Театр чтецов в обучении иностранному языку

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Театр чтецов – интересная форма как урочной так и внеурочной деятельности в процессе обучения иностранному языку. По своей сути речь идет о выразительном чтении текста, разбитого на роли, как в пьесе. Участники читают «с листа», по ролям при этом целью является грамотное выразительное исполнение, сопровождаемое жестикуляцией, звуками и т.д. В британских и американских школах театр чтецов является одной из любимых форм учебной деятельности как учителей. Так и учеников при том, что речь идет о чтении на родном языке. Очевидно, что у данной формы работы масса преимуществ и при обучении иностранному языку. Ведь чтение – один из видов речевой деятельности, которыми должен овладеть ученик в процессе обучения иностранному языку. В зависимости от характеристик текста данная форма обучения может быть использована на уроке в классе, в качестве факультативной работы или как форма сценического выступления. В театре чтецов от ребят не требуется заучивания наизусть, костюмы не важны, можно обойтись без специального освещения и эффектов.

В соответствии с программными требованиями использование театра чтецов как формы учебной деятельности позволяет поставить следующие цели:

  • развитие речевой компетенции через развитие умения читать, как одного из основных видов речевой деятельности. Театр чтецов обеспечивает фонетическую грамотность и беглость чтения за счет многократных повторений текста. Учащиеся на практике применяют знания лексики, понимание контекстных связей, знание правил словообразования, структуры предложения, графических символов и т.д.;
  • развитие языковой компетенции через овладение фонетическими и лексическими языковыми средствами, в том числе за пределами языкового материала, отобранного для основной школы. Театр чтецов как форма организации внеурочной деятельности, позволяет сфокусировать внимание учащихся на разно-жанровых текстах, начиная с традиционного фольклора и продолжая поэзией, научными текстами, отрывками из художественных произведений и т.д.;
  • развитие социо-культурной компетенции через приобщение учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям стран/страны изучаемого иностранного языка посредством отбора текстов для чтения. Среди текстов присутствуют как классические образцы, так и примеры современных произведений, основанные на реалиях того или иного времени и разных культур.
  • формирование интереса к изучаемому языку и мотивации учебной деятельности;
  • развитие у учащихся способности грамотно отбирать средства вербального и невербального общения с аудиторией;
  • развитие личностных качеств учащихся, в том числе готовности и способности к самостоятельной, творческой и ответственной деятельности в диалоге со сверстниками , формирование навыков продуктивного сотрудничества при достижении общих целей. Как форма обучения Театр чтецов возможен только в группе, где общий успех обусловлен успехом каждого участника;
  • развитие творческих способностей учащихся, формирование основ эстетического образования;
  • воспитание толерантного сознания и поведения личности в поликультурном мире;

Для достижения поставленных целей на соответствующих этапах решаются следующие задачи:

  • отбор текстов в соответствии с языковой сложностью доступной восприятию учащихся ;
  • адаптация отобранных текстов для «Театра чтецов» (наличие прямой речи; разбивка на роли; рифмовка; добавление повторов и т.д.)
  • первичное ознакомление с текстом, снятие языковых трудностей;
  • отработка чтения текста вслух со сменой ролей;
  • продумывание и реализация дополнительных выразительных средств для сценической постановки текста.

Основные этапы работы на занятии:

  1. учитель комментирует стиль и происхождение текста.
  2. Каждый ученик получает копию текста и читает его про себя.
  3. Учитель проверяет понимание текста, комментирует трудные и непонятные слова/ части текста.
  4. Совместное чтение текста вслух, вместе участники группы распределяют роли.
  5. Каждый участник отмечает в тексте свои слова.
  6. Первичное чтение текста вслух по ролям.
  7. Повторное чтение с возможной сменой ролей.


  1. Продумывание сценической версии исполнения
  2. Репетиции сценического выступления

Вот примеры текстов для театра чтецов, которые можно использовать в урочной деятельности. Предложенный текст может быть использован на уроках в 6-7 классах по теме «Природа. Защита окружающей среды»

Water Cycle Adventure (10-minute performance)

There are 19 characters, in a smaller class students play two roles.


