Стихотворение “Другой Земли не будет!” (автор: Билялова Гюльнара) - на русском языке. “We won’t have another planet Earth!” - на английском языке.
Часть 1. Чтение
1. Установление соответствия названий заголовков
2. Чтение утверждений и установление соответствия между утверждением и содержанием текстов
3. Задания на множественный выбор.
Чтение текста и выбор правильного варианта
Часть 2. Лексико-грамматические задания на заполнение пропусков в предложениях соответствующими формами слов
Текст 1.
Текст 2. Заполнение пропусков в тексте 2 с преобразованием слов в соответствии с содержанием текста
Текст 3. Задания по грамматике на внимание для учащихся со слабым уровнем развития
Текст 4. Задание на внимание по лексике и грамматике на поиск ошибок
Текст 5. Задание на расстановку артиклей
Часть 3.
Рассуждения по прочитанным куплетам стихотворения.
Составление диалогов.
Часть 4.
Письмо № 1 Написание письма другу (20 мин., С–1)
Письмо № 2. Написание аргументированного письма по теме “ Другой Земли не будет” (С- 2, время 40 мин., 200-250 слов)
Часть 5. Словообразование и словарь
Часть 6. Об авторах проекта
Часть 7. Ключи к упражнениям
Дорогие преподаватели школ!
Обучение иностранным языкам, ведение внеклассной работы – это неотьемлемая часть в работе учителя, но более напряженное и ответственное для учителей и учеников испытание – это подготовка к экзаменам. В связи с тем, что языковые экзамены включают в себя контроль эффективности в аудировании, чтении, говорении, лексико-грамматическом тестировании и письме, данный проект является вспомогательным материалом в подготовке учащихся.
*В данном проекте соблюдаются основные объекты контроля – чтение, лексико-грамматическая практика, говорение, письмо, с помощью которых сделана попытка сформировать, а также развивать умения рационального подхода к работе по подготовке к экзаменам, в пределах наиболее распространенных типов заданий на основании конкретного материала, данного в стихотворении “Другой земли не будет!”
*Данная проектная работа может представлять интерес для подготовки старших школьников, системы языкового образования. Материалы данного проекта помогут учащимся в подготовке и проведении конференций, круглого стола, недели иностранных языков, вечеров поэзии.
*Упражнения развивают необходимые для знаний языковые навыки и речевые умения. Уровни сложности знаний в текстах по чтению в устной и письменной части соответствуют базовым уровням требований, определённых стандартами образования.
*В проекте используется родной язык и английский, что создаёт надобность и возможность быстрого перехода с одного языка на другой, навыки которого необходимо тренировать при выполнении заданий по чтению, лексике, грамматике и письму.
We won’t have another planet Earth !
How many mysteries are still unsolved!
It is the problem which we are to search:
We ask ourselves: “How old is our world?”
And only guess how our life emerged!
Imagine, please, it’s milliards before Christ
Life is appearing on our native planet: (Present Continuous)
The rain is pouring and oceans are so vast
And wind is blowing up and causing damage!
Rains after having filled the oceans leave
The Sun is burning everything around.
Conditions are impossible to live
And meteorites land in the great amount!
The blind darkness covers all the ground,
But clouds part and cause enormous beams of light.
The night is silent: you can hear every sound;
Life has appeared once at such a night!
Then asteroid crashed into the planet,
And howling gusty winds began to blow.
Volcanoes were erupting causing damage
And land was covered with the ice and snow.
For centuries life on the Earth has stopped,
The sun rays didn’t reach and warm the land,
But gradually life process has restored …
And human life appeared, in the end!
The fire was the first of main creations,
Some great ideas crossed man’s clear mind
And it became a step to foundation
Of independent powerful mankind!
So, bit by bit he influenced the nature:
Cut down trees, drained swamps, built plants and dams.
The only thing we have to fear on the planet
Is man, so powerful, short-sighted man !
Yes, he is great at technical beginnings,
But this advantage isn’t nearly enough.
Man is so proud of his being genius,
But cultural level is becoming rough!
He thinks his power doesn’t have a limit,
And man is great if he can reach the star;
But I’m afraid that we are to foresee it,
That nature is much wiser than we are!
It has a lot of ways to punish people
For being cruel, selfish and unjust.
Please, muse upon the thing which seems so simple:
The man is tiny and the Earth is vast!
Imagine that you go around the desert:
The Sun is shining making ground crack
You are alone: so, can your fear be measured?
You‘ve lost your chance and nothing can be back!
What is your feeling when you look around?
Your misery? Or nonsense of your life?
What happened? Can the cause be found?
You understand that you will not survive.
You see that life is not a simple game,
You are ashamed of deeds and feel the human blame.
And I am sure that you are afraid,
Because your life depends on planet’s fate!
Yes, you can offer such a selfish motion:
“If I ignore, it won‘t prevent the goal,
Because my help is just a drop into the ocean“.
But you are part and parcel of a whole!
We faced the problems, even not at once
Let‘s join efforts; it is really worth.
