Приложения к уроку "Computers Make the World Smaller and Smarter"

Разделы: Информатика

Структура занятия: "Computers Make the World Smarter".

Этапы урока Деятельность преподавателя Деятельность студентов Достижение цели Время
1. Начальная мотивация урока. Приветствие. Вступительное слово преподавателя. Приветствие. Психологическая подготовка к занятию. 5 мин.
2. Введение в тему урока. Объявление темы и плана занятия. Беседа с преподавателем. Определение основных этапов, элементов урока. 1 мин.
3. Активизация лексико-грамматического материала. Активизация студентов для работы над лексико-грамматическим материалом. Активизация навыков устной речи. Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков. 14 мин.
4. Аудирование Отработка новых лексических единиц технического характера. Беседа по тексту. Постановка задачи. Восприятие содержания текста и нового лексического материала. Совершенствование навыков восприятия информации на слух и координации внимания. Совершенствование речевых навыков. 10 мин.
5. Беседа с преподавателем по теме. Проведение беседы по теме. Восприятие речи преподавателя и других студентов. Составление диалогов. Развитие навыков устной речи и чтения. 7 мин.
6. Обобщение темы. Комментарии к ответам и оценкам. Подведение итогов. Проведение тестов. Ответы на вопросы тестов. Активизация группы и преподавательской деятельности. 8 мин.

Ход занятия

1. Организационный модуль.

1.1 Вступительное слово преподавателя.

Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! Welcome to English class. I am glad to inform you that today we have guests in our classroom. They are the teachers of English from different cities and different parts of our republic. And for you, my dear colleges, I'd like to introduce the students of the technical department of the College of Statistics, Informatics and Computer Sciences. They are the future programmer analysts, the specialists in the field of computer technology and computer environment. So, I think they will try to show you all the best. I wish everybody comfortable atmosphere and creative work.

1.2 Введение в тему.

T: So, let's start! As our lesson is devoted to the computer world, let me say just a few words about computers and my attitude to it.

Well, whether we realize or not or whether you like it or not, but comps play a very important role in our life. For millions of people it is the main source of information and the cheapest form of communication with the whole world. It gives an opportunity to people to travel all over the world, to make new friends, to chat with them. It also has the power to educate people. With the help of distance learning and videoconferencing people get an education, expand there outlook, know many new things. But for somebody it may be a kind of relaxation: people run away from everyday problems playing computer games or using virtual reality.

You, my dear friends, are the future specialists who will be closely connected with the world of computers, Hi-technologies, modern machines and multimedia, so, I think, the topic of our lesson is useful and urgent for you.

Well, you are the future programmer analysts. Do you agree with me that English is very important in your future job. Why do you think so? (Предполагаемые ответы студентов: Because English is used by many computer programs; many Internet sites are written in English; much information in comps is written in English; the names of computer parts, the graphical user interface are English.)

Okay, I see that you are good supporters of English and I'm deeply convinced that if you learn English hard and successful, you will be successful in your future career.

2. Модуль повторения.

2.1. Making language portfolio.

T: We shall begin with your active vocabulary. So, your task is to make your language portfolio. Will you give me the words connected with

computers, computer environment, hardware and software? But first you should give me the nouns, then verbs and then adjectives. (Студенты называют слова, связанные с компьютерами, аппаратным и программным обеспечением.)

Т: I'll give you some words too, Will you repeat them, please. (На экране появляются слова по теме ypoKa:device, application, the source of information, communication, multimedia, hardware, software, to run comps, flat screen, access, download, world wide web, web browser, Graphical User Interface, etc. Приложение 1).

T: You see, that terminology in computing is very complex. What do you think specialists do? Yes, you are right, they invent abbreviations. Do

you know these abbreviations? (На экран выводятся аббревиатуры с расшифровкой: PC, WWW, AI, BIOS, ROM, RAM, IBM, ISP, MIDI,

MS-DOS, OS, etc. Приложение № 2 Презентация. Слайд 2 ).

2.2 Работа в группах.

Т: Now I would like you to work in group. First, complete the questionnaire for yourself. Then take turn in your group to explain how to perform each of this actions. You may need these words: to choose, right./left/double-click on, hover, to drag, to drop, to select.

Do you know how to: yes no
1. Create a folder?
2. Start a program?
3. Shat down the program?
4. Adjust the speaker volume?
5. Arrange the icons?
6. Display the date?
7. In Windows to show Tool tips?