Sun (who is also the narrator)
Ocean water drop 1
Ocean water drop 2
Water vapor 1
Water vapor 2
Snowflake 1
Snowflake 2
Glacier ice 1
Glacier ice 2
Stream water 1
Stream water 2
River water 1
River water 2
Reservoir water 1
Reservoir water 2
Tap water 1
Tap water 2
Water in drain pipe
Sewage processing plant

The Sun: Our story starts in the ocean. We are watching two drops of water.

Ocean water drop 1: It's getting hot here in the ocean – I don't think I can swim any more. I'm feeling light and airy! I think the Sun's doing it to me.

The Sun: I can't help it – I'm hot and full of energy. That's what I do, and I do it so well, don't I?

Ocean water drop 2: Yes, you do, but I think I'm getting dizzy and there isn't even a whirlpool here. I'm feeling so strange! I think I'll just float for a while – no more swimming for me.

Ocean water drop 1: Uh oh! You're not floating in the water anymore, you're floating in the air – you're not a drop of water either – you're water vapor now.

Water Vapor 1: What's water vapor?

Water Vapor 2: It's water, but it's a gas. You've evaporated and turned into a gas – and so have I. Let's fly up high!

Water Vapor 1: I feel like joining the others and forming a crowd.

Water Vapor 2: I think you mean a cloud, not a crowd. Okay, let's condense.

Water Vapor 1: What does that mean?

Water Vapor 2: Condensing means that we'll change back into a liquid (water, of course). Then we'll be part of a cloud.

Cloud: Okay, now we're a beautiful, fluffy cloud. Let's fly over the land and watch the goats. Take a look at those beautiful mountains! But now I'm feeling heavy and cold. I think I'm going to snow!

Snowflake 1: Hey, what's got six arms and there's nothing exactly like it in the whole world?

Snowflake 2: Me – I'm so special. You, too, of course. We're both snowflakes. Hey, where are you going now?

Snowflake 1: I can't stop falling – you're falling too. But where are we going?

Snowflake 2: Down.

Snowflake 1: Thanks – I knew that. It looks like we're taking a trip to the mountains. I hope you know how to ski.

Snowflake 2: Well, it looks like we're stuck on a glacier – I wonder why they're called rivers of ice.

Glacier Ice 1: I'm getting crushed here. Now I'm ice – this is NOT my favorite part of the water cycle.

Glacier Ice 2: We're only moving at about one foot a year. This is going to be soooooo boring – it's a long way to the bottom.

Glacier Ice 1: You'd better get used to it, we're stuck on this glacier for a while.

The Sun: A long, long, long time later, two very bored drops of water emerge from the bottom of the glacier. I haven't been much help to them lately.

Stream water 1: Wow, I've finally melted!

Stream water 2: Me too – I'm free at last. What a change, we were practically standing still, and now we're shooting the rapids.

Stream water 1: Watch out for that rock! And that waterfall!

Stream water 2: Ouch! I've had enough of this. Can we go home now?

Stream water 1: We don't have a home. At least we're out of the mountains. The water's getting deeper. What's going on here?

River water 1: You can slow down now – we're in a river. And we're getting warmer.

River water 2: I like this. Not too fast and not too slow.

River water 1: Let's go down this side stream – it looks clear and clean.

Reservoir water 1: Okay. We're in a reservoir now – we'll be flowing through huge pipes soon – I've been here before.

Reservoir water 2: Here they are. It's dark and spooky in these pipes. How do we get out of here?

Reservoir water 1: Just go with the flow.

Tapwater 1: There's a light at the end of the tap – we're in a sink. Eew – that kid is brushing her teeth!

Tapwater 2: I hope she doesn't drink us – it's really weird when that happens.

Tapwater 2: Whew, that was a close call. Looks like we're whirlpooling down the drain. Hold your nose!

