Речевая зарядка на уроке английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Начало урока является одним из его важных этапов, во многом определяет успех всего урока. Как говорят англичане: A good beginning makes a good ending.

Задача учителя на этом этапе – сразу ввести учеников в атмосферу иностранного языка, заменяя формальный оргмомент речевой зарядкой, например в форме

I. Word hunt:

Work in pairs or groups of three. Name two things that:

  1. are very expensive.
  2. you can use to write with.
  3. have a nice smell.
  4. are small enough to fit in your pocket.
  5. are dangerous.
  6. can make you feel happy.
  7. are thin and sharp.
  8. you can wear above the waist.
  9. you would find it difficult to live without.
  10. are yellow.
  11. make an unpleasant or loud noise.
  12. are very heavy.
  13. you shouldn’t eat if you are on a diet.
  14. people enjoy doing in their free time.
  15. are found in the country (but not usually in a town).
  16. can move very quickly.
  17. won’t work without electricity.
  18. you usually only use once.
  19. are found in a kitchen.
  20. people usually take with them on holiday.
  21. are containers.
  22. you can do to stop a baby crying.
  23. are very fragile.
  24. can make you feel tired.
  25. people are usually frightened of.
  26. are made of glass.
  27. taste nice.
  28. men find attractive about women.
  29. cost less than 1 £.
  30. you can do to stop a nosebleed.

II. Мини-диалоги:

Регулярное, целенаправленное проведение речевой зарядки в форме диалогов без особых усилий и больших затрат времени позволяет:

  1. Повторить и прочно усвоить лексику, связанную с календарем, школьной жизнью, погодой и т.д.
  2. Закрепить в памяти школьников новые грамматические структуры и речевые обороты, которые еще недостаточно прочно усвоены в процессе работы с учебником;
  3. Лучше овладеть навыком диалога, умением задавать общие и специальные вопросы, кратко и лаконично отвечать на них.

Некоторые примерные диалоги:

T: What’s the weather like today?

P: It’s not fine.

T: Is the sun shining?

P: No it isn’t, but it is going to snow.


T: What is your time-table for today?

P: We have English, PE, Physics and Russian.

T: Have you already had a Russian lesson?

P: No, we haven’t.

T: Have you done your English homework?

P: Yes, I have.


T: What day is it today?

P: It is Monday.

T: Was it Sunday yesterday?

P: Yes, it was.

T: What day was it the day before yesterday?

P: It was Saturday.


T: How many lessons did you have yesterday?

P: We had five lessons.

T: Did you have a Russian lesson?

P: Yes, we did.

T: Did you have an English lesson?

P: No, we didn’t.

T: When did you last have your English lesson?

P: We had it on Wednesday.


T: What day is it today?

P: Today is Saturday.

T: What day will it be tomorrow?

P: It will be Sunday.

T: What will you do on Sunday?

P: I’ll have a good time on Sunday. I’ll …


T: Is the day longer today than yesterday?

P: Yes, it is. It is longer today.

T: Are the days shorter in March or in February?

P: They are shorter in February.

T: When is it warmer in March or in April?

P: It is warmer in April.

T: Is it colder today than it was yesterday?

P: It is colder today.