КВН "Do You Know English Grammar?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Цели мероприятия:


  • работать над сплочением коллектива;
  • воспитывать чувство ответственности за результат своей работы и целого коллектива;


  • развивать интерес учащихся к предмету иностранный язык;
  • развивать воображение, фантазию, творческое мышление;
  • развивать умение сравнивать, анализировать;


  • обобщить и систематизировать грамматические знания и умения учащихся;


  • уметь применять полученные знания, умения и навыки в нестандартных учебно-практических ситуациях.


  • плакат с изображением поезда и 10 вагонами, каждый из которых носит название одной из станций или изображение выведено на интерактивной доске и у каждой станции свой опознавательный символ;
  • эмблемы команд участниц,
  • СД/ МР3 магнитофон или ноутбук,
  • приготовленные карточки с заданиями или, если мероприятие проходит в кабинете, оборудованном компьютерами, все задания на карточках могут быть размещены на них.

Ход мероприятия

Compare: Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome to our English Grammar Party! Today we have unusual travelling in our train. Our train will go from Presentation Station to Listening. It will stop at the following stations:

  1. Presentation,
  2. Sentence,
  3. Negative,
  4. Question - Captains,
  5. Tenses,
  6. Forms,
  7. Choice,
  8. Translation,
  9. Attention,
  10. Listening.

We have three teams. The name of the first is “Simple”, the second one is “Perfect” and the third’s is “Continuous”. We have some station-masters, who are competent and severe teachers.

Жюри конкурса – учителя английского языка, зам. директора по воспитательной работе, старшеклассники.

Let’s start our competitions and give the word to our teams. The first station is “Presentation”.

The first participator will be the team “Simple”.

P1: There are four people in our team. My name is … I’m … I’m a captain of our team. They chose me because they think I know English better. (I’m the bravest, cleverest, the most active) This is…

P2: Hi! I’m … I’m … years old. My favourite school subjects are ….

P3: Hi, my name is …. My hobby is … My favourite sports are…

P4: Hi, I’m .. I like listening to pop music. My favourite singer is… ( Hello, I study at school number 7. I’m in Class 7.)

Приветствие произносят остальные две команды.

Compare: Thank you, teams. Let’s go to the next station “Sentence”. I’ll give you a card. In these cards there are some sentences. But the words in these sentences lost their order. Put the words into the correct order to make the sentences.

Пока учащиеся выполняют задание звучит музыка.

Card 1

  1. gets at o’clock she seven up.
  2. were the Terry at looking Jackie and magazines.

Card 2

  1. for watches hour an she television.
  2. a was eating Kamala hamburger.

Card 3

  1. plays Saturday he football mornings on.
  2. are mending bike we Casey’s.

Compare: Thank you, teams. Your time is over. Read your sentences. Give your cards to our Station-masters. Be careful, the doors are closing. The next station is “Negative”. If you want to get to the following station you need make these sentences negative.

Звучит музыка, пока учащиеся выполняют задание.

Card 1

  1. I’m going to leave school.
  2. Terry was stealing sweets.
  3. Elvis wanted a guitar.
  4. Jackie’s got a brother.
  5. He catches the bus with his friends.

Card 2

  1. Terry went to London.
  2. I was watching Jackie.
  3. Sue and Jackie are good friends.
  4. Casey lives in Victoria Road.
  5. You’re going to the shop.

Card 3

  1. You play football every Saturday.
  2. Elvis joined the American army in 1958.
  3. Carmen are buying an ice-cream.
  4. John Lennon sang with the Beatles.
  5. He comes home at three o’clock.

Compare: Ok. Time is over. The next station is “Questions”. The train is leaving. Who is late, it’s not our fault. This station is for our captains. Dear captains, come here, please. Your task will be the following. You can see a chart. There are 9 special words in it. Ask each other questions about yourself, your family. You can ask only three questions. But you can’t use the same special word. When you ask a question your opponents should answer it.

Участники по очереди задают вопросы, можно использовать вопросительное слово только 1 раз.

Your question must be grammatically correct. If your question is wrong, your opponent will have the opportunity to make his own question.

Who What How
Have When Whom
Which Where Do

Примерные вопросы, которые могут использовать учащиеся при работе.

  1. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
  2. Which of you like cooking?
  3. Who is your best friend?
  4. What is your name?
  5. When were you born?
  6. Where were you born?
  7. How old are you?
  8. Whom do you usually do your homework with?
  9. Do you like your family?

Compare: It’s time to give а word of our station-masters. Please tell us how many scores do our teams have?

Слово жюри. Подводятся итоги 4 конкурсов.

Thank you, station-masters. Our train is going on its way. And our next station is “Tenses”. Look at these cards you can see some sentences there. Look at them very attentively, find the verb in each sentence and give its name.

Card 1

  1. Elvis parents were rich.
  2. You like hamburgers.
  3. Jackie is moving in today.
  4. He was reading a newspaper.
  5. I haven’t seen her today.

Card 2

  1. Elvis died in 1977.
  2. Terry is doing his homework.
  3. I don’t have lunch at school.
  4. You were lying on the beach.
  5. I haven’t done my homework yet.

