Занятие по английскому языку для 8-х классов "Мой родной северный край" медаль

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентации к уроку

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Цель урока: формирование представления о своеобразии коренных малочисленных народов Крайнего севера, их жизни и быте посредством английского языка.



  • Введение новой и закрепление изученной лексики по теме “My dear north land”.
  • Развитие навыков и умений обучающихся в аудировании.
  • Развитие навыки и умения обучающихся в говорении, устном переводе.


  • Развитие умения совместной деятельности, самоконтроль и самооценку.
  • Развитие языковой догадки, памяти, мышления, воображения.


  • Воспитание интереса к жизни и быту народов Крайнего Севера.
  • Формирование навыка интеллектуального труда.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Методы обучения: словесный, наглядно-образный, проблемно-поисковый, игровой.

Технологии: телекоммуникационные, здоровьесберегающие, игровые, проектные .

Оборудование и оснащение занятия:

– ноутбук, компьютер, видеопроектор + экран, аудиосистема;

– мультимедийные презентации (Презентация 1,Презентация 2, Презентация 3, “The Nenets. General information”), музыкальные этнические композиции (напр. Moby – Memory Gospel, Moby – Natural Blues);

– кнопка для брейн-ринга, жетоны для подсчета правильных ответов, рисунки/фотографии для оформления коллажа, ватман, фломастеры, маркеры, открытки с изображением солнца для проведения рефлексии, песочные часы, таблички с названием команд;

– раздаточный материал: Приложение 1 – 10 шт, Приложение 2 – 1 шт., Приложение 3 – 3 шт.

Ход занятия

I. Организационный момент

Good evening! How are you today? First of all I suggest you to shake the hand of maximal number of pupils, smile & say “I’m glad to see you today! Have a nice lesson!”

– Today we’ll continue talking about the life of the Nenets. The topic of our lesson is “My dear north land”. (Презентация1, слайд №1)

I’ll tell you some more information & also we review the previous. You see that you are divided into two teams. The 1st team is “Reindeer herders” & the 2nd – “Reindeer breeders”. Your teams will compete during our lesson. For every task you will receive a definite number of points. The team with maximal number of points wins. Good luck!

II. Подготовка обучающихся к речевой деятельности на английском языке.

– Let’s start with one tongue twister. Please, listen to me & repeat after me.

(Презентация1, слайд №2)

“One Nenets wears winter coat and walks well with white deer in winter”

III. Введение нового лексического материала.

– Thank you for your work. Well done! Now I’ll tell you about traditional beliefs of the Nenets. You will be able to understand me if you write down & learn some new words that I will use in my speech. Here they are:

(Презентация2, слайд №2)

wellbeing – благополучие
to be dependant on – быть зависимым от
to make sacrefice – приносить жертву
sacred sites – святые места
a disease – болезнь
in return – взамен
predicting – предсказание
the dead – мертвые
underground world – загробный мир

– OK, listen to me very attentively.

(Презентация2, слайды №№3-12)

– Now, answer my questions. As you remember, you get points for right answers. Let’s start!

(Презентация2, слайды №№13-15)

1. What are Nenets’ traditional beliefs?

2. What gods do they have?

3. What is the role of shamans in their life?

IV. Закрепление изученного лексического материала.

– Be ready for brain-ring! I need one person from each team to check up your vocabulary.

– Dear competitors, I’m going to read one English word & the translation to it. If this translation is wrong you must push on the button as soon as you can & say a right translation. The person with maximal number of the right answers wins. Is everything clear?

Ready? Steady? Go!

Words for brain-ring:

(слова, выделенные курсивом, являются правильным переводом)

  1. Reindeer breeder – пастух, заводчик оленей
  2. Canvas – брезент
  3. Cloudberry – черника, морошка
  4. Collar – воротник
  5. Create – включать , создавать
  6. Drum – барабан
  7. Herder – заводчик оленей
  8. Hunt – ставить капканы, охотиться
  9. Idol – идол
  10. Indigenous – уникальный, коренной
  11. Mitten – воротник, рукавицы
  12. Ornament – разрешение, украшение
  13. Peninsula – залив, полуостров
  14. Raw – сухой, сырой
  15. Request – просьба
  16. Sacrifice – жертва
  17. Salmon – тунец, лосось
  18. Service – платить, обслуживать
  19. Settle – поселиться
  20. Shelter – капкан, убежище
  21. Slaughtered – убитый
  22. Sleds – коньки, сани
  23. Sleeve – воротник, рукав
  24. Trap – жертвоприношение, капкан
  25. Unemployment – безработица
  26. Vast – узкий, обширный
  27. Alcohol abuse – наркотическая зависимость, алкогольная зависимость
  28. Frozen – замороженный
  29. Bannock – лепешка
  30. Involve – соединять, включать

