Урок английского языка по теме "Роль книг в нашей жизни"

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Презентация к уроку

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Цель урока: развитие умений устной монологической и диалогической речи по изученной теме.

Задачи урока.

Учебная: развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся.

Познавательная: расширение общего кругозора учащихся.

Воспитательная: привитие любви к чтению.

Оснащение урока: компьютер и мультимедийный проектор

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент: приветствие, целеполагание.

- Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you at the lesson. Nowadays many people believe that reading is boring and that books are not necessary. Do you agree?

Возможные реплики учащихся:

Yes, I completely agree with this opinion. I don’t like books, I prefer cinema and computer.

No, I can’t agree with these words. They are absurd. Books teach us! …

- You see, so many minds so many thoughts. But in all centuries there were the people who wrote books and there were the people who read them. How do you think what is the theme of our lesson?

Возможные реплики учащихся:

I think the theme is the answer to the question: what role do books play in our modern life?

In other words we must find the answer if books are necessary or not for us.

- You are absolutely right: the theme of the lesson is the role of books in our modern life. (Слайд 2)

And here you can see the plan of our lesson. (Слайд 3)

The plan of the lesson:

  • repeat the words on the topic and do the quiz
  • explain the statements about reading and books
  • discuss biographies of some writers
  • act out the dialogue from the book about Winnie-the-Pooh
  • act out your home dialogues
  • prepare your own answers to the whole topic

II. Практика в устной монологической и диалогической речи.

- I have a quiz for you. But it is an unusual quiz: it has answers but no questions. You’ll read the answers and make the questions to them. (Слайды 4-6 )

1. Charles Dickens

2. A thriller

3. The plot

4. An encyclopedia

5. Agatha Christie

6. A volume

7. A chapter

8. Fiction

9. Caxton

10. Ivanhoe

11. A character

12. A dictionary

Возможные ответы учащихся:

  1. He is the author of “Oliver Twist”.
  2. It is a book that tells an exciting story about murder or crime.
  3. This word means the events that form the main story of a book.
  4. It is a book which contains facts about many subjects.
  5. This British writer is known as the Queen of Crime.
  6. This word means a part of a set.
  7. It is one of the parts into which a book is divided.
  8. Books and stories of this genre tell about imaginary people and events.
  9. This English man was the first to start printing books in the English language.
  10. It is the title of the most famous book by Walter Scott.
  11. It is a person in a book.
  12. It is a book that gives a list of words in alphabetical order and explains their meanings in the same language or another language.

- There are many statements which are connected with reading and books. How can you explain them in English? (Слайд 7)

  1. Words are the voice of the heart.
  2. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
  3. A library is a hospital for the mind.
  4. A book is a garden carried in the pocket.

- In our English lessons we read and discuss biographies of world known writers and poets. I want you to remember about these outstanding people and tell about them using my words-helpers. (Слайды 8-11)

  1. William Shakespeare (the 6th form)
  2. Robert Burns (the 6th form)
  3. Alexander Pushkin (the 7th form)
  4. Alexander Allan Milne (the 7th form)

- The latest writer whose biography we discussed was Alexander Milne. You have already said that his most famous book is the book about Winnie-the Pooh. Today we have two actors who will perform the main characters of this book. I am sure it may be interesting. (Слайд 12)

(Сценка-диалог между Винни Пухом и Кроликом – домашнее задание двух учащихся.)

Winnie-the-Pooh: (громко) Is anybody at home? (стучит в дверь, за дверью слышен шум)

Rabbit: No. Don’t shout so loud. I can hear you quite well.

W.P.: Sorry. Isn’t there anybody here?

R.: Nobody.

W. P. There must be somebody there, because somebody said, “Nobody.” Hello, Rabbit, isn’t that you?

R.: No

W.P.: Well, could you very kindly tell me where Rabbit is?

R.: He has gone to see his friend Pooh Bear who is a great friend of his.

W.P.: To his friend Pooh? But this is me.

R.: What sort of me?

W.P.: Pooh Bear.

R.: Are you sure?

W.P.: Quite sure.

R.: Oh, well, then come in.

(Вини-Пух с трудом протискивается в дом кролика.)

R.: You were quite right. It is you. Glad to see you. I am just going to have dinner.

(Винни-Пух и Кролик садятся за стол.)

R.: Honey or condensed milk with bread?

W.: Both. But don’t bother about the bread, please.

(Через некоторое время) Thank you. Now I have to go!

R.: Good-bye, Pooh!

- I think it is time to check your home task. At home you prepared three dialogues. (Слайд 13)

  1. The first situation is at the bookshop.
  2. The second situation is between two friends.
  3. The third situation is at the library.

Возможные диалоги учащихся:

At the bookshop

1. What can I do for you?

2. Please, I want a book as a birthday present for my cousin.

1. What books does she prefer?

2. She prefers love stories.

1. What about this one? It is an interesting love story.

2. Sorry, but I don't like these dime novels.

1. OK. What about the classic one? It's “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte.

2. How much is it?

1. 90 roubles.

2. Here is the money.

1. Here is your change. You are always welcome.

About a book between two friends

1. What are you reading?

2. I'm reading a comic book.

1. How long have you been reading it?

2. For a week.

1. How many pages have you read?

2. About 100.

1. Is it interesting?

2. Rather!

1. Will you give it to me after you finish it?

2. Of course I will.

1. Agreed!

At the library

1. Good morning!

2. Good morning! I’m your new librarian. My name is Miss Green. What do you want?

1. I want to take out a volume of Chekhov's works. Our school is celebrating his anniversary.

2. How long are you going to use it? This book is in great demand now.

1. Not more than a week.

2. OK. I'll write it down into your card. You may take it.

1. Thank you very much.

- Let’s work in pairs. Each pair must prepare an answer to one question and then we will have the whole monologue topic “The role of books in our modern life”.

(Слайд 14)

  1. The reasons why people read books
  2. The main genres of books
  3. My favourite writer
  4. My favourite book
  5. Reading is important and interesting because…

(Учащиеся в группе выбирают один пункт и готовят к нему связное высказывание из 6-7 предложений. После этого группы озвучивают свои ответы, и получается единое монологическое высказывание по изучаемой теме.)

III. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.

We have listened to five monologues of our pairs. It is a model of your own monologue for the next lesson which you will prepare at home. So, your home task is the topic “The role of books in our modern life”.

Thank you for your hard work. I think now you won’t believe that reading is boring, will you? And I want to give you one useful advice: (Слайд 15)

Read books! And you will love this amazing world!