Форма работы: классно-урочная
УМК: «Enjoy English», 10 класс. Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Снежко Н.Д.
Цели урока – расширить знания о составе ЭВМ; закрепить и проконтролировать степень сформированности у учащихся коммуникативной компетенции в области чтения, говорения, аудирования и письменной речи; развивать умения учащихся ориентироваться в информационном пространстве; развивать память, внимание, языковую догадку, познавательный интерес.
Наглядный материал: магнитофон, аудиозапись, мультимедиа-проектор (или интерактивная доска); презентация, созданная в среде Power Point.
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning, friends. Nice to see you. How are you?
2. Объявление темы и цели урока.
As far as I know, you’ve been learning Information Technology for about 8 years, and today with the assistance of your teacher of computer science Galina Vasilievna, you’ll have the chance to use your knowledge in practice.
Look at the screen, please. (слайд 1) Here is one of the most popular opinions about the Internet: “With the help of computers the Internet has entered into our life. It became an integral part of a life of each person. Now people cannot live without checking of mail and visiting their favourite sites”.
3. Работа в группах.
Work in groups. Discuss this statement using dialogue vocabulary (слайд 2).
- In my opinion…
- Oh, I see!
- I never thought about it that way.
- I’m afraid I can’t agree…
- I don’t agree that…
- May I have a word?
- Excuse me for interrupting…
- What do you think about it?
- I feel strongly against it.
4. Аудирование текста (слайд 3).
Listen to four people speaking about the role of computers in their lives and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).
Speaker A.
- Her job is to assess and repair computers.
- She often wonders how people managed without computers.
Speaker B.
- He uses the computer every day.
- He never writes to his relatives.
Speaker C.
- She believes that life would be easiest without computers.
- She knows that there are many people who don’t use computers.
Speaker D.
- He is worried that people depend on computers too much.
- He thinks that computers can help people develop their skills.
5. Работа в парах. (слайд 4)
Pair work. Discuss the following questions and report the results back to the class.
- How is your life dependent on technology?
- Do you think people depend on computers too much?
- What do you think the world would be like without computers?
(Учащиеся обсуждают проблему в парах и представляют свои результаты классу).
6. Активизация лексических единиц (слайд 5).
Let’s revise all the necessary computer science terms. Label the picture with these words: keyboard, scanner, printer, socket, central unit, mouse mat, screen, mouse.
7. Разминка для глаз. (слайд 6)
Ease your eyes.
8. Чтение текста. (слайд 7)
Open Microsoft Word, read the text “The benefits of Modern Technology”, do the tasks.
True or false?
- The author is annoyed about those who still don’t know what the “e” in e-mail stands for.
- It is cheaper to send an e-mail than an ordinary letter.
- It takes several days to send an e-mail.
- The computer you need should be fairly powerful.
9. E-mail message. (слайд 8)
Rebecca has to write a weekly article, and then send it to her editor with an e-mail message. Complete this flow chart using the expressions below.
- Send to editor
- Shut down
- Check spelling
- Write e-mail message
- Connect modem
- Attach article
- Write article
- Disconnect modem
- Save any changes
- Save document
- Open application
- Switch on computer
10. Emoticons and abbreviations. (слайд 9)
When people send informal e-mails or text messages, they sometimes use emoticons (symbols) or abbreviations. Look through the list and match the items 1-9 with the meaning a-i.
11. Writing an e-mail. (слайд 10)
Write an e-mail message to your classmates. Their addresses:
- ta96q@yandex.ru
- marina95p@yandex.ru
- karabey2009@yandex.ru
12. Подведение итогов, рефлексия. (слайд 11)
Rounding off.
Open Paint and draw a face according to your mood. (Дети рисуют свое настроение в графическом редакторе Paint).
13. Заключение.
Dear students! We’d like to thank you for your work. You’ve done your best. We hope that you’ve learnt a lot and maybe will use your knowledge of English in future.
You can learn some more information on this topic in these books: (слайд 12)
Список используемой литературы:
- Matrix. Kathy Gude, Michael Duckworth. Oxford University Press.-2002.
- Business Basics. David Grant and Robert McLarty. Oxford University Press.-2003.
- “Enjoy English” 10 класс. М.З. Биболетова .
- Универсальные материалы для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. «Интеллект-центр»-2010.