащихся.

Задачи урока:


  • актуализировать изученную лексику и учить применять ее в устной речи;
  • формировать навыки аудирования, монологической речи.


  • учить осуществлять поиск информации в процессе работы над речевым материалом;
  • развивать коммуникативные навыки;
  • развитие самостоятельности, индивидуальности, умения высказываться логично и связно, с достаточной скоростью, выражая законченную мысль.
  • развивать творческие способности учащихся


  • привить учащимся интерес к знаниям и умение применять их в ситуациях, требующих самостоятельного решения речемыслительных задач
  • воспитать уважительное отношение к культуре родного края
  • способствовать формированию социокультурной компетенции
  • воспитывать умение работать в коллективе бесконфликтно и, следовательно, эффективно, прислушиваясь к мнению товарищей.

познавательные: познакомить с новыми фактами и обобщить ранее известный материал о северных народных ремеслах.

практические: научить делать своими руками русскую народную куклу

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, выставка поделок северных ремесел, ножницы, нитки, лоскуты ткани (в виде трех кругов разного размера), вата

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

- Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! How are you? I am happy to greet you at our lesson. Today we shall speak about northern folk crafts. And you'll have an opportunity to be a real Master at our lesson while making a Russian folk doll.

2. Фонетическая, речевая зарядка.

- But at first I want to know what you are good at.

What is your hobby?

What are you good at?

Can you make something with your own hands?

Look at the blackboard. Here you can see some words connected with Northern Folk Crafts. Let's read and translate them:

folk embroidery
wood craft
craftsman birch-bark
birch-bark carving weaving
pattern woven
knitting flour
salt doll

3. Основная часть.

- What are Pomors like?

- What are the most popular Northern folk crafts?

- Let's watch your projects.

Группа учеников 1: Поморы и их образ жизни./Pomors and their lifestyle. (Приложение 1)

Pomorye, or the land of the Pomors, is the Polar region in the European part of the Russian North. The Pomors were brave hunters and fishermen. The Pomor family could consist of thirty people, the father was the head of the big family. Boys went fishing and hunting with their fathers. Girls learnt embroidery, cooking and breadmaking. The Pomor houses were made of wood, with one room, the windows and the doors were small. The main women`s costume was sarafan, decorated with embroidery, buttons and lace. The most popular women`s headgear was kokoshnik. Girls liked to wear venets. The main type of footwear were lapti and valenki. The Pomors were skillful craftsmen. And nowadays in our town Velsk there is a club "Berendei" where people learn old crafts.

(После каждого выступления учащиеся задают вопросы выступающим)

Группа учеников 2: Плетение из бересты./Birch-barking (Приложение 2)

Since old times wood has always been the most widespread and popular crafts

material. The folk craftsmen used not only wood itself, but birch-bark, outgrowths and even the roots of the trees. Birch-bark processing is the most popular type of woodwork. Not long ago one could see birch-bark items almost in every peasant family. They were used for keeping milk and sour-cream, cottage cheese and outer, kvas and berries, mushrooms and fish. In some northern areas birch-bark was also used for making small boats which were called "berestyanki". Food kept in birch-barked "tuyesa" can stay fresh for a long time. The technique of birch-barking needs skills and patience.

Группа учеников 3: Северные козули/Northern Kozulyas (Приложение 3)

Baking pryaniks (gingerbread) is another folk craft which is very popular in the North. The origin of the word kozoolya may be explained by the fact

that the most popular shape of such pryaniks was that of a sheep or a goat. Arkhangelsk kozoolyas vary in shape and colour: they may have the form of a sheep, a horse a reindeer, Santa Claus, a fir-tree, a swan, a house and so on. At first the art of kozoolya-making was a family craft, and every family had its own recipe which was kept secret. Nowadays you can buy both ready-made kozoolyas and all the things necessary for making them.

Группа учеников 4: Ткачество /Weaving

Weaving is one of the most ancient human handicrafts. Among northern women embroidery and weaving were the most popular kinds of crats. Appearance of loom allowed to produce fabrics of high quality. Women began to make different items: towels, rugs, pillows, outfit, bags and different decorations. Nowadays girls like making "fenechki". These are very popular bracelets. So weaving is a hobby and necessity for people.


- Now answer my questions:

- What was the most popular type of woodwork among the Pomor craftsmen?

- What forms (shape) may kozoolyas have?

- What items could northern women weave?

Now I'd like to tell you some interesting information about another northern craft - making dolls. (Приложение 4)

The Russian folk doll boasts rich traditions and history. There was time when dolls saved people's lives by replacing human beings as victims in rites of sacrifice. Dummy-dolls that were sacrificed to various gods had their peculiar names, such as Kostroma, Morena, Kupalo, Yarilo, etc. (some of them corresponding to the idol's names). In return people asked for happy love, plentiful harvests, health and well-being.

Dolls fall into three big groups according to their purpose: amulet, playing and ritual dolls.

Amulet dolls. It is interesting to note that fabric dolls did not have their faces featured. The custom was associated with olden believes, in particular, with the talisman role of a doll as a magic object. Those 'faceless dolls' served as churingas: the absence of a face showed that the doll was an inanimate thing and thus was not accessible for evil powers to settle in it. The doll dresses were always bright-coloured and embroidered with meaningful magic symbols.

Playing dolls were meant for children's amusement. They were made either by way of stitching or folding. The folded dolls needed neither a needle nor a thread: a wooden stick was enveloped with a thick piece of fabric and then tied around with a rope; then a head and hands were tied to the stick, which was smartly dressed afterwards. Some playing dolls did not need even a stick: a piece of fabric was just rolled round its axes and tied with a thread. In the same way the head and hands were made.

Ritual dolls. Numerous rituals in the Old Rus' were conducted with the help of specially made dolls. Ritual dolls were held sacred and kept in the Holy corner of izba. It was believed that if a family had a homemade doll of Fertility in the house, it would reap good harvest and enjoy wealth.

4. Мастер-класс.

Let's work in groups. Match the Russian and English sentences and you'll know how to make the doll "Bell". (Выполняют задание на карточке, работая в группах)

Этапы изготовления куклы "Колокольчик" (Рисунок 1)

Match the Russian and English sentences

1. Наложите разноцветные лоскутки-круги друг на друга (внизу самый большой) a) Put a piece of cotton wool in the middle of the big circle on the inner side of it and tie up.
2. Подложите с изнанки в середину большого круга комочек ваты и перевяжите по шее. b) The doll "Kolokolchik" is ready!
3. Прямоугольным лоскутом белой ткани покройте и перевяжите голову. c) Tie a kerchief.
4. Из оставшейся по бокам ткани сложите рукава-жгутики. d) Put the bright circles of material on each other (the largest one is below)
5. Повяжите платок. e) Then cover and tie up the head with a piece of white rectangular.
6. Кукла "колокольчик" готова! f) Fold sleeves of the rest material

Изготовление куклы с помощью учителя.

5. Подведение итогов.

- Now you'll be able to tell your foreign friends about our folk crafts and present them these dolls as souvenirs.

- Thanks for the lesson. I hope you've enjoyed it. Good-bye.


  1. Амосова М.А. Поморы и их культурные традиции. - Архангельск, ПМП,1995
  2. Котова И.Н., Котова А.С. Русские обряды и традиции. Народная кукла М: Паритет, 2003
  3. http://www.russia-ic.com/culture_art/traditions