- Выступление ведущих: приветствие, приглашение к участию в конкурсе.
- Представление команд: названия команд, эмблемы, художественное и музыкальное оформление.
- Присутствующие команды оказываются на борту аэролайнера и отправляются в Британию. (Выступление танцевальной группы).
- Прибытие в Британию. Первое задание – вставить недостающие слова в письмо-приглашение.
- Капитанам команд предлагается заполнить посадочные карточки, в которых они рассказывают о себе.
- Ребята разыгрывают предложенные диалоги по теме.
- Участники выполняют задание на нахождение соответствия стран и языков.
- Командам предлагается составить слова, используя буквы.
- Участники просматривают слайды с достопримечательностями Британии, а затем вспоминают просмотренное и выбирают названия достопримечательностей для предложенных картинок
- Каждое задание оценивается членами жюри. Танцевальная группа вновь предлагает гостям отдохнуть и насладиться прекрасным выступлением.
- Участники команд записывают как можно больше вежливых слов по-английски, которые они знают.
- Ребятам предлагаются картинки ситуативного характера и они находят соответствие картинки и ситуации.
- Команды получают карточки с цепочкой слов, которую они должны разделить на слова.
- Путешественники разгадывают предложенный кроссворд по теме «Путешествие».
- Капитаны команд получают конверты с заданием: составь предложения из слов. Ребята стараются как можно быстрее выполнить задание.
- Пока жюри подводит итоги, ребята все вместе исполняют песню на английском языке «How are you?».
- Жюри объявляет победителей и проводит награждение.
Выступление первого ведущего:
1. Good –afternoon, dear friends and teachers! We are glad to see you.
2. We hope you are fine.
3. Let is start our competition “Travelling about Britain”.
1. You see different teams here from some schools of our town.
2. We will wish you good luck, excellent mood and brilliant results.
3. We hope, our teams will present themselves. Meet the first team from school №1.
1. Thank you very much. We enjoyed your presentation.
2. The team from school №1, you are welcome.
3.Wonderful! You are the real actors.
1. What about the next team from school №3. Please, come here.
2. Splendid! You are very friendly and communicative.
3. It is time to look at the team from school №12. You are Welcome!
1. How clever of you! Thanks a lot!
2. Would you like to meet the team from school №11 Of course, you would.
3. Your team is excellent. Thank you.
1. We are going to invite the team from school №17.
2. You are great! Thanks!
3. It is the turn of the team of school №32.
1. Fantastic! You are nice and clever.
2. We hope, the team from school №22 is ready.
You are welcome!
3.Who will be the next& Of course, school №38.
1. Thank you very much. You are creative and sociable.
Your presentation is great! Thank you!
2. Dear friends. You are really bright!
Выступление второго ведущего:
1. We are happy to see excellent teams today.
2. But imagine that you are on a board of the airplane. You are flying to Britain.
3. When you are flying over the ocean, try to have a rest and look at a beautiful dance.
1. Let’s meet the group “Pirouette”.
2. You look happy. We congratulate you with a good landing! You are at Britain.
3. Before visiting the country, you must do many interesting tasks.
1. The first task is try to use the necessary words in the invitation letter.
2. As for the captains of the teams, they will write the information about yourselves in landing cards.
3. If you have finished the task, give your answers to our jury.
1. We think you are ready to get another task.
2. Please, match the countries and languages!
3. How clever of you! You are clever and curious.
1. Now, try to make up the words using letters!
2. Thank you very much for your work. Would you like to look at some slides!
3. You’ll see the attractions of Britain. Be very attentive! Remember the sights!
1. Now , try to pick up the names of the sights which you have seen
2. Thank you, girls and boys. We are afraid, you are tired. Let’s enjoy our dance group. They are brilliant. Meet them!
3. We see your mood is good.
4. Let’s listen to our jury!
Выступление третьего ведущего:
1. First of all, take the task. Try to discuss the dialogue. Choose the right answers and two schoolmates from your team will act out!
2. We are waiting for your dialogues! Nice to meet you. Nice to listen to you. The dialogues are good.
3. Now, write down as many polite words as you can. Give your answers to the members of the jury!
1. Nice! The next problem is to match the pictures and the sentences!
2. Let’s start!
3. You are very active. Thank you.
1. Look at your papers! You see the line of words. Try to find the words as you can. Good Luck!
2. We have forgotten about the jury. Listen to them, please!
3. All of you have no problems. And if you are interested in crossword puzzle, please, do it!
1. We think you know all the worlds about travelling.
2. Another task for you. Make up the sentences!
3. Great! We ask our jury to discuss the results of our meeting!
And we will read the text of the song “How are you?” and try to sing it together
1. Listen to the song and sing!
2. You, friends, are wonderful! We are ready to listen to the results.
3. As usual, friendship is won. We thank all of the teachers, all the participants of our competition. Good luck! See you soon!