Урок-конференция по правовому воспитанию в 11-м классе "Court Trial Sitting"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Продуктивная деятельность на уроке иностранного языка обеспечивается путём использования интерактивных форм работы. Одной из таких форм является деловая игра по правовому воспитанию в 11 классе. Содержанием урока служит материал цикла 8 «Crime and Punishment» учебно-методического комплекта «New Millennium English - 11» О.Л.Гроза и др.. Деловая игра проводится в форме судебного заседания «Court Trial Sitting», которое рассматривает особый инцидент, происшедший с учеником определённой школы. Конференция проводится с целью выяснить вопросы: Кто несёт ответственность за несчастный случай, который произошёл с учеником школы? Как поступить с тем человеком, который виновен в происшедшем?

На данном уроке учащиеся 11 класса применяют знания, полученные в процессе изучения темы «Crime and Punishment». Цели и задачи урока вытекают из его типа и формы:

  1. Совершенствовать навыки говорения;
  2. Совершенствовать навыки публичного выступления в официальной обстановке.
  3. Продолжить формирование и совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции с использованием формул речевого этикета.
  4. Развивать навыки правового воспитания старшеклассников.

Урок-конференция по правовому воспитанию является таким мероприятием, которое способствует повышению мотивации учебной деятельности, базирующейся на личностно-ориентированном подходе и развивающей личность в правовом поле. Деловая игра в форме судебного заседания моделирует индивидуальную учебную траекторию в контексте данной важной темы, помогает приобрести личный опыт каждому ученику не только в речевой иноязычной деятельности, но и в правовом поле.

Для проведения конференции в форме судебного заседания используются продуктивные технологии: приёмы интерактивного обучения в речевом взаимодействии с целью совместного решения коммуникативных задач – принятия резолюции-консенсуса по итогам заседания; приёмы игровой технологии через учебно-речевые ситуации, формирующие жизненный эмоциональный и социальный опыт; приёмы проектной технологии, помогающие учащимся создать собственный речевой продукт с целью развития самостоятельного подхода к решению проблемы: Кто виноват? Как поступить с виновным?

Я проводила данный урок со своими учениками, и вот что у нас получилось. Возможно, в Вашем классе Вы с обучающимися придете к другому результату.

Перед уроком распределяются ролевые карточки путём вытягивания:

  1. Ведущий – судья (the Judge)
  2.  Ученик, посещающий секцию боевых искусств (Martial Art Student)
  3. Пострадавший ученик (Teenager Victim)
  4. Родители обеих сторон (Parents)
  5. Классный руководитель (Class teacher)
  6. Социальный работник (Social Worker)
  7. Член родительского комитета (Parents Committee Member)
  8. Инструктор боевых искусств (Martial Art Instructor)
  9. Свидетель (Witness)
  10. Директор школы (The Director of School)
  11. Обвинитель (Prosecutor)
  12. Представитель родительского комитета (Parents’ Committee Representative)
  13. Присяжные (the Jurymen)

В процессе конференции вся ответственность за деятельность возлагается на учащихся. Особую роль играет основной персонаж – ведущий (the Judge), который руководит дискуссией от начала и до конца, пока не будет принято совместное решение по поводу инцидента. Подросток возвращался домой поздно вечером с занятий боевыми искусствами, когда группа подростков приблизилась к нему, показывая агрессивное поведение. Они начали насмехаться, говорить грубые слова подростку-спортсмену, но никто не причинял физического вреда. Не потерпев насмешек и агрессии со стороны группы подростков, спортсмен вынужден был толкнуть самого большого мальчика, применив новый приём боевых искусств. В результате этот подросток упал и серьёзно травмировался.

Обучающийся, выполняющий роль обвинителя, вводит присутствующих в ситуацию и ставит ключевой вопрос: Кто виноват в инциденте? Как поступить с виновным?

Ведущий (the Judge) предоставляет слово всем по порядку. В ходе выступлений каждый излагает свою точку зрения на происшедшее и предлагает меру наказания.

