Внеклассное мероприятие по теме "День святого Валентина"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели мероприятия:

  • Образовательная – ознакомить с традициями празднования Дня Святого Валентина в англоязычных странах, провести практику всех видов иноязычной деятельности: аудирования, говорения, чтения и письма.
  • Воспитательная – воспитывать уважение к истории и культуре стран изучаемого языка.
  • Развивающая – развивать творческую фантазию, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности, развивать познавательные интересы учащихся, способствовать развитию общеучебных навыков (восприятия, внимания, памяти, воображения, мышления и т.п.)


I. Вступительное слово учителя. Подготовка к игре

Dear friends, we are here today to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. Do you know this holiday? Can you answer my questions?
– In what countries do people celebrate St. Valentine’s Day?
– When do people celebrate this holiday?
– What do people give  each other on this day?
– What do they write to their sweethearts?
– Today we are going to play a game. There are a lot of activities for you. We have two teams and we’ll see which team knows more about St. Valentine’s Day. Let’s introduce our teams. Tell me, please, the name of your team and who your leader is. …
– Are you ready to start? OK.  

II. Этапы игры

1. Конкурс «Найди слова»

– Here are two hearts with many words on them. Which words can be connected with the holiday? Your task is to put a circle around these words when you find them in the big heart. You may start now! (Каждая команда получает сердце, внутри которого среди букв зашифрованы слова. Сердце нужно нарисовать и вырезать.)

Put a circle around the words that can be connected with Valentine’s Day.

The keys:love, valentine, present, candy, kiss, red, romance, heart, Cupid, friend, card, cake, arrow.

2. Конкурс «Найди пару».

– What well-known lovers pairs can you name? (Команды получают карточки с именами влюбленных, они должны составить пары.)

Write the well-known lovers pairs:

Juliet and …
Eva and …
Desdemona and …
Captain Grey and …
Ophelia and …
Cinderella and …
Master and …
Lady Hamilton and …

Prince      Hamlet     Admiral Nelson     Romeo     Margaret     Othello 
Assol     Adam         

The keys:

Juliet and Romeo
Eva and Adam  
Desdemona and Othello
Captain Grey and Assol 

Ophelia and Hamlet
Cinderella and Prince 
Master and Margaret
Lady Hamilton and Admiral Nelson    

3. Конкурс «Сочини стихотворение».

– Very often people speak about love in poems. And now you will write poems! (Команды получают листы с рифмами.)

Write a poem:


4. Конкурс «Закончи предложения»

– Now try to complete the sentences about St. Valentine’s Day. (Команды получают листы с предложениями, которые они должны закончить подходящими по смыслу словами.)

Complete the sentences:

Valentine’s day is in ___________________
February is the second month of the _____________
We give our ______________ pretty Valentine cards.
It is fun to get ___________ Valentine cards than our friends.
Some people ____________ their own cards instead of buying them in the shops.

The keys: february, year, friends, more, make.

5. Конкурс скороговорок.

– And now let’s talk! You should say these tongue twisters as quick and as well as you can.

(Участники команд по очереди в быстром темпе произносят скороговорки.)

Say this tongue twister as quick and as well as you can:

Merry Mary marries Marty on Monday.


Say this tongue twister as quick and as well as you can:

I miss my Swiss Miss. My Swiss Miss misses me.

6. Конкурс «Кто больше?»

– Now we’ll see how many words you will be able to make out of this one. (Команды составляют слова из букв слова Honeymoon.)

7. Конкурс «Признание»

– Well, don’t you think that it’s time to talk about your love? For this task we need a boy from one team and a girl from the other. And the other way round. But the main task is for boys. My dear boys take these hearts and you’ll have some minutes to think of what you’ll say to your sweethearts! (Команды получают по два сердца. Мальчики должны составить признания, а девочки им помогают. Оценивается правильность речи и артистичность.)

What can you say to your sweethearts?

my heart is … a boiling kettle                              as hard as
your heart is … a diamond                                   as hot as
your lips are  … roses                                          as bright as
your eyes are  … stars                                          as red as
my love is  … the Universe                                  as endless as

my heart is  … fire                                              as cold as
your heart is  … ice                                             as deep as
your lips are  … honey                                        as hot as  
your eyes are  … an ocean                                  as sweet as
my love is  … the sky                                         as wide as

The keys:

my heart is as hot as a boiling kettle 
your heart is as hard as a diamond
your lips are as red as roses
your eyes are as bright as stars
my love is as endless as the Universe

my heart is as hot as fire
your heart is as cold as ice
your lips are as sweet as honey
your eyes are as deep as an ocean
my love is as wide as the sky

8. Конкурс «Тайное послание»

– Now try to find a secret message. Use the code key.

Use the code key to find the secret message.

Code Key:

33 = D
77 = L
19 = I
51 = S
42 = Y
83 = H
79 = N
56 = O
8 = E
66 = V
7 = A
69 = T
17 = U
26 = R
2 = P

     19       83 8 7 26 69 19 77 42
83 56 2 8       42 56 17        83 7 66 8
7        83 7 2 2 42
66 7 77 8 79 69 19 79 8’ 51
33 7 42!

The keys: I heartily hope you have a happy Valentine’s Day!

– Dear friends, thank you for our nice holiday! And now let’s listen to what our jury can say about our teams …