Открытый урок английского языка по теме "Hello, Summer Holidays!"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Место в учебном процессе: итоговый урок - урок обобщения знаний по темам "Части тела и внешность", "Почта", "Времена года и месяцы", полученных учащимися по УМК Биболетовой М.З. "Enjoy English" для 3 классов общеобразовательной школы, открытый урок - отчет для родителей.

Цель урока: систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по темам "Части тела и внешность", "Почта", "Времена года и месяцы".

Задачи урока:


  • обобщение лексического материала по темам Части тела и внешность", "Почта", "Времена года и месяцы";
  • обобщение грамматического материала (множественное число имен существительных");
  • развитие навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения и письма по темам.


  • развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме, "Части тела и внешность", "Почта", "Времена года и месяцы";
  • развитие навыков выразительного чтения стихотворений на английском языке; развитие памяти, внимания и мышления;
  • развитие творческих способностей учащихся (умение нарисовать портрет героя по описанию).


  • воспитание умения работать в коллективе, умение слушать своих одноклассников;
  • воспитание умения работать в парах, умения вежливого общения со сверстниками при ведении диалога.

Формы урока: фронтальная работа, индивидуальная работ, работа в парах, групповая работа.

Оборудование: доска, ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор и экран, CD-проигрыватель, аудио-приложение к УМК Биболетовой М.З. "Enjoy English" для 3 классов, карточки со словами по теме "Почта" и распечатки текстов, альбомные листы для рисования, презентация "Времена года", микро-фильм для презентации песни ""Old MacDonnald Had a Farm", картинки с изображением времен года (Интернет-ресурсы).

Ход урока



(The date "The 26-th of May" is written on the blackboard beforehand)

Тeacher: Children, cоme into the classroom and get ready for the lesson. - The pupils get ready for the lesson.


(1). Talk. (On the blackboard there are some pictures of different seasons.)

T: Good afternoon, my dear boys and girls! - P: Good afternoon, dear teacher! - T: I'm glad to see you! - P: We are glad to see you, too! - T: How are you? - P: Fine, thank you. And how are you? - T: I'm fine, too. Sit down, please. First of all I'd like you to answer my questions.

What day is it today? - P1: It's Thursday. T: What month is it now? - P2: It's May. - T: What is the date today? - P3: It's the 26-th of May. - T: What season is it now? - P4: It's spring. T: What seasons do you know? - P5: Winter, spring, summer and autumn. T: Name all the winter months. - P6: January, February, December. T: Name all the spring months. -P7: March, April, May. T: Name all the summer months. - P8: June, July, August. -T: Name all the autumn months. - P9: September, October, November. - T: Now let's sing the song about seasons.

(2). (Presentation "Seasons") - The children sing the song "Spring is green" together following the presentation (Presentation 1):

"Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white".

В. Setting-up the subject of the lesson and the main tasks of the lesson.

(The subject of the lesson "SUMMER HOLIDAYS" is written on the blackboard)

T: Well, I see that you know the four seasons of the year and all the months very well. Today we'll speak about summer holidays. We'll play, we'll revise the words that you've learned this year, read texts, revise some grammar rules, do some interesting exercises, recite poems, sing songs, draw, and speak.


а. Speaking skills development (in dialogical form: question-full answer)

T: First I'd like you to answer my questions (the teacher asks the questions and the pupils answer one after another):

  1. What is your favourite season?
  2. Why do you like it?
  3. Do you like summer?
  4. Why do you like summer?
  5. What can you do in summer?
  6. What games do you like to play in summer?
  7. Do you play football (volleyball etc.) well?
  8. Do you like to read books in summer?
  9. Do you like to read fairy-tales in summer?
  10. Do you have your birthday in summer?
  11. Who has got his birthday in summer?
  12. When is your birthday?
  13. What new poem about birthday do you know? Let's remember it "You have a date:"

b. Phonetic Skills development (IN RECITING POEMS)

The children recite the poem: "You have a date to celebrate

Which comes but once a year
And so today we'd like to say
From all of us to you:
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you!"

c. АCTIVE VOCABULARY (post-office) actualisation

The pupils answer the teacher's questions.