Заслушав всех выступающих, ведущий представляет слово присяжным заседателям (the Jury), которые высказывают своё личное мнение и предлагают решение: как поступить с виновным. Затем они вырабатывают совместное решение по двум ключевым вопросам: Кто виновен в происшествии? Как наказать виновного? (Как поступить?)

В результате продуктивной учебной деятельности учащиеся 11 класса приходят к заключению, что обе стороны нарушили закон и должны быть наказаны вынесением предупреждения.

The procedure of the lesson « A Court Trial Sitting », Unit 8 «Crime and Punishment», «New Millennium English - 11»

I. Greeting.

II. Motivation of students for the activity.

Teacher: Today you are going to participate in a Court Trial Sitting. The most important task for the participants is training and improving speaking skills, public speaking skills. The objectives of the lesson are the following:

The first one is to participate in a procedure like a Court Trial Sitting.

The second objective is to learn to present information orally in an organized way.

The third objective is to experience the role of the Judge, Martial Art Student, Teenager Victim, Parents, Class teacher, Social Worker, Parents Committee Member, Martial Art Instructor, Witness, The Director of School, Prosecutor, Parents’ Committee Representative, the Jurymen.

The tasks of the lesson are to reflect on all actions, to practice making a formal oral presentation and participating in a discussion.

The method is interactive activity.

The form of the lesson is the role play «A Court Trial Sitting».

The type of the lesson is applying knowledge in practice.

Now I give the floor to the Judge.

III. Role play.

The Judge: Now we are going to take part in a Court Trial Sitting on a particular incident that happened to a student from Secondary School # 30 of Chita.

The matter of the Court Trial Sitting is to decide the problems:

  1. Who is responsible for the accident?
  2. Who is guilty?
  3. Who is innocent?
  4. How to deal with the person who is guilty?

The task of this Court Trial Sitting is to try to come to a common decision on these questions. The procedure of the Sitting is the following:

First of all I’ll give the floor to the Public Prosecutor.

Public Prosecutor: Your Honor! In 2011, February, 20th, a teenager, martial arts student, Egor, was going home from martial arts classes late in the evening when a group of teenagers approached him in an aggressive manner. The boys started to mock him, saying rude words and making fun of him. But nobody touched him physically. Nobody did any physical harm. There is no bodily harm to martial arts student. But the martial arts student pushed the biggest boy named Ivan, using his newly acquired martial arts techniques. As a result the boy victim named Ivan fell down and was seriously injured. Unfortunately, he broke his leg.

I consider that the martial arts student is guilty because he touched the boy physically and did bodily harm.

The Judge: Thank you for your speech. Sit down, please.

Now I give the floor to the Victim. Introduce yourself, please.

The Victim (a member of the group of teenagers): Your Honor! My name is Ivanov Ivan. I live in Fadeev Street 27. I study at Secondary School # 30. I am slightly worried about the possible consequences of the accident. I spend a lot of time hanging around the streets with a group of like-minded friends and I am already bored of this. But I can’t think of anything else to do. I remember that that evening I didn’t mean anything bad. I just wanted to have a laugh. I won’t take the responsibility for the incident because I didn’t touch the martial arts student physically and I didn’t do the bodily harm to the teenager.

I don’t know who is guilty. Thank you for your time.

The Judge: Thank you for your speech. Sit down, please.

Now I give the floor to the Martial Arts Student. Give your name, please.

The Martial Arts Student: Your Honor! Let me introduce myself. I am a member of the martial arts class. My name is Serin Egor. I am very worried about the consequences of the incident. I feel that I might be punished for it. But I don’t feel I’m guilty at all. I cannot accept the responsibility for the accident because I didn’t intend to do any harm to anyone. I only wanted to defend myself. I don’t know whether to go on taking my martial arts class because I didn’t suppose that the skills I learned there might be so dangerous for health and life.

I don’t know who is guilty and responsible for the accident.