Oh, people, please don’t lose the given chance:
We won‘t have another planet Earth!
Другой земли не будет!
Как много тайн необъяснимых есть на свете,
Которые не просто разгадать.
Откуда жизнь возникла на планете?
И долго ль ей ещё существовать?
Представьте, миллиарды лет назад
Жизнь зарождается на “Голубой планете”,
И беспрерывные дожди ревут, шумят,
И всё сметает раскалённый ветер.
Дожди, заполнив океаны, отступают,
А солнце Землю всё сильнее жжет,
И бедная Пангея изнывает
От лавы, что из-под земли идёт.
На Землю ночь бесшумно опустилась,
В метеоритный дождь и звездопад
Жизнь на планете нашей зародилась
Три миллиарда лет тому назад.
Земля потрескалась от засухи и зноя,
И с каждым днём сильней леса горят.
Была природа именно такою
Три миллиарда лет тому назад.
Вдруг астероид врезался в планету,
И климат стал меняться с каждым днём,
И не было уж солнечного света:
Во мраке землю устилали снег со льдом.
Так на планете жизнь остановилась,
И проходили, между тем, за веком век,
Но, постепенно, жизнь восстановилась,
И появился … первобытный человек!
Его природа, как могла, оберегала,
И человек её обожествлял,
Во всех его началах помогала,
Пока её дары он уважал!
Сам добывать огонь он научился,
Огонь спасал его от холода и вьюг.
С тех пор у человека появился
Помощник, страж и настоящий друг.
Род человеческий и рос, и развивался,
И проходили так за веком век;
В дарах природы он не так теперь нуждался,
И возомнил себя могучим человек.
Так, труд ручной машины заменяют,
По трубам в каждый дом течет вода,
И человек уже не замечает
То, что дается без особого труда.
Чтоб строить фабрики, дымящие заводы,
Дома, машины, чтоб людей возить,
Мы, не считаясь с матушкой-природой,
Должны лес вырубить, болота осушить.
Последствия мы все прекрасно знаем,
С проблемами столкнулись, и не раз.
И, безусловно, все мы понимаем,
Что в скором будущем ждёт, о, Земляне, нас!
Кипящие дожди с небес прольются,
И выйдет океан, бурля, из берегов;
Вулканы, спящие в один момент проснутся,
И вихрь закрутится с земли до облаков.
Вот что нам предки наши завещали:
“Опомнитесь, пока не поздно, люди !
Пусть все вы это до конца не осознали,
Но ведь другой Земли у нас не будет!”
Давайте же любить свою планету:
НЕ делать взрывов, не рубить леса.
Ведь лучше в космосе планеты нету,
Пусть сохранится вся её краса!
Билялова Гюльнара (Bilyalova Gyulnara)
Часть 1
Задание № 1
Установите соответствие названий заголовков от А до I текстам 1-8. Используйте каждую букву только 1 раз. В задании 1 заголовок лишний.
(Смотри куплеты стихотворения с 1 по 8)
A) Conditions impossible to live under
B) The time the life has once appeared.
C) Appearing of human life on our native planet.
D) The foundation of independent powerful mankind.
E) People have to stop.
F) What was happening to our planet after Asteroid had crashed into it.
G) We can’t answer this question for sure, we only can guess.
H) We should keep in mind that nature is much wiser than we are.
I) Appearing of life on our native planet.
№ текста | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
тема |
Задание 2
Прочитайте утверждения и следующие за ними тексты. Установите соответствие между утверждением и содержанием текстов. Если утверждение верное – напишите цифру 1. Если утверждение неверное – цифру 0.
Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
a | b |
1. Peoрle don’t need to search anything. | People are in search of solving many mysterious problems. |
2. Life appeared long before Christ, milliards before Christ. | Life is known only after Christ. |
3. Milliards before Christ conditions of life were excellent in spite of the Sun, rains, meteorites and winds. | The Sun, rains and winds were causing conditions impossible to live under. |
4. The ground was covered with plants, grass and flowers. | All the ground of our native Earth was covered with blind darkness and ice. |
5. After Asteroid had crashed into the planet, howling gusty winds began to blow, volcanoes were erupting and land was covered with snow. | After Asteroid had crashed into the planet, conditions to live under improved. And life appeared soon after that… |
6. The author supposes that life process lasted without interrupting. | The author believes that life process has once stopped for centuries. |
7. The author considers fire to be the first of main creations. | The author thinks that a man was powerful even without fire. |
8. The mankind developed and influenced the nature. It brought a lot of damages by cutting forests, draining swamps etc. | Mankind didn’t and couldn’t influence the planet. |
№ текста | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
a | ||||||||
b |
Задание 3
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1–8, Обведите цифру 1, 2, 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами.Варианта ответа
1) When we think about our planet, we realize
1. How well we know the Earth!
2. How many mysteries are still unsolved!
3. How great and powerful a man is!
2) Milliards before Christ Life was appearing on our native planet:
1. There wasn’t any life on the Earth.
2. There were no oceans and seas at all.
3. The rain was pouring, oceans were vast and wind was blowing.
3) Rains after having filled the oceans leave and Sun is burning everything around, so
1. The Sun was shining only in a daytime.
2. The Sun was shadowed by meteorites.
3. Conditions were impossible to live under.
4) Life has appeared once at such a night:
1. The night was disastrous… Everything was ruined…
2. The night was silent… One could hear every sound…
3. It was snowing… The weather was nasty and cold…
5) Then asteroid crashed into the planet.