Where do you go in summer?

Do you go to the country?

Do you write letters in summer?

Do you get letters in summer?

Who brings you the letters? - Ps together: "Postman". - T: Do you remember the poem about the postman?

The pupils recite the poem together:

"Every morning at eight o'clock
She can hear the postman knock.
Up jumps Jill to open the door,
One letter, two letters, three letters, four."

d. Orthogrphic skills development

T. (gives out printed cards): Look at the blackboard. you have cards with the Exercise. I'd like you to fill in the missing letters and to write the words. (The assignment is also given on the blackboard (Приложение 1):

"Fill in the letters and write down the words:

pap_r, en_el_pe, le_ter , ad_res_, s_amp, post -_ffi_e, p_st_an, lette_b_x, post_a_d, tel_gr_m_e "

(Keys: paper, letter, postman, envelope, stamp, postcard, address, post-office, letterbox).

T: You have 2 minutes to do the task. The three pupils who'll be the first to do the task correctly will get good marks.

The three pupils who are the first to do the task correctly get excellent or good marks.

T: :, (the teacher asks the first pupil, who is ready) fill in the letters on the blackboard, please. Children, look at the blackboard and correct your mistakes. - Ps correct their mistakes.


T: Now we'll have a short rest. Stand up, please. Let's play our game "Head and shoulders:" - The pupils recite the poem together and show the parts of the body they name:

"Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
And eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes."

Well done! Please, sit down!

E. ACTIVE VOCABULARY (Parts of the body) Revision and activating in reading

(1) T: Our friend UFO writes a lot of letters and gets very many letters from his friends. Very often he sends them pictures he draws. I'd like you to tell me the poem about the picture of Rose. Who remembers it? - (The pupils, who remember the poem well, raise their hands.) - O.K. Come to the front of the group and tell the poem. (Some pupils come to the blackboard and recite the poem:

"Two little ears and one little nose,
Two bright eyes and fifty whys,
Nice drown hair with two little bows,
That's the picture of my sister Rose."

Well done! Clap to the actors! Thank you. Take your seats, please.

(2) T: In summer UFO usually goes to his planet to see his mother. I think you all like to draw pictures. Now I'll give you some text and you must read it and draw UFO's mother on sheets of paper. (Al the pupils get the sheets of paper together with the printed-out text copies (Приложение 2):

"UFO's mother is pretty. She has got three eyes, four ears, a big pink mouth, a long nose, five long legs and six arms. Her hands and feet are small. She has got seven long fingers on her hands and four short toes on her feet. Her body is grey, her face, feet and hands are blue.")

You have got five minutes. - (The pupils read the text and draw UFO's mother).

T: Well, your time is up. Work in two teams. Look at your pictures and choоse two most beautiful mothers. Now the winners from the two groups come to the front of the group and show your pictures. - (The pupils choose the best pictures and the winners come to the blackboard and show their pictures) - Oh, they are wonderful! Thank you! Take your seats.

f. listening skills development

T: In our Green School UFO has got many new friends. One of UFO's new friends Andrew tells him about his friends. Now, please open your textbooks at page 65, we'll do Exercise 1. (Audio for "Enjoy English-3, track 090", mp3)

Read the assignment to yourselves. What are the names of Andrew's friends? - P10: They are Ben and Alex. - T: Listen to the story and find them in the picture. - (The pupils listen to the story.) - T: Which boy is Alex? -P 11: Alex is on the right. - T: Which boy is Ben? - P12: Ben is on the left.

