Итоговый урок по английскому языку во 2–3-м классе "It's funny to learn English"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели: активизация лексических единиц по различным пройденным темам, развитие коммуникативных способностей – диалогической и монологической речи, повторение грамматического материала.

Оснащение: картинки, игрушки-животные, домашние игрушки, магнитофон.

Ход урока

1. Приветствие. Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Sit down.

2. Речевая разминка. Let’s repeat our poems. Who is the first? (Дети рассказывают стихи, ранее изученные в течение года). Например:

1. Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat,
Please to put a penny in the old man’s hat.
If you haven’t got a penny, a half penny will do;
If you haven’t got a half penny, then God bless you.

2. Three young rats with black felt hats
Three young ducks with new straw hats,
Three young dogs with curling tails,
Three young cats with demi-veils,
Went out to walk with two young pigs
In satin vests and sorrel wigs;
But suddenly it chanced to rain
And so they all went home again.

3. A wise old owl sat in an oak,
The more she heard the less she spoke;
The less she spoke the more she heard.
Why aren’t we all like that wise old bird?

3.Сюрпризный момент. Когда я шла к Вам на урок, то встретила …Look! Who is it? Yes, it’s a monkey, but she is a teacher. Her pupils are animals. She can speak English. She comes from Africa and wants to be your friend. Let’s answer her questions:

What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? (Опрос детей)

My name is Pete. I am 8. I am from Moscow.

4. Активизация навыков монологической речи. OK, good. And do you know the animals? What’s this? What colour is it? (Игрушки можно доставать из мешка или коробки).

It’s a dog. It’s brown. It’s a cat. It’s black…etc.

How many animals can you see? Let’s count them: one, two, three…Good, well done.

5. We have so many animals. It’s a real circus. Let’s sing our song about the circus.

(Приложение 1 - аудио), (Приложение 2 - видео).

Wonderful, you are great singers.

6. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи. Do you hear? Somebody else is knocking. Let’s guess. (Загадки о животных)

It’s big / little. It’s grey /green. It has got big ears / little legs. It can walk / swim. What is this?

Yes, it’s an elephant / a frog.

Can you make some riddles yourself? (Дети сами загадывают загадки)


7. Stand up. Let’s do some exercises. (Физкультразминка)

Step step clap clap
Step step clap clap
Nod your head
And turn around
Clap Clap Clap
Bend bend clap clap
Bend bend clap clap
Nod your head
And turn around
Clap Clap Clap
Hands up clap clap
Hands up clap clap
Nod your head
And turn around
Clap Clap Clap
Hands out clap clap
Hands out clap clap
Nod your head
And turn around
Clap Clap Clap

8. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи. Our monkey-teacher asks Do you like to play? Have got many toys? What is your favourite toy?

I have… (Дети показывают заранее принесенные любимые игрушки).

Let’s play hide-and-seek with your toys. Учитель прячет игрушку ведущего у одного из детей. Ведущий ищет ее, задавая вопрос Have you got my toy? Дети отвечают Yes, I have\No, I haven’t.

9. Активизация навыков диалогической речи. Very good. Listen our monkey wants to know why it is so cold. It is very hot in Africa. (на доске висят картинки по теме “Зима и зимние развлечения”.)

Children: It is winter. The weather is very cold in winter. It’s snowing.

Teacher: Let’s tell our monkey about winter.

Children: We can ski, skate, sledge, play snowballs, make a snowman in winter. It’s very fun.

Teacher: Let’s make some dialogues:

- Hello! Is it 2345623?

- Yes, who is speaking?

- It’s Masha. May I speak to Sasha?

- Yes, it’s me. How are you, Masha?

- I am fine. The weather is good today. Let’ go to the …sport ground/park/forest? Would you like to…play/skate/ski ?

- Yes, I’d love to. With great pleasure / No, thank you. I can’t, I’m very busy. Good bye.

10. Заключение, подведение итогов. Thank you very much for your lesson. You are very good pupils. We wish you good luck. Good bye.

В качестве итога урока либо на внеклассном мероприятии, например, на неделе иностранного языка, можно показать с детьми сценку:

Little Willy

Once there lived a mother-dog and her children.

Mother: I am a mother-dog. I have many children.

Puppy: I am Jack Puppy the Eldest.

Puppy: I am Peter the next to Eldest.

Puppy: I am Fluffy Tail the Middle One.

Puppy: I am Bob Tail the Next to Middle one.

Puppy: Baby Brown Ears – it’s me.

Willy: I am Little Willy.

Mother: All of them are good and kind puppies.

Puppy: We all like to jump, to skip, to run, to hop, to dance.

Mother: Only Little Willy did none of this.

Willy: I like to count. I like to count everything.

Puppy: Willy, let’s play hide-and-seek.

Willy: Oh, no. Look!

Dragonfly: I am a dragonfly. I am little. I like to dance.

Dragonfly: And I am a dragonfly, too. I am beautiful. Let’s dance together.

(They are dancing).

Willy: I want to count their wings: one wing, two wings, three… . Oh, they are dancing too fast. I can’t count.

Puppy: Willy, stop. Let’s play with a ball.

Willy: No, I see ..a ..what’s this? I don’t know. It looks like a monster.

Spider: I am a spider. I am a big black spider.

Willy: But you have legs, many legs. One leg, two legs, three legs, four…

Puppy: Willy, stop. Let’s run.

Willy: No, I don’t want to run. I am counting. Oh, the spider has gone… Look, there are many grains on the grass. One, two, three, four, five…

Bird: I am a little bird. I am hungry.

Bird: I am a little bird, too. I am very hungry. Let’s eat the grains.

Bird: They are very tasty.

Willy: Oh, the birds are eating the grains. What’s a pity! I have nothing to count. I am going home.

Mother: Willy, why are you so sad? What’s the matter?

Willy: I am very tired. I want to sleep, mummy.

Mother: Come to me, my little baby.

Willy: Oh, mum. I see the stars. Now no one will stop me from counting. I’ll count every little star in the sky. One star, two stars, three, stars, four…

Mother: Hush, children. Your youngest baby puppy is sleeping. (Приложение 3)