Card 3

  1. I was watching TV at 7 o’clock in the evening.
  2. He is reading a letter.
  3. We have painted the room.
  4. I get up very early every day.
  5. I drank too much cola last night.

Пока команды работают с карточками, ученица 7а Кремлёва Ольга исполняет песню.

Compare: The train is coming to “Form” station. Choose four cards and give three forms of the verbs. Each of you should take one of the cards and give your own answer.

1 be go buy
2 make think write
3 take send read
4 bring do have
5 leave meet put
6 say see run
7 eat break become
8 catch come fly
9 find hold ring
10 give blow hear
11 get fall steal
12 wake throw forget

Каждый игрок команды по очереди вытягивает карточку с глаголами и называет 3 формы.

Thank you very much. The following station is “Choosing”. Take one of these cards and choose the right answer from these four variants. 

Card 1

  1. I _________ Michael for ages.
    a) didn’t see
    b) don’t see
    c) haven’t seen
    d) saw not

  2. How much ___________ to fly to New York?
    a) costs it
    b) it costs
    c) does cost
    d) does it cost

  3. Christmas is ________ popular and colourful holiday in Great Britain.
    a) most
    b) the most
    c) most of all
    d) very

  4. Do you know _________ foreign Languages.
    a) some
    b) some of
    c) any
    d) the

Card 2

  1. The Sahara is _______ desert in the world.
    a) the hottest
    b) hottest
    c) the most hot
    d) the hotter

  2. I’m sure we __________ before.
    a) have never met
    b) haven’t never met
    c) didn’t met
    d) had met

  3. Who ______ to go to the cinema with us.
    a) want
    b) does want
    c) wants
    d) is wanting

  4. I don’t like coffee with ________.
    a) the milk
    b) a milk
    c) milk
    d) milks

Card 3

  1. This is ________ lake in this region.
    a) more deep
    b) the deepest
    c) deepest
    d) the more deepest

  2. He has never been to _______ foreign countries.
    a) some
    b) any
    c) no
    d) anywhere

  3. How many meals a day _________ ?
    a) have you
    b) do you have
    c) you have
    d) are you having

  4. Everybody _______ fine weather.
    a) likes
    b) like
    c) is liking
    d) dislike

Пока участники готовят ответы звучит песня в исполнении учащихся 8 Б класса “Come along now”

Compare: Our train is coming to “Translation” station. Choose one of the cards. Translate these sentences from Russian into English.

Card 1

  1. Лениногорск – небольшой город, расположен на юго-востоке Татарстана.
  2. Мой друг не высокого роста, с темными короткими волосами и карими глазами.
  3. Обычно, я встаю в 7 часов утра, иду в ванную комнату, чищу зубы и умываюсь.
  4. Я люблю спорт. Мой любимый вид спорта – футбол.

Card 2

  1. Лениногорск был основан в августе 1955 года.
  2. Я высокая девушка со светлыми длинными волосами и голубыми глазами.
  3. Я прихожу домой в 2 часа, обедаю, смотрю телевизор, слушаю музыку или читаю книгу.
  4. Я люблю музыку. Моя любимая группа «HI –FI».

Card 3

  1. Татарстан расположен в центральной части России.
  2. Моя мама высокая и стройная, с темными короткими волосами и зелеными глазами.
  3. Вечерами я делаю уроки и играю в компьютерные игры.
  4. У нас обычно 5-6 уроков. Мой любимый предмет – английский.

Compare: This is a big station where you can walk and meet other people. Let’s play “Who will be the most attentive?” You will hear only 5 words: sit down, stand up, run, jump, fly. Listen to me very attentively. If one of your members makes a mistake, the team will be out. Are you ready? Steady. Go!

Пока жюри подводит итоги, проходит динамическая пауза. Слова называются в разрозненном порядке, команды показывают движения. 

Let’s listen to our station-masters. How much scores do our teams have?

Жюри называет баллы за полученные конкурсы и оглашает общее количество. 

Compare: And now we are at the last station “Listening” and our teams have the last opportunity to get some more scores. I’ll give you the cards with the same task. You must listen to the text I’ll read and if you hear Past Continuous, tick (v) the sentence. Are you ready? Let’s start. You will listen the sentences only once.

Text – Listening.

  1. It happened many years ago.
  2. I was in India.
  3. I was hunting there.
  4. Once I spent the whole day in the jungle.
  5. It had completely dark when I decided to return to my camp.
  6. I was walking along a narrow path.
  7. Strange sounds were heard everywhere.
  8. On my right there was a river and on my left there was a thick tropical forest.
  9. Suddenly I saw something terrible in the jungle on my left.
  10. Two green eyes were looking at me.
  11. It was a man-eating tiger, ready to spring on me.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Compare: Our train came to our last station. All passengers were very friendly during the trip, they respected each other. Now let’s know who was the best and got more scores than others. Dear station-masters, please let’s draw the line under our competitions.

Жюри называет количество заработанных баллов и награждает победителей.

Thank you, dear friends. See you soon.