The Judge: Thank you for your speech. Sit down, please.

Now I give the floor to the Martial Arts Instructor. Introduce yourself, please.

The Martial Arts Instructor: Your Honor! Let me introduce myself. I am a martial arts instructor. My name is Vlaskin Victor Nikolayevich. I think that it was just an accident and that my student did the right thing trying to defend himself from an aggressive group of teenagers. I don’t think he is guilty of anything, as he did exactly what I taught him to do. I believe that nowadays anyone should be able to defend himself or herself. I think the group of teenagers is responsible for the incident and that they should be punished harshly.

The Judge: Thank you for your speech. Sit down, please.

Now I give the floor to a Social Worker. Give your name, please.

The Social Worker: Your Honor! Let me introduce myself. I am a social worker. My name is Shestakovskaya Nadezhda Semyonovna. I deal with things like this case every day. I think my responsibility is that each time this happens a detailed investigation should be carried out by me. To my mind a court trial sitting like this must decide who is guilty and how to deal with the person who is guilty for the accident. I am absolutely sure from my own experience that harsh treatment of teenagers in such cases has proved to be useless and even harmful. It will be a negative result. On the one hand I think that both sides need a lot of attention and understanding. And on the other hand we should try to get the roots of teenagers’ problems. I’d just like to ask you, Your Honor, «No harsh treatment». I am a great believer in the positive side of human nature. Let’s listen to all the arguments for and against and, perhaps, we can decide appropriate measures.

Thank you for your time.

The Judge: Thank you for your speech. Sit down, please.

Now I give the floor to the Director of School # 30 of Chita. Give your name, please.

The Director of School # 30: Your Honor! Let me introduce myself. My name is Yakhin Ruslan Yusupovich. I’m the director of school # 30. Your Honor! I’m very worried about the behavior of both boys. Our school does all the best to develop creative abilities of children. So in our school there are many different specialized clubs, especially sports clubs. In my opinion, both teenagers are guilty, so they should be punished. I think that they should be given a harsh caution for their irresponsible behavior.

Thank you for your time.

The Judge: Thank you for your speech. Sit down, please.

Now I give the floor to a Class Teacher. Tell us your name, please.

The Class Teacher: Your Honor! Let me introduce myself. I am a class teacher. My name is Petrova Anna Ivanovna. I am overwhelmed by this incident because I have known all the people involved since they were children. I consider the main reason of such incident is covered in society problems. To my mind the overall level of violence in society leads to such incidents. I must say that I am especially against martial arts classes. I think they promote only violence. I cannot decide who is guilty of the incident but I still feel very sorry for the victim. Let’s try to make an appropriate decision.

Thank you for your time.

The Judge: Thank you for your speech. Sit down, please.

Now I give the floor to a Mother of the Victim. Introduce yourself, please.

The Mother of the Victim: Your Honor! Let me introduce myself. I am a mother of Ivan. My name is Ivanova Elena Ivanovna. On the one hand, I don’t approve of behavior of my son and his friends. At home I had a serious talk with him and he understood his fault. On the other hand I am absolutely against actions of a martial arts student. He hadn’t to use martial arts techniques in order to avoid bodily harm. As a result of this accident my son doesn’t attend classes and his teachers have to teach him at home. To my mind, the martial arts student should be given a caution.

Thank you for your time.

The Judge: Thank you for your speech. Sit down, please.

Now I give the floor to a Father of the Martial Arts Student. Introduce yourself, please.

The Father of the Martial Arts Student: Your Honor! Let me introduce myself. I am a father of Egor. My name is Serin Sergey Vladimirovich. I know that my son hadn’t to use martial arts techniques but he couldn’t take any more of making fun of him. I am sure that this incident will be a good lesson for my son. I don’t know what decision will be adopted but I ask you to forgive my son.

Thank you for your attention.

The Judge: Thank you for your speech. Sit down, please.

Now I give the floor to the Witness for the prosecution. What’s your name?

