Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное биографии и творчеству С.Есенина "Sergey Yesenin"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

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  • расширить лингвистический кругозор учащихся;
  • углубить знания биографии Сергея Есенина и его творчества,
  • Ознакомить аудиторию учащихся со стихами Сергея Есенина в английском и русском вариантах,
  • Ознакомить учащихся с основной тематикой лирики поэта,
  • Обозначить роль и место лирики С.Есенина в русской литературе
  • развить мотивацию к изучению английского языка;


  • Воспитывать у учащихся эстетический вкус,
  • Поддерживать у учащихся интерес к изучению предмета английский язык
  • Поддерживать у учащихся интерес к изучению культуры страны родного языка,
  • Формировать толерантность и уважение к представителям других народов и культур.


  • Совершенствовать общеучебные умения и навыки,
  • Формировать фонематический слух и произносительные навыки,
  • Развить навыки монологической речи (описание сказочного героя);
  • Развить навыки выразительного чтения;
  • Развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
  • Развить память и внимание;
  • Совершенствовать навык выступления перед аудиторией и умение грамотно излагать свои мысли.

Оборудование: мультимедиапроектор, ноутбук, фильмы с использованием песен на оригинальные стихотворения С.Есенина, мультимедийная презентация, микрофоны

Оборудование сцены: портреты поэта, стол, стул


Участники композиции:

  • 1 участник
  • 2 участник
  • 3 участник
  • Сергей Есенин
  • Александр Блок
  • Горничная Глаша
  • Мариенгоф.
  • Айседора Дункан (с навыками хореографического танца)
  • Мать С.Есенина

Сцена 1

1-й слайд презентации

На сцену выходят первые три участника композиции

1 участник: Our performance is dedicated to the Great Russian poet Sergey Yesenin.

2 слайд презентации: Звучит песня "Белая береза". Участники танцуют РЭП. После окончания русского варианта песни в том же стиле РЭП 1-й участник читает английский вариант стихотворения "Белая береза":

1 участник:

Just below my window
Stands a birch-tree white,
Under snow in winter
Gleaming silver bright

On the fluffy branches
Sparkling in a row
Dangle pretty tassels
Of the purest snow.

There the birch in silence
Slumbers all day long
And the snow gleams brightly
In the golden sun.

And the dawn demurely
Going on its rounds
With a silver mantle
Decks again the boughs.

3-слайд презентации:

2 участник:

What an unusual interpretation of the poem by Esenin. I have always loved poetry so much:.

But I prefer Pushkin, Lermontov. ..They are the real Russian classical poets

1 участник:

Yesenin is something special in Russian poetry. He is so great, talented, and unique.

3 участник

You are completely right. His poems are full of love for the country, its nature. they were born out of love for the homeland Do you know anything about his life?

Первые три участника отходят на задний план

Сцена 2

На сцене С.Есенин

4-й слайд презентации

Есенин читает под музыку.

I was born in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan Region, on October 21st, 1895. At the age of two I was sent to be raised in a well off family of my grandfather on my mother's side, there I spent almost all my green years.

Among the boys in the neighbourhood I was known as a horse breeder and a big fighter, for I would always have scratches on my face.

Grandmother loved me devoutly, and her tenderness was boundless.

That was the way my childhood went on.

When I was eighteen I sent my poems to various magazines and I was surprised at the fact that they refused to publish them, so I went to Saint Petersburg. I was given a warm welcome there.

Сцена 3

5-й слайд презентации

На сцене горничная Глаша и Блок

Глаша. Alexander Alexandrovich!

Блок. What's the matter?

Глаша. When you were out one man came:.

Блок. Who was he?

Глаша. I don't know. He was young and handsome and dressed in a silk shirt

Блок. What was his name?

Глаша. Yevseev or Yeseev. He left a message and asked to give it to you

Блок. (Читает вслух ): Yesenin. Let's read:..

6-й слайд презентации


The gold stars are sleeping,
The mirror-pond trembles,
The dawn light comes creeping
And heaven's net reddens.

The birch-tree smites sleepily,
Her silk locks free-flowing,
Green earrings are rustling.
And silver dew glowing.

Tall nettles by the fencing
Their bright pearls are flaunting
And whispering merrily:
"Good morning!"

Блок. Amazing! So bright and unexpected! It is necessary to meet this m. .. m. .. Yesenin .He is a gifted peasant poet !

Сцена 4

7-й слайд презентации

На сцене 2 и 3 участники

2-й участник:

Yesenin dedicated his poems to Russian birch trees and fields, flowers and birds. He wrote nice poems about animals.

3 участник:

8-й слайд презентации (под музыку)

I enjoy touching poem To Kachalov's Dog

Come, Jim, give me your paw for luck,
I swear I've never seen one like it.
Let's go, the two of us, and bark
Up the moon when Nature's silent.
Come, Jim, give me your paw for luck.

