Terrorism. 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Задачи урока:

  1. Познавательный аспект: Дать знания о терроризме и способах сохранения жизни – при захвате заложников.
  2. Учебный аспект: Развитие навыков чтения, аудирования; знакомство и закрепление ЛЕ в говорении.
  3. Развивающий аспект: Развивать умения систематизировать свои знания в этой области.
  4. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать ответственность к своей жизни и жизни окружающих.

Оборудование: листы с текстом, плакаты.

Ход урока

I. Оргмомент.

Modern life became very dangerous. Terrorism has turned into one of the most dangerous social-political problems.

There were a lot of terrorists' attacks in the world. We remember the 11th of September in the USA, the victims in Beslun, Moscow, Mozdok and other cities and towns. Today's terrorism is not only a suiside- terrorist. They are organized into organization. The theme of our lesson is "Terrorism". We have to know how to behave ourselves not to lose our temper.

II. Фонзарядка.

На доске написаны несколько новых слов. По описанию учителя учащиеся догадываются об их значениях.

  • camouflage – when the thing is hidden in some place and nobody can see it.
  • crack – it is a sound when smth. burst into many pieces.
  • maliciously – smb. looks at another person unfriendly.
  • explosive substance – suiside-terrorist has it on his waist.

III. Речевая зарядка.

Teacher: What is the origin of the word "Terrorism"?

Pupil: It is a latin word.

Teacher: What does it mean?

Pupil: It means "fear", "horror"

Teacher: Who becomes a terrorist?

Pupil: Smb., who wants to achieve his aims by criminal actions. Teacher: Have you ever heard about terrorism in our country? Pupil: Yes. It was in Moscow. Caucasus. Teacher: What attack has been in Togliatti? Pupil: It was in a taxi.

IV. As you see, these attacks don't leave us in ourdays.

Задание 1.

Now, please, divide into 3 groups.

Write some words which are associated in your mind with the word "terrorism". You have 2 min.

Учащиеся пишут слова на листах бумаги, которые ассоциируются со словом «терроризм». Затем спикер каждой группы зачитывает эти слова, сравнивая со словами других групп. As we see, all of you have the same feelings, emotions.

Задание 2.

Работа с плакатами.

На доске вывешены плакаты:

  1. Attention! Terrorism!
  2. If you became a hostage.

Look at these posters, please. There are shown the things which can be found in different places and they can be dangerous. It can be an ownerless packet, a box, a bag. You can find a mobile telephone, a very nice toy in the park. But you must remember that you mustn't: move, touch, open them. We can guess that such things can be found in transport, on the landing, in the street.

Teacher: Where can you find any ownerless things?

Pupil: We can find them in the park, in the bin, on the landing, in transport.

Teacher: What are your actions when you see these things?

Pupil: I have to inform a police, a driver. When it is inahe shop I must inform a shop assistant.

Teacher: How will you inform a police?

Pupil: I'll phone 02.

T: What are the main rules?

PI: Don't touch the ownerless things.

P2: Don't open the boxes, bags, packets.

P3: Don't move them.

P4: We must inform a police, a driver, a shop-assistant.

Now look at the other poster. This situation is more dangerous. It is the capture of the hostages. Have you ever heard about the capture of the hostages?

Pupils: Yes, we have. It was the capture of musical "Nord Ost" in Moscow, school in Beslan.

So, it is very important to know what to do if you became a hostage. As you see on this poster you have to submit to all terrorists demands. Учитель с учениками обсуждают все ситуации, которые возникают при захвате заложников.

Teacher: What must you do?

Pupils: In situation "1" one must lie down. In situation "2" one must sit down, close the eyes, hold one's breath and lock the hands. Close the sides and stomach.

T: Why must you do this?

P: We must do this to save our respiratory tract.

T: Why have you to display courage self-control.

P: The group of terrorists' captors can take you for a terrorist who is running.

Учащиеся обсуждают каждый эпизод, изображенный на плакате.

Затем постеры размещаются так, чтобы уч-ся не могли их видеть. И путем опроса закрепляются знания данных ситуаций.

Well, now we repeat everything what we have spoken about.

T: What have you to remember when you became a hostage?

PI: We have to submit all terrorists' demands.

P2: Find a safety place.

P3: Don't show unnecessary heroism.

Р4: Don't look at terrorist's eyes. P5:Don't look maliciously.

P6: Speak briefly and quietly.

P7: If smb. became a hostage he must follow all the rules.

P8: Don't run towards the group of captures. They can think that you are a running terrorist.

P9: When you hear the command "lie down", submit it.

P10: When you hear the crack of teargas hand grenade you must sit down, close your head, hold the breath.

T: What do you do when you see the ownerless things?

  1. P1: Wants to take and open the box.
    P2: Don't open, it can be dangerous. Let's inform a policeman.

  2. P1: Oh, so beautiful toy. I'll take it for my sister.
    P2: Don't touch! There can be a bomb inside. Call the police.

  3. P1: Let's go to the shop. Do you see a mobile on the floor?
    P2: Stop! Don't take it! Stay here and I'll inform a shop assistant.

You knew what to do when you see an ownerless thing, you recognized how to save yourselves if you became a hostage. But I hope all that will never be useful for you. I hope we will live in peace-time.

V. Работа с текстом.

All of you have the papers with the text. Now we will read it.

"Terrorism in our country"

Since World War II till 1990-s people lived without fear. They went to their jobs, studied at the institutes. Children went to schools and their parents have never been afraid of anything for their lives. Everybody hoped for better life and planed their future. But 1990-s together with collapse of the USSR brought the years full of fear, instability and criminalism to our country. There were a number of terrorists' attacks in our country and in particular in Moscow. We remember the ruined buildings in Guiyanov street, in Kashirskaya street, where a lot of people died.

We can't forget such events as terrorists' attacks in Moscow's underground, the capture of the hostages in the theatre "Nord Ost"; the capture of school in Beslun. Hundreds of people were killed.

Children are the most targets for terrorists. To save the life you must know how to behave yourselves in similar situations. Correct behavior is often the only way to make safe.

Terrorism is one of the most dangerous phenomena. Modem terrorism is the powerful structure. There are about 500 illegal organizations. It is a profitable business. The terrorists have next methods:

  1. blowing up the objects;
  2. the capture of hostages;
  3. shooting and killing people;
  4. arsons;
  5. poisoning, etc.

But of course the world is opposing terrorism as well. In fact there are many social organizations and even youth ones that fight against terrorism. Our aims are to withstand the terrorists' attacks and help ourselves and other people. To overcome the threat we must consolidate our forces and state shoulder by shoulder.

VI. Задания.

Задание к тексту 1.

Answer the questions

  1. When were we faced with the dangerous of terrorism?
  2. What terrorists' attacks have had place?
  3. Did they lead to the victims?
  4. What methods do the terrorists use?
  5. What have we to do not to be a victim?

Задание к тексту 2.


  1. the reason of lefts of victims in the theatre "Nord Ost" and at achool in Beslun. :
  2. How you understand the expression “children are the most targets for terrorists"
  3. To overcome the threat we must consolidate our forces and state shoulder by shoulder.

VII. You have the papers on your desks.

Please write what уou have known today. You have 10 min.