The Witness for the prosecution: Your Honor! Let me introduce myself. I am a witness of this incident. My name is Popova Marina Mikhailovna. I can say that I saw with my own eyes that a group of teenagers attacked the martial arts student when he was returning from his training. The boys came close to him, took his bag and began to mock and laugh at him. The martial arts student pushed the biggest boy named Ivan, using his newly acquired martial arts techniques. As a result the boy fell down and was seriously injured. Unfortunately, he broke his leg. In my opinion the martial arts student is guilty because he did bodily harm. I think he should be punished.

The Judge: Thank you for your speech. Sit down, please.

Now I give the floor to the Witness for the Defence. Call your name, please.

The Witness for the Defence: Your Honor! Let me introduce myself. I am a witness of this incident. My name is Zhukova Tat’yana Vladimirovna. I can say that I saw with my own eyes that a group of teenagers attacked the martial arts student when he was returning from his training. The boys came close to him, took his bag and began to mock, saying rude words and laugh at him. He was alone, but there were many teenagers against him. The martial arts student couldn’t take any more of making fun of him and pushed one of the boys. As a result of pushing the teenager got the injury. He broke his leg. It seems to me that this teenager is guilty himself because he provoked the accident. It was a provocation of him. In my opinion the boy should be given a caution too.

Thank you for your time.

The Judge: Thank you for your speech. Sit down, please.

Now I give the floor to the Parents’ Committee Representative. Give your name, please.

The Parents’ Committee Representative: Your Honor! Let me introduce myself. I am a representative of Parents’ Committee and School Council of School # 30. My name is Gavrilova Polina Porfir’evna. I am very worried about this accident. I don’t know the circumstances of the incident but I think that the school authorities and Parents’ Committee are guilty too. I think so because they don’t pay enough attention to discipline matters at our school. We know the fact of low discipline leads to such incidents. I am absolutely believe that all the responsible persons should be given a caution. I don’t know how to punish teenagers, but I am sure that we must think and decide together.

Thank you for your time.

The Judge: Thank you for your speech. Sit down, please.

Now I give the floor to the Jurymen. How do you think who is guilty? What punishment can be given?

The Jurymen express their opinions.

  1. I agree with…
  2. I disagree with the opponent.
  3. I think the martial arts student is innocent because he defended himself.
  4. In my opinion he is guilty because he did bodily harm. I think he should be punished.
  5. I think he might be given a caution.
  6. I am against punishment. I am for talking with him because I hope he will understand he wasn’t right.
  7. I am absolutely sure that his behavior is irresponsible because the boy shouldn’t use martial arts technique.
  8. As for me, I think that the martial arts student is guilty because in the result the boy did bodily harm.
  9. I think he is innocent because he can’t take any more of making fun of him.
  10. My attitude to the boy who made fun of the martial arts student is negative because he did psychological harm to the boy. The martial arts student isn’t guilty. He is innocent. So he might be given a caution.

The Judge: Now I give the floor to the Chairperson of the Jury. Will you declare your decision?

The Chairperson of the Jury: Your Honor! Having listened to all the sides and all the arguments of the prosecution and defence and for and against arguments of participants the court has come to the conclusion that both sides are guilty and responsible for the incident. As a result of discussion the following decision should be adopted:

  1. School authorities should be pointed out to pay greater attention to the discipline matter at school.
  2. The member of the martial arts class should be given a caution. He must be careful in using martial arts techniques in order to avoid bodily harm.
  3. The group of teenagers, who attacked and made fun of the martial arts student should be given harsh caution.

Thank you for your time.

The Judge: Thank you Jurymen for the common decision. Now I declare the Court Trial Sitting closed. Thank you for your work.

IV. Reflex.


  1. О.Л.Гроза и др. «New Millennium English - 11» - Обнинск: Титул, 2010.- с.129
  2. О.Л.Гроза и др. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений «New Millennium English 11» - Обнинск: Титул, 2005.- с.125