Stop licking me, pet, and please do
At least heed this advice I'm giving.
Of life you haven't got a clue,
You do not realize life is worse living.

You master's kind a man of note,
And visitors his home are thronging,
They all admire your velvet coat
Which smilingly they love to fondle.

2-й участник:

You're devilish handsome for a dog,
So charming, trusting, unsuspicious,
Not asking if you may or not,
Like a drunken pal, you plaster kisses.

Dear Jim, I know a great variety
Of visions of all shorts call,
But have you seen her here, the saddest
And the least talkative of all?

I'm sure she'll come here. In my absence
Please catch her eye. Go kiss her hand for me,
For all my real or fancied errors asking
Forgiveness of her in humility.

Сцена 5

9-й слайд презентации

На сцене 1 участник и С.Есенин

1 участник: You lived during the difficult period of our country. Did you accept the Revolution?

Есенин: During the revolution I was on the side of the October, but I accepted it in my own peasantry way.

1 участник: What was the main woman of your life?

Есенин. It was Isadora Duncan.

Сцена 6

10-й слайд презентации

На сцене Мариенгоф и Есенин.

Мариенгоф. Let's go to the Yakulov's studio to have a look at the famous French dancer, Isadora Duncan. She is going to teach Russian children to dance. They say she is a beauty Есенин. I long for it very much.

Выбегает воздушная Айседора Дункан

Танец Айседоры Дункан под 11-й слайд презентации

Есенин. I love you:.

Isadora: I do not understand you:..

Есенин. We married shortly after the Revolution. In 1922 we toured abroad, stopping in Germany, France, Austria, and the United States. In 1925 I found himself alone in Leningrad

Сцена 7

на сцене Есенин и его мама.

12-й слайд презентации

Есенин: I am so lonely my dear mother! I miss you so much:. Please, knit woolen stockings for me:There in the city I cannot find them. But I always catch a cold.

Мать Есенина.

Stars little stars, you're so high and so clear!
What have you got in you, so fascinating?
Stars, deep in thought, so discreet you appear,
What is the power that makes you so tempting?

I have just received a letter from my dear son:I would like him to be here :with me

13-й слайд презентации

Есенин читает под музыку

A Letter to Mother

Are you still alive, my dear granny?
I am alive as well. Hello! Hello!
May there always be above you, honey,
The amazing stream of evening glow.
I've been told that hiding your disquiet,
Worrying about me a lot,
You go out to the roadside every night,
Wearing your shabby overcoat.
In the evening darkness, very often,
You conceive the same old scene of blood:
Kind of in a tavern fight some ruffian
Plunged a Finnish knife into my heart.
Now calm down, mom! And don't be dreary!
It's a painful fiction through and through.
I'm not so bad a drunkard, really,
As to die without seeing you.
I'm your tender son as ever, dear,
And the only thing I dream of now
Is to leave this dismal boredom here
And return to our little house. And how!
I'll return in spring without warning
When the garden blossoms, white as snow.
Please don't wake me early in the morning,
As you did before, eight years ago.
Don't disturb my dreams that now have flown,
Don't perturb my vain and futile strife
For it's much too early that I've known
Heavy loss and weariness in life.
Please don't teach me how to say my prayers!
There is no way back to what is gone.
You're my only joy, support and praise
And my only flare shining on.
Please forget about your pain and fear,
Please don't worry over me a lot
Don't go out to the roadside, dear,
Wearing your shabby overcoat

Сцена 8.

14-й слайд презентации

На сцене 1 и 2 участники

1 участник:

Yesenin died on the night of Dec. 27, 1925. He wrote his last poem in his own blood. Shortly before his death, when he was at hospital he wrote:

15-й слайд презентации (читает под музыку)

Maple bare of foliage, freezing in the snowstorm,
Why are  you bent over as the wind is blowing?

Have you witnessed something?  Have you heard   some tidings?
It's as if beyond the village you've gone striding.

Like a drunken watchman, straying off the roadway,
In a drift you tumbled, now your leg is frozen.

I too am unsteady on my feet, I'm thinking,
And I can't get home when I have been out drinking.

Here I met a willow, there a pine I greeted,
To a song of summer both of them I treated.

I'd a feeling I too was a maple like you,
Not bare and bald one, but bright green and thriving.

By both common sense and modesty deserted,
In a lustful freeze I embraced a birch-tree.

2 участник: 16-й слайд презентации

Russia was his only love and passion.

Источники информации.

  1. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%95%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BD,_
  2. http://www.stihi-rus.ru/1/Esenin/
  3. http://www.silverage.ru/poets/esenin/esenin_bio.html
  4. http://www.calend.ru/person/5370/
  5. http://samlib.ru/w/wagapow_a/yesen.shtml
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWseGkJL5NI
  7. http://www.geocities.com/sulawesiprince/russpoets/yeseninbio.html
  8. http://www.russianlegacy.com/russian_culture/poetry/esenin.htm