Урок английского языка во 2-м классе "Веселое путешествие"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

The Developing Aim:

  • to develop listening skills: to understand the teacher’s speech and a speaker’s speech from CD;
  • to support interest for studying English.

The Educational Aim:

  • to make up conditions for communizing during the lesson;
  • to teach pupils to communicate politely.

The Practical Aim:

  • to activate the learned structures for short expressions on the topic;
  • to fix the learned material through the series of micro dialogues and role games;
  • to transform the learned material into the real situations.
  • to study the letter Xx.

The Equipment.

The presentation of the topic, the CD with texts for listening, multimedia pictures of wild and domestic animals, transcription signs.

I. The Organizing Moment.

- (Slide 1) Hello, children! Today we will make an interesting journey with a magic engine. We’ll pass by some stations and will do some merry tasks. Let’s begin! (Slide 2)

II. Phonetic Exercises. Station 1 “English Sounds”.

1. (Slide 3) Звонит колокольчик для отправления: [n-n-n], Паровозик начинает движение. Стучат колеса: [t-d, t-d], дует ветер: [f-v]. Паровозик поет песенку: [m-m-m]. Паровозик видит летающих комариков: [z-z-z] и пчелок: [ð- ð- ð]. Паровозик пускает дым из трубы: [w]. Паровозика приветствует овечка: [bæ], ворона: [krəʊ], змейка: [s-ө], собачка: [grau]. Звенят цветы колокольчики: [l-l-l]. Паровозик устал и вздыхает: [h].

2. Now let’s repeat the English sounds. Look at the screen and name the sounds. [[n], [l], [m], [r], [t], [d], [k], [g], [s], [z], [p], [b]. (Pril. 1) Nice!

3. Please say the words with these sounds: [name, nine, lion], [fly], [monkey, mother], [red, read, write], [cat, ten], [dog], [six, swim], [pig, parrot], [blue, brother, bag]. Very good!

4. Please rhyme these words: box – (fox), log – (dog, frog), bat – (cat), carrot – (parrot), house – (mouse), stick – (pig), Nile – (crocodile), dish – (fish), donkey – (monkey). Fine!

III. Speech Exercises. Station 2 “Animals”.

5. (Slide 4) What animals go with us? Look at the screen and name the animals. (Slides 5-23) Well done!

6. (Slide 24) Our animals are very colourful. Let’s remember the colours and say what colour our animals are. (Slides 25-34) [a white rabbit, a black dog, an orange tiger, a blue frog, a brown monkey, a green crocodile, a yellow lion, a pink pig, a red cockerel, a grey and blue elephant]Very good!

7. Now let’s count. Please count from 1 to 10. Open your textbooks on p. 68, ex. 6. Will you count the animals? [six rabbits, five cats, four monkeys, four tigers, three foxes] Fine!

IV. Oral Speech. Station 3 “Verbs”.

8. (Slide 35) Now please tell me what you and animals can do. (Slides 36-42)

- Can you run like a dog?

- Can you jump like a rabbit?

- Can you swim like a fish?

- Can you fly like a parrot?

- Can you skip like a lion?

- Can you sing like a mouse?

- Can you dance like Tiger and Pooh?

Let’s speak about your toys. Please introduce your toy. What’s his/her name? How old is he/she? What he/she can do?

V. The Sport Break.

  • Let’s relax and sing our song “Clap your hands”! (TS 36)
  • Well done!

VI. Listening. Station 4.

1. (Slide 43) Our Engine has come to farmer John’s farm. Now he’ll sing about his animals. Be attentive and say what animals he has got. [a duck, a dog, a cat, a cow, a sheep]

- Who says “quack-quack”? [a duck]

- Who says “woof-woof”? [a dog]

- Who says “mew-mew”? [a cat]

- Who says “moo-moo”? [a cow]

- Who says “baa-baa”? [a sheep]

- Well done!

2. Tim visits John’s farm. Listen to the task and do it in your workbooks, p. 22, ex. 3. [9 rabbits, 7 hens, no cockerel, 2 dogs] TS 56

VII. Station 5. Rhyming.

1. (Slide 44) Now you will listen to Russian poems and try to guess what animal it is.

Рыбу ловишь – не шумишь.
Рыба по-английски – fish.

Если выключу я свет,
Светятся глаза у cat.

Весeло бежит щенок,
Вырастет – и будет dog.

С рыжей гривою шикарной
Выступает важно lion.

К нам приходит в гости в лагерь
Полосатый хищник – tiger.

Издает истошный крик
Розовый и толстый pig.

Уплывает быстро вдаль
Злой зеленый crocodile.

Шел куда-то мимо сквера
Косолапый бурый bear.

Очень-очень я пугаюсь,
Если выскочит вдруг mouse.

Очень любит смотреть бокс
Рыжая лисичка – fox.

VIII. Station 6. The English Alphabet.

  1. Look at the cards and name the letters.
  2. We study the new letter Xx. Open your workbooks and do ex. 1, p. 21.
  3. While you are writing, I’ll check up your home task: ex. 4, p. 21.

XIX. The Final Station.

1. (Slide 45) Summing up.

2. Hometask: ex. 4, p. 21 WB.