Water in drain pipe: More dark pipes – but these pipes are really smelly. We must be in the sewer under the city. Boy do I need to take a bath.

Sewage processing plant: I heard that. I'm a sewage processing plant. You've come to the right place. I'm so amazing that I can even give bath water a bath! Now you're all filtered and clean – just take that pipe to the sea.

Ocean water drop 1: We're finally back in the ocean. You know, I've done this trip a million times, and every time it's different.

Ocean water drop 2: I was well water in Washington once.

Ocean water drop 1: I was in a typhoon in Thailand twice.

Ocean water drop 2: I was rain in Rwanda.

Ocean water drop 1: I was snow in Siberia.

Ocean water drop 2: We've all been snow in Siberia. But I was in a puddle in Pakistan.

Ocean water drop 1: I was in a lake in Louisiana.

Ocean water drop 2: I was in a swamp in Switzerland.

Ocean water drop 1: There are no swamps in Switzerland. But a long, long time ago, I was sleet that fell on the snout of a T. rex.

Ocean water drop 2: Showoff. I rained on a plain in Spain, and I seeped through the soil. and went into a cave, and was groundwater for 500 years.

Ocean water drop 1: Boooorrrrrring.

Sun: Hi there! It's me again. Did you miss me? I know you did.

Ocean water drop 1: I feel so hot and dizzy!
Ocean water drop 2
: Oh no, it's starting all over again!
Ocean water drop 1: I wonder where we'll go this time?

Еще один пример текста, трансформированного для театра чтецов и применимого в теме «Влияние сверстников на подростков» , в частности при работе с учебником Spotlight 11 (2b)

Peer Pressure (10 min)


David’s Mom

N When David got home from school that day his mother pestered him with questions.

D’s M – Do you like your new school? Who is your teacher? Did you meet new friends?

N David tried to be patient and answer all her questions. But he wanted to get started on his homework right away so he could go over to Parker's house later.Parker had invited him.

D’s M – I’m happy to hear that you’ve made new friends at school, David . But you finish all your homework first, OK?”

N David took his homework to his room and got started on it.

D -Nice, mostly easy stuff. Shouldn't take me long. Damn! What on earth‘s happened on Parker? I’ve never seen any guy to change so much so fast.

N Even though Parker was cool and being Parker's friend made David kind of cool too, he felt sad for some reason. He didn't know why. Maybe he missed the old Parker.

D There are some strange things that I just can't figure out! Why is everybody so afraid of Parker ? And these sunglasses…why do they never take their sunglasses off?

N David was thinking about these things and time passed. It was an hour later and he still hadn't finished his homework. Then the phone rang.

P – Dude. Thought you were coming over.”

D I have to finish my homework first.

P Leave it. I'll clear it with your teachers, it'll be cool.

D What?

P I'll write you a note.

N Then David figured Parker was kidding so he laughed. But it was kind of a nervous laugh.

P Be ready in five minutes. We'll pick you up and give you a ride over.

D A ride? No, Parker, wait.

N But Parker had already hung up. There was just a dial tone. David hung up now too and tried to think quickly.

D If Parker shows up in a car there’ll be serious trouble with mom. I’d better run down.

His mother looked up from the magazine she was reading. David made for the door.

D’s M Where are you going?

D To Parker's house. I told you!

N David knew that he was being rude to his mom but for some reason he couldn't help it.

D’s M Did you finish your homework?

D Yes! (he yelled)

N His mom gave him a stern look so he tried to change and be polite.

D Yes ma'am. Please can I go?

N He stood there waiting for permission. Finally his mother said okay and David raced out the door. David walked up the street a few houses down. And it was just in time because a car rounded the corner and stopped next to the curb. It was a Ford SUV. Heavy metal music was blaring out the windows. Harold was driving and Parker was sitting on the passenger side and Stevie was in the back. They were all three smoking cigarettes.

P – Dude. Get in.

