Russia: Past, Present, Future

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока.

Познавательный аспект – увеличение объема знаний об особенностях культуры родной страны.

Развивающий аспект – развитие творческих способностей учащихся, способности к сравнению и сопоставлению полученных знаний, способности логически излагать.

Воспитательный аспект – осмысление понятия Россия через обобщение материалов по настоящему и прошлому, представлению будущего; более глубокое осознание своей культуры.

Учебный аспект – развитие речевых умений.

Задачи урока:

  • совершенствование речевых умений по теме.
  • совершенствование умения аудировать с целью извлечения необходимой информации.
  • совершенствование умения писать на заданную тему.
  • обобщение и систематизация полученных знаний.

Оборудование урока:

  • карта России,
  • магнитофон,
  • кассета с записью,
  • шкатулка с фактами о России,
  • дидактические материалы.

І. Начало урока. Приветствие. Постановка цели.

Hello, children!

Today we are talking about our beautiful country Russia. We’ll talk about the present, then we’ll remember the past, and finally we’ll look at her future.

ІІ. Речевая подготовка.

First of all look at the map carefully and answer my questions:

  1. What are the national symbols of Russia?
  2. When did the Russian flag first appear?
  3. The flag has got three wide stripes: white, blue and red. What does white mean? What does blue mean? What does red mean?
  4. When can you see the Russian flag in the streets?
  5. What can you see above the double headed eagle?
  6. What does the eagle carry?
  7. What does the scepter mean?
  8. What does the orb mean?
  9. What is on the breast of the double-headed eagle?
  10. What does Saint George mean?

Thank you very much.

So, we start with our country today. The first task is Russia in facts. And we’ve got a magic box to help us. Look! This magic box has got the main facts about Russia. Please, come here, get the fact and say about it. If it is necessary, show it on the map.

  • The largest country Russia is the largest country in the world.
  • 10 hours It takes 10 hours to cross it by plane.
  • 6 days A train journey from Moscow to Vladivostok on the Transsiberian Express takes 6 days.
  • 10 time zones Russia has ten time zones.
  • From the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean Russia stretches from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean.
  • The Volga The Volga is the longest river in the Europe.
  • A wide range of climates Russia has a wide range of climates. It has harsh winters with lots of snow, but the summers are quite warm.
  • +20° to -25° The temperature is from +20° to -25° C
  • Lake Baikal Lake Baikal is 636 km long and 80 km wide. It’s the biggest fresh water reservoir. The water is very clean.
  • Mount Elbrus Mount Elbrus is the highest peak in the country.
  • Steppes Steppes cover all the South of Russia. They have rich black soil.
  • Tundra Tundra id frozen most of the year. There aren’t any trees there. Reindeer live there.
  • Taiga. Taiga is a thick forest with a lot of dark pine, fir and cedar trees. Many species of wildlife live there.

Very good, children. Next task is also about the present of Russia. Russia in numbers.

On the blackboard you can see numbers; on your tables you’ve got papers with sentences. You will listen to the cassette-recorder. Your task is to put these numbers into your sentences.

100 4 147 2 5 1 12 75 20

  1. Russia is on ______ continents-Europe and Asia.
  2. But only ______ % is in Europe.
  3. Russia has a population of ______ million people.
  4. ________% of people live in the European part.
  5. Almost ______ times as many people live in cities as in villages.
  6. The _______ biggest cities have a population over _____million people.
  7. There are more than _______ nations and ethnic groups.
  8. There are ______ main religions in Russia.

Now tell me please, children, what are the main cities in Russia?

Ok, they are Moscow and Saint- Petersburg. Your next task is connected with these cities. Look! On the papers you’ll read sentences. Think and guess if it is about Moscow or Saint-Petersburg.

It is the capital of Russia. It’s one of the biggest and most beautiful cities on the world. Moscow
It was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky. Moscow
It is the second largest city in Russia. It’s one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Saint - Petersburg
The population of the city is over 5 million people. Saint - Petersburg
The population of the city is about 9 million people. Moscow
It is a political center, where the government of the country works. Moscow
It is often called the northern capital of the country. Saint - Petersburg
There are many sights there: the Winter Palace, the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Admiralty and others. Saint - Petersburg
It was founded in 1703 my Peter the Great as the “window to the West”. Saint - Petersburg
The heart of the city, Red Square got its name in the 17th century. Moscow

ІV. Прошлое России.

What was Russia like in the past? Our students have made a film about medieval Russia, Rus.

(К уроку дети нарисовали рисунки, иллюстрирующие каждое предложение. Рисунки были сделаны в формате А3 и оформлены в виде кинокадра. Для представления “кинофильма” дети вместе с рисунками встали в линию перед классом и каждый говорил про свой рисунок. В результате получился “кинофильм”)

  1. In medieval Russia, Rus (980-1584) People were very close to nature. They settle on plains near rivers and lakes.
  2. These places contained a lot of fish so that many Russians were skillful fisherman.
  3. Rus was rich in forests and almost everything was made of wood. People lived in wooden houses, used wooden cutlery and made woolen furniture.
  4. Russian craftsmen built houses and churches using only axes and no nails.
  5. Russians grew wheat and rye. Grain was very important and the basic ingredient for black rye bread, buckwheat kasha and kvas.
  6. Animals were very important to medieval Russians. Horses were used to plough and pull sokhas.
  7. Cows gave milk. Fur was a significant Russian export.
  8. Medieval Russians believed in many gods, which were associated with the sun, the thunder, the wind, animals and birds.
  9. Russian fairy tales are rich in supernatural characters like Baba Yaga, Kashchey, the firebird etc.

Thank you, children. Your film is really great.

This is how the Russians lived in the past. But that’s not about the past.

What did people wear?

Will you, please, make groups of three? Now each group will have a card. On the cards there’s a description of the clothes Russian people wore in the past. Your task is to guess what it is and put these words into the crossword. If you do it correctly you can read the new word here.

  1. It was an 18th century peasant shirt. People wore it every day and on holidays at work and at home. (Kosovorotka)
  2. People wore it in winter. They were made of sheepskin with fur on the inside. (Polushubok)
  3. Women wore it in the 18th century. It could be a sleeveless dress or a high skirt with strips. (Sarafan)
  4. It was worn in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was decorated with gold, silver and pearl stones. In was very expensive and handed down from generation to generation. (Kokoshnik)
  5. They were bast shoes, which were worn over homespun onuchi. (Lapti)
  6. They were felt warm shoes. People wore them in winter. (Valenki)

Well, we talked about the present of Russia; we remembered our past and now let’s look at our future.

V. Будущее России.

Imagine that we are in Russia in 2050. What is Russia like?

Now each of you will get questions about Russia in the future. Please, think a little and write what you think on the balloon. You’ve got some minutes to do this task.

  1. Is Russia a big or a small country? Is it the largest country in the world?
  2. What is the capital of Russia? What does it look like?
  3. Do people live in the cities or in the villages?
  4. What houses do people live? What can you see in the houses?
  5. What do people wear?
  6. What food do people eat? How many years do people live?
  7. How do people spend their free time?
  8. How do they travel? Do people travel to the Moon and other planets?
  9. What pets do people have?
  10. Do children go to school? What subjects do they study?

Now I want you to come out and answer the questions.

VІ. Заключительный этап урока. Подводятся итоги урока. Ставятся оценки за работу.

Thank you very much for your work. Your homework is to write your own project “Russia. 2050”. Use the questions from the paper to help you. Goodbye.