3. Обучающий модуль.

3.1 Lexical exercises.

T: Look at the screen. You see some input and output devices. Will you label them? (Приложение № 3. Слайд 10).

T: Now, let's do some exercises from your textbook. The next task will be the following: using the words from the previous task you should fill the gaps of the sentences. (Приложение № 4. Слайд 18).

  1. I'm having a terrible time copying my file onto this It must be full.
  2. There's something wrong with my computer. A warning just appeared on the
  3. Using a to click on icons is a lot faster than using keyboard controls.
  4. The of a computer is very similar to the one on a typewriter.
  5. I think I'll put the under the desk so I'll have more room to work.
  6. 6. She bought a colorful to stop her mouse from scratching the surface of her desk.

T: Now I will give you some words and their definitions, you should match them. (Приложение № 5. Слайд 20).

3.2. Аудирование.

Т: The next point of our lesson is listening comprehension. You should listen to the text and make some tasks.

The Internet: FAQs.

The internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions in history. It was dated in a 1968 by the US government, but at first it was used mainly by scientists. Since 1990, when the World Wide Web was rated, it has changed the world, and its users are growing everyday.

The Internet is a network (several networks, in fact) of millions of computers around the world, connected by phone lines, satellite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange information with each other.

The Internet links computers, and the World Wide Web is a system which links the information stored inside these computers.

A company or organization stores its information in electronic documents on one of the internet computers, somewhere in the world. This computer space – the company's web site – has an address, in the same way that every telephone has a number. To visit a web site, you simply enter the address. Your computer is connected to the web site, a document is downloaded, and a page appears on your computer screen.

When you visit a web site looking for information, some words on the page may be underlined, showing that there is more information about the subject in another document. If you click on one of these words, the Web automatically connects your computer to a new document or web site, even if this is stored thousands of kilometers away. You're surfing the net!

The main use of the Internet is to find information – for your schoolwork or job, or just to find out more about your hobbies, sports or current events. You can also use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, plan your holiday or buy things from your favorite shop. E-mail makes it possible to send electronic messages anywhere in the world in seconds, and you can use the Internet to chat with people and make new friends. If you don't already use the Internet, all you need to get started is computer, a modem and phone lines. Using the Internet is getting cheaper and easier all the time. Are you ready to surf the net? There is a whole exciting Internet world out there waiting for you.

T: Have you understood the text? So, let's do the following task: You should mark the statements as True (T) or False (Р): (Приложение № 6. Слайд 37)

  1. The internet was started in 1990.
  2. The internet links the computers.
  3. To visit a web site, you simply enter the telephone number.
  4. The main can use the internet is to find mistakes.
  5. Using the internet is getting more expensive.

T: And now 1 would you to give this text for reading.

Using the information of the text, match the words to the definitions. (Приложение № 7. Слайд 36).

T: Answer the questions to this text:

  1. What exactly is the internet?
  2. What do I need in order to use the internet?
  3. How do I "surf the net"?
  4. That's the some think as the web, isn't it?
  5. What can I use the internet for?
  6. What is a web site and how do I visit one?

3.3 Составление диалогов и полилогов.

Т: Let's do the following tasks: Read the text again, then use the notes below and make up a dialogue to talk about the internet:

Internet = network of computers around the world;

You need: computer, modem and phone line;

To surf the net you: enter a web site address, connected to the web site, download document, page appears on screen, click on underlined words, connected to new documents/web sites;

You can use it to: find information for schoolwork/job/hobbies/sports/current events, read newspapers, magazines, play games, plan holydays, buy things, sent electronic messages (e-mails), "chat" with people, make new friends.

4. Заключительный модуль

4.l Oценки. Домашнее задание.

T: Your home task will be the following: you should write some ideas about the computer world and Hi-tech. Name your composition as "Computers and Human being" or "Computers make our world smaller and smarter" etc. I would like to thank everybody for the participation in the lesson and give you some marks.

4.2. Заключительный этап урока.

T: Well, my dear friends. I think we have come to the end of the lesson. I'd like to hear some of your ideas. How do you understand the main idea of this topic?

(Ss высказывают свои мнения о том, какую пользу приносят компьютеры обществу, как они помогают людям и для чего используются.)

Т: So, good bye and good luck for you.