G. Phonetic Pause

T: Andrew and his friends want to go and see Andrew's grandfather. He lives on the farm. What do you think his Grandpa has got on the farm? - (The children sing the song following the presentation: "Old MacDonnald Had a Farm" (from flashcards in PDF and MP3 OR TRACK 06 FROM sONGBIRDS-2) (микро-фильм)

Old MacDonnald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o,
And on that farm he had some ducks, e-i-e-i-o,
With a quack- quack here, and a quack- quack there,
Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack- quack,
Old MacDonnald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
Old MacDonnald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o,
And on that farm he had some cows, e-i-e-i-o,
With a moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there,
Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo,
Old MacDonnald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
Old MacDonnald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o,
And on that farm he had some pigs, e-i-e-i-o,
With an oink-oink here, and an oink-oink there,
Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink-oink,
Old MacDonnald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.

T: Well done!

H. Grammar skills development: THE PLURAL OF NOUNS

T: Andrew and his friends will do many interesting things in summer. But Andrew wants to learn English, too. In summer he would like to learn the words and some rules. Let's help him to learn the plural forms of nouns. Look at the screen. You have two minutes to do the Exercise. The following assignment is on the screen (Приложение 3): "Write the words in the plural form:

student - :

woman - :

foot - :

ear - :

mouse - :

toy - :

fish - :

child - :

tooth - :"

(Keys: students, women, feet, ears, mice, toys, fish, children, teeth.)

T: The three pupils who'll be the first to do the task correctly will get good marks. - The pupils write the plural forms in their exercise-books. - T: Your time is up. The three pupils who are the first to do the task correctly get excellent or good marks. :, please, write the words in the plural on the blackboard. - (The first pupil writes the plurals on the blackboard.) - :, read the words. Well done. Thank you. Take your seat. Now everybody, correct your mistakes.


T: Now I'd like you to make up your dialogues about your usual day during your summer holidays. Ask each other what and at what time you usually do in summer? Look at the Example on the screen. "A: When do you get up?

B: I get up at 10 o'clock.

A: What do you do in the morning?

B: I wash my face and hands and clean my teeth:"

The pupils work in pairs and make up their dialogues.

T (chooses one pair): :, now let's listen to you. Two pupils present their dialogue

(All the pupils listen to these pupils and clap to them) - T: That was great! Thank you! What must you eat to be healthy? - The pupils give their ideas one after another for example: We must eat fruit, we must walk in the forest, we must drink juice, we must not watch TV much, we must not play computer games much etc.

T: What must you do to be healthy, wealthy and wise? - Ps recite together:

"Early to bed
And early to rise
Makes a man healthy,
Wealthy and wise".

III. Summing-up the results of the lesson: everybody's work Evaluation, marks announcement

T: Well, I liked your work very much today. Thank you. Let's remember what we have done. -

The children say what they did during the lesson (read the text, draw UFO's Mum, recite poems, sing songs, play). - T: Your have got good marks today. (The teacher tells the children their marks explaining for what every pupil has his mark). And you have prizes today. The pupils get chocolates and the brightest pupils who have got "a five" for the academic year get a special prize - a medal)

(OPTIONAL (if time is left): Т: Now Let's sing our game-song "Clap, clap, clap your hands:" (Audio for "Enjoy English-2", CD, track116))

The children sing the game-song together:

IV. Ending-up the lesson.

T: Now our lesson is over. It's the last lesson this year. I wish you wonderful and very interesting holidays. Till the first of September! Collect your things. Good-bye, boys and girls! - The pupils answer all together "Good- bye!" collect their things and leave the classroom.

Использованные материалы:

  1. Биболетова М.З. и др. УМК "Enjoy English" для 3 и 2 классов, М., "Просвещение". 2010;
  2. "Songbirds" (Песни для детей на английском языке). Книга 2. "Animals", М., "АЙРИС-ПРЕСС", 2008;
  3. Flashcards and Flashsongs in PDF and MP3 (The Internet Resourses);
  4. Pictures (The Internet Resourses).
