Travelling about the USA (Путешествуя по США). 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 6

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока:

  • Развивающие
    • развитие лингвистических (языковых) способностей учащихся: фонематического и интонационного слуха, имитации;
    • развитие психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью (мышление, память, внимание, восприятие, воображение);
    • развитие мотивации к дальнейшему овладению английским языком;
    • развитие способности применять в речи языковую догадку.
  • Воспитательные:
    • воспитание толерантности и уважения к народам и истории других стран;
    • воспитание личностных качеств (трудолюбие, активность, умение работать в сотрудничестве с другими, коммуникабельность, уважение к себе и другим).
  • Учебные:
    • совершенствование произносительных навыков учащихся (звуки [s] и в сравнении);
    • тренировка грамматических навыков учащихся (тренировка The Past Perfect Tense);
    • активизация в речи лексики по теме «The USA»;
    • развитие умений аудирования;
    • развитие умений устной монологической речи.





I. Оргмомент

1. Приветствие

– Good morning, students!
– I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please!
– How are you today?
– I’m fine, too. Thank you!

2. Сообщение темы и цели урока, речевая зарядка.

– We’ll start our lesson with listening to a song extract, after that I want you to tell me what we are going to speak about today.
– So, what do you think is the topic of our lesson?
– What makes you think so?

– Good of you, students. Moreover, how can we call the style of the song?
– Quite right! The song is called “This land is your land”, it was written by Woodrow Wilson "Woody" Guthrie, or just simply Woody Guthrie, one of the best known American folk musicians, in 1940, but it’s still modern nowadays for it shows the feelings and values of the American nation. – Do you like the song?
– Of course, you can. But you’ll get the lyrics during our travelling about the USA lesson – a part of it for each task. Then in the end we’ll be able to sing it along. Ready? Let’s go!

3. Фонетическая зарядка

– We’ll start with a tongue twister. Look at the screen, what can you see?
– That’s right, it’s a sea shore. Listen to the tongue twister and be ready to say it as quickly as you can.

II. Основной этап урока

1. Тренировка грамматических навыков (Past Perfect).

– Good job, students. And you get the first part of the song lyrics. So, we start our journey with exploring the Pacific Ocean shore, to be more exact – it’s the western coast of the US. Can you show the city of Los Angeles on the map?
– Thanks. I want to introduce you to Mrs. White; she was born in Los Angeles, but left it for London at the age of 10. After living in London for 50 years she came back and didn’t recognize her own town: it had changed a lot. Let’s look and say what had happened in the city before Mrs. White came back.
But first tell me, please, what tense we use to speak about past events?
– Right you are. And what tense should we use to speak about the events that had happened even before those described with the help of Past Indefinite?
– That’s it! And what does the verb look like in this tense?
– Exactly! So, look at the screen and say what had happened in the city of Las Angeles before Mrs. White came back to it.
You’ll see some hint words, use them.





– Excellent! Now I would like you to write any three of your statements into your exercise-books, please.
– For your work was good, I give you the second part of the song lyrics we’re going to sing at the end of the lesson.

2. Развитие речевых умений на основе текста “Country and people” (упражнение №18, стр. 223 учебника).

2.1. – Let’s continue our journey. At home you were to learn as much information about the US from the text “Country and people” as you could. Let’s check how you succeeded in it. Listen to the riddles, if the word you are to guess is in the riddle, you’ll hear the sound (клик по значку ).

– Great work, the third part of the lyrics is yours.


2.2. – And now I think you must be ready to speak about some facts concerning the US on your own. Come to the screen and choose the point you’ll have to speak about.

– Very good of you, the next part of the lyrics is now yours.

3. Развитие умений аудирования и развития умения применять языковую догадку.

3.1. – When speaking about the USA we should mention one more its picturesque place. What is it?
– Right you are. We’ll see a short film about it, after which you’ll have to review the information mentioned in the film to do the task. But first we must look through some words. (Слова на слайде читаем, переводим).
– Now let’s see the film.

3.2. – So, now I want you to work in two groups.

– At the screen you can see a part of the text about Niagara Falls; you are to guess the next word of it. If you guess the exact word – you get 3 points, if you guess the synonym of this word – you get 2 points, if you guess the part of speech of the this word – you get 1 point. You’ve got the right to guess the next word in turn.

– That was a great job, and you’ve got the last part of the song lyrics.

4. Развитие умений фонематического слуха, интонации и имитации.

– So, to sing the song along, we are to read the text together, make sure you know the words given before it.

– That was great! Hope you liked it, too!

III. Заключительный этап урока

1. – So, in the end of our lesson I’d like you to finish some statements.

2. – You all worked great today and your marks for your work are the following (озвучиваю оценки).

3. – Your home task is to prepare a summary of the text “Country and people” and write about what Alex’s relatives had done before he came home from school. What tense will you have to use to do it?

– Quite right. So, thank you for the lesson, good bye!



– Good morning, Teacher!
– I’m fine, thank you! And how are you?



P1: I think we are going to continue speaking about the USA.
P2: This song is about the land between California and New York.
P3: May be the country style?

P4: Yes, we do. Can we sing it?



P5: Is it a sea or an ocean shore?

(Практикуются в произношении скороговорки)




(Показывают Лос-Анджелес на карте)


P6: We use Past Indefinite.
P7: May be Past Perfect?
P8: We should use the auxiliary verb “had” and the third form of the main verb in Past Perfect.


– The city had become much bigger.
– The street of the city had become cleaner.
– A lot of new roads had been built.
– A lot more cars had appeared in the streets of the city.
– The city beaches had become more beautiful.
– The city life had become much faster.

(Записывают по 3 предложения в тетради)






(Отгадывают загадки)



(Устные высказывания учащихся)


P1: Is it Niagara Falls?



(Учащиеся делятся на группы при помощи жеребьевки – выбирают жетоны желтые и зеленые из коробки)

(Идет игра между двумя командами, если одна не отгадывает слово, другая имеет право хода)



(Читают текст песни, при необходимости, переводим «трудные» места, исполняем песню)

– We did!


(Заканчивают предложения, подводя тем самым итог урока)

– We should use Past Perfect here.





Слайд 2



Слайд 2 (появляются иллюстрации)

Слайд 3



Слайд 4 (скороговорка звучит при клике на ее текст)





Слайд 5

Слайд 6


Слайд 7 (ответы на слайде появляются после ответов учеников)

Слайд 8

Слайды 9-14










Слайды 15-22 (загадка звучит при клике на знак вопроса)


Слайды 23-30 (для перехода со слайда 23 на слайд 31 – клик левой кнопкой на попугая)



Слайд 31



Слайды 32-38
За правильный ответ команды получают жетоны.




Слайд 39
(песня воспроизводится при клике на текст)
Текст песни – Приложение 1


Приложение 2



Слайд 40


1. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка для VI класса общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением англ. яз., лицеев, гимназий, колледжей. М. Просвещение. 2008.
2. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Английский язык: учебник для VI класса общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучением англ. яз. М. Просвещение. 2010.
3. Шереметьева А.В.Английский язык. Страноведческий справочник. Лицей. Саратов, 2010.