N David opened the door and got into the back seat next to Stevie. (Stevie high-fived him, and so did Parker.) Harold stepped on the gas and drove down the street. When they passed David's house, David saw his mom looking out the window and he quickly ducked down.

S Dude, chill out!

N David tried to relax but his heart was beating fast. And his face was flushed with a real crappy feeling that he had lied to his mom.

P Here, have one of these (David picked up the cigarette and looked at it.) Try it, it’ll calm you down.

(Parker reached over with a lighter and lit a flame.)

N David just held the cigarette not knowing what to do. He knew smoking was stupid and wrong but it seemed cool when Parker did it.

P Dude, trust me, it'll be good.

S Don't be a wuss.

N David knew that if he thought about it he would never do it, so he decided not to think. He put the cigarette in his mouth and it felt cool doing it. He wanted to be cool like his friends. He knew he had to, to be with them. But he felt something inside him slipping away and he tried not to think about it. He put the cigarette into the flame that Parker was holding.

S Suck on it!

(David sucked on the cigarette and suddenly his throat burned. He coughed and coughed. The smoke stung his eyes. The other boys laughed. Stevie slapped him on the back.)

P Dude! Your first cigarette! (Parker high-fived him.)

N David smiled even though there were tears coming out of his eyes. It was horrible but it was good too. Finally, he was with friends.

Для сценических постановок лучше отбирать тексты с забавным неожиданным концом. Рифмы добавляют интерес. В таких текстах обычно ключевые строчки произносятся хором, присутствуют типичные для жанра повторы. Вот пример текста для младших школьников.

Which Shoes Do You Choose?

By Aaron Shepard (3 min)

ROLES: Narrators 1 & 2, Clerks 1–9, Katie

NOTES: For best effect, place NARRATOR 1 at far left, and NARRATOR 2 at far right, as seen from the audience.

http://www.aaronshep.com/rt/books/StoriesOS.htmlNARRATOR 1: Katie was tired of wearing the same old shoes.

NARRATOR 2: She went to the store to buy new ones.

NARRATOR 1: The clerks asked her,

ALL CLERKS: Which shoes do you choose?

NARRATOR 2: Katie said,

KATIE: I want shoes that are braggy, not baggy.

ALL CLERKS: (thinking about it) Hmmm. Let me see.

CLERK 1: We have small shoes,

CLERK 2: and tall shoes,

CLERK 3: and walk-on-the-wall shoes.

CLERK 4: We have red shoes,

CLERK 5: and head shoes,

CLERK 6: and down-the-hill-sled shoes.

CLERK 7: We have blue shoes,

CLERK 8: and BOO shoes,

CLERK 9: and paddle-canoe shoes.

ALL CLERKS: Which shoes do you choose?

KATIE: I want shoes that are slicky, not sticky.

ALL CLERKS: Hmmm. Let me see.

CLERK 1: We have jog shoes,

CLERK 2: and log shoes,

CLERK 3: and hop-like-a-frog shoes.

CLERK 4: We have tied shoes,

CLERK 5: and wide shoes,

CLERK 6: and carnival-ride shoes.

CLERK 7: We have trail shoes,

CLERK 8: and snail shoes,

CLERK 9: and wind-in-your-sail shoes.

ALL CLERKS: Which shoes do you choose?

KATIE: I want shoes that are spiffy, not iffy.

ALL CLERKS: Hmmm. Let me see.

CLERK 1: We have black shoes,

CLERK 2: and snack shoes,

CLERK 3: and ride-on-a-track shoes.

CLERK 4: We have wet shoes,

CLERK 5: and pet shoes,

CLERK 6: and super-speed-jet shoes.

CLERK 7: We have moon shoes,

CLERK 8: and goon shoes,

CLERK 9: and hot-air-balloon shoes.

ALL CLERKS: Which shoes do you choose?

KATIE: I choose all these shoes.

ALL CLERKS: (gasp)

NARRATOR 1: She bought the shoes and took them home.

NARRATOR 2: And now the store has