– Thanks for your active work! The next task is rebus. You can see it on the screen. (Презентация 3, слайд №1; раздаточный материал – Приложение 1)

You must find inside as many words from our active vocabulary as you can. Work with your team members. You have 5 minutes at your disposal. Start!

– Ok, How many words have you found? Count, please.

– Let’s check! (Презентация3, слайд №2)

– Well done! You have found all the words!

V. Физминутка.

– Now we have a break & I suggest you to play one game. It’s called “Find your pair”. I give you little sheets (Приложение №2) on which different animals are written. You task is to represent your animal but only with gestures & mimic. At the end, when everybody finds his/her pair, we will check your choice. Clear? Let’s play!

– It was very funny! We continue our lesson!

VI. Выполнение творческого задания.

– Now, there is one creative task for both teams. At the end of the task one team tells us general information about the Nenets and the second team – about their food & clothing in the form of computer presentation or collage. Your reports will represent two members of your team: one says the sentence in English, another person translates it into Russian. Besides, preparing the task you will fill in the gaps with necessary words or letters. Here are the materials for your work (раздаточный материал – Приложение 3.) Do you have some questions? You have 15 minutes at your disposal.

(Обучающимся раздаются необходимое оборудование и материалы для выполнения творческого задания, фоном, негромко, включается этническая музыка. Команды готовят проекты по двум темам: “The Nenets. General information. Daily life”(команде предоставляется ноутбук, Презентация4 для выполнения задания), “Food & Clothing of the Nenets”(команде предоставляются ватман, фломастеры, маркеры, рисунки/фотографии для оформления коллажа )

Exercises for teams, the right variant:

The Nenets. General information. Daily life.

  1. The Nenets are one of the largest of the indigenous groups in Northern Siberia.
  2. Nowadays most Nenets live in northern areas of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District and the Nenets Autonomous District.
  3. Their ancestors of the Nenets settled in the Russian North about 1000 years ago.
  4. Traditionally the Nenets are reindeer breeders, who also hunt, trap and fish.
  5. Reindeer is the basis of their culture providing food, clothing, shelter and transport.
  6. Today the Nenets have educational opportunities at all levels and many follow modern careers.
  7. Despite this, reindeer breeding remains important, both economically and culturally.

  8. Nenets herders live in tepee style tents which are made from reindeer skin for use in winter and canvas in the summer.

Food & Clothing of the Nenets.

  1. Reindeer meat is the most important part of their diet which they usually eat raw, frozen or boiled.
  2. Fish is also an important food for them and they eat it raw or frozen, but they also salt it .
  3. During the summer they collect berries such as cranberry, blueberry, and cloudberry
  4. Nenets people today wear a combination of modern and traditional clothing.
  5. In towns and villages most Nenets wear modern style clothes, while those living out in tundra wear traditional reindeer skin clothes that are ideal for the Arctic conditions.
  6. Men wear a parka style coat known as a ‘malitsa’ which is made with the fur and has mittens attached to the sleeves.
  7. They also have another reindeer skin coat called a ‘sovik’ which is worn over the malitsa in very cold weather.
  8. The clothes of Nenets are usually decorated with patterned strips.
  9. Nenets women also wear a whole variety of metal, usually copper, ornaments.

– Your time has run out. Please, represent your work!

– Thank you! Please count up your points & we will know the winner!

– Applause! You are the best today!

VII. Заключительный этап занятия.

– Dear, students! I’m very pleased with your work today. Thank you! I’m sure that now you know many facts about your dear north land. You have learnt and represented very interesting information about the Nenets. You can talk about them with your Russian friends or relatives and even tell your foreign friends how unique this nation is.

– At parting I’d like to present you this little sun. As you know the sun plays a very important role in the Nenets’ life. It’s a symbol of warmth and kindness. Please take it and say a few words about today’s lesson. What was the most interesting for you? What new information have you learnt?

– Thank you for your answers. See you on the next lesson! Bye!