Thank you, our veterans!

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Duration of lesson: 45 min.

Level: 7 form.

Theme: The 65th anniversary of the Great Victory. Concluding lesson “Thank you, our veterans!”.

Aim: To enable students to search for information.

To share opinions, to speak about students’ projects.

To bring up pupils to respect the veterans and to love their Motherland.

To speak about patriotism.

To make future plans.

Language Focus: vocabulary connected with lessons “Our Motherland”, “Reading”, “Feats of people”.

Aids and Materials: students’ projects, books, posters, compositions, pictures.



A talk about children’s projects. Who are patriots and what is patriotism? Why will all progressive people celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory?


Monologues about the students’ work:

  • taking part in all school actions;
  • how to educate oneself to be a patriot.

Developing Listening Skills

During listening to the pupils’ stories they are preparing questions to each other.


A guessing game (crossword). You have learnt a lot about the Great Patriotic War, about heroes and their struggle against fascists. Guess the crossword.


Writing letters. Let’s thank our veterans and write letters. Giving marks and putting down homework.

Успех данного урока зависел от того, как учащиеся подготовили свои личные проекты, основанные на поисково-патриотической работе, в которой участвовали 3-4 года.


Teacher: This year is a jubilee year. Our country and the whole progressive mankind will celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Great Patriotic war. We must not forget those who won peaceful life for us. They also thought about happiness, but they gave their lives for us, for our Victory.

Our school received the task: to write the article about children’s work devoted to this great anniversary. All of you have got a project connected with this task.

So, you are correspondents now. Let’s decide whose project or presentation is better and we’ll send the best material to the editorial office of the newspaper.


  • Why will the people all over the world celebrate this anniversary?
  • Why will we never forget the war?
  • What is patriotism? Whom can we name patriots?
  • What actions is our school going to hold?
  • How did your class prepare for the 65th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War?
  • Did anybody in your family take part in the war?
  • What do peace and the future of mankind mean?


“Despite the fact that a lot of cheerful parades are held on this day, I can’t say that this public holiday is a happy day for everyone. But many people are sad because their close relatives and friends died on this terrible war! Almost every family in Russia has a person who didn’t return from the battlefield of the most inhuman war ever. It was mostly young and healthy people with great love to their Motherland who had to struggle frantically with terrible enemies.”

“We must be grateful to those who put their lives on the altar of the USSR victory. We must keep their memory carefully and appreciate everything they did for us, as we are living just because they are dead.”

“Every year my family goes to the centre of Moscow with flowers for our dear veterans.”

“All my friends have George Ribbon. We are proud of it. We must be grateful to our grandparents.”

“My grandfather told me that he was only 12 years old in 1941. He helped to defend Moscow. He remembered women – workers’ faces black from work, they slept only 5-6 hours a day, wanted to help their sons, husbands fighting against fascists.”

“People of our planet should not repeat the tragic experience of the past! They should do everything for a peaceful future.”

Учащиеся рассказывают об акциях, в которых участвовали и организаторами которых были:

– “Cладкая Ярмарка” (“Sweet Victory Fair”). Ребята продают сладкие изделия, сделанные своими руками вместе с родителями, деньги передаются больным ветеранам.

– Акция “Георгиевская ленточка” (“George Ribbon”).

– Акция “Журавлики” (“Cranes”). Учащиеся школы, учителя, родители делают из бумаги белых журавликов, на крылышках которых пишут имена погибших, воевавших родственников.

– Рассказы о поездках в г. Волгоград, Красногорск, Волоколамск, походах в Снегири, Дубосеково, на Перемиловские высоты.

– Рассказ об участии в городском конкурсе “Нет фашизму”.


We have read the books about poets and writers who had died for our Motherland. Poets of many nationalities went into action with both the gun and the pen.

Учащиеся рассказывают о поэтах, сражавшихся и погибших за Родину (Павел Коган, Всеволод Багрицкий, Муса Джамиль, Мирза Геловани).

Учащиеся приготовили кроссворд, использовали интересную лексику по данной теме.

Учащиеся задают вопросы друг другу о фильмах, которые они видели (“Мы из будущего”, “Списки Шиндлера”, “Обыкновенный фашизм”).

В конце урока учащиеся пишут поздравления ветеранам, складывают их военными треугольниками.

Учащиеся определяют лучшие проекты.

Учитель подводит итоги урока, благодарит за работу, озвучивает оценки.