1. And howling winds began to blow.
2. And life appeared at the same night.
3. And the climate on The Earth became extremely hot.
6) For centuries life on the Earth has stopped, because:
1. Sun rays didn’t reach and warm the land.
2. It was very hot to live on our planet.
3. It was extremely boring to live on the Earth.
7) It became a step to foundation of independent, powerful mankind!
1. There were no ideas to come to man’s mind.
2. A man didn’t want to improve his life conditions.
3. Some great ideas crossed man’s clear mind.
8) The only thing we have to fear on the planet is. . .
1. The third world war.
2. A powerful but short-sighted man.
3. Strong winds and rains.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Часть 2
Грамматика и лексика
Текст 1. Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в предложениях под номерами 1–18 соответствующими формами слов, напечатанных справа от каждого предложения. (Учебное пособие по страноведению (Spotlight on English-Speaking Countries), N. Timanovskaya, Тула, Автограф, 1998)
Maori legend is about (1) _______ of the Earth and Sky. In
the (2) ______ there was nothing. Before the light, there was only (3) ______. The Sky and the Earth (4) _____together and (5) _____ many children. They (6) _____ God of winds and storms, God of the Sea, God of the forest, God of the plants, God of (7) _______ food and God of War. So, (8)__________ six important children in their family. Mother’ s name was Papa and father’ s name was Ranji. As parents (9) _______ together and no light had Ever yet (10) between them. The children Wanted light and they ( 11) _______ . 12_______ they decided to separate their |
to create to begin dark to dwell bear, be to cultivate there be be joined to come to debate event |
Parents, so that light (13) ________ the world. Finally the children (14) ________ Papa and Ranji. And father became the father of day. The two parents were in grief and their love had never (15) ____. They Still (16)_______ for each other. Papa (17) _____ so Much that much land (18)_______ by sea. The mists That form in the morning in the valleys, and (19)_____ Towards the heavens, are Papa ‘s tears for husband. |
can enter to separate to fade to cry (2) be covered to rise |
Грамматика и лексика
Текст 2
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные после номеров (1–10) так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы (1–10).
TASMANIA is AUSTRALIA ‘ s only island state and this has been a major (1)
Influence on its ________ (history), (2) ________(culture) , (3) _____ (geography) , (4) __________ (to develop). It (5) _______ (to consider) to be an ideal (6) ________ (to locate) for settlements. It ( 7) _______(to isolate) has also helped preserve its rich ________ (colony) heritage and (8) _____(to make sure) that the most of the state‘s (9) wilderness areas have remained
relatively (10) _________ (not to spoil) (Учебное пособие по страноведению (Spotlight on English-Speaking Countries), N. Timanovskaya, Тула, Автограф, 1998.).
Грамматика и лексика
Текст 3
(Задания для учащихся со слабым уровнем развития)
Задание 1
1. Проспрягайте выражения:
To be proud of, to be proud for, to be ashamed, to be sure,
To be part of, to be part and parcel of, to be measured, to be tiny, to be afraid of.
Задание 2
Найдите в 9–17 куплетах соответствующие строки. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст, заполните пропуски, соответствующими лексическими и грамматическими единицами. (Задание на внимание)
1. The man (he) is great at _______beginnings. – technics, technical,- technically.
2. But this advantage isn’t ______enough. – near, - nearby, nearly.
3. Man is so proud of his being genius. – culture, - cultural, - cultured.
4. But ______level is becoming rough.
5. It has a lot of ways ______ people. – punishment, to punish, - punishable.
6. For being cruel, selfish and unjust.
7. Please, muse upon the thing which seems so simple:
8. The man is tiny and the Earth is _____. – vast, - vaster, - vastly.
9. ________ that you go around the desert : - imagination, imagine, - imaginable.
10. The Sun is shining making ground crack.
11. You are alone: so, can your ______ be measured? – fear, fearful, feared.
12. You’ ve ______ your chance and nothing can be back ! – lose, losing, lost.
13. What is your feeling when you look around?
14. Your ______ ? - misery, - miserly, - miser.
15. what happened ? Can the cause be found?
16. You understand that you will not ____ . - survival, - survive, survivor.
Грамматика и лексика
Текст 4
(Задание на внимание)
Раскрой скобки, используя строфы 10, 14.
- He thinks his power (isn’t, doesn’t, hasn’t) ____have a limit,
- And (man, men, mans) ____is great if he can reach the star.
- But I’m afraid (what, that, those) _____we are to foresee it,
- That nature is (many, much, more) _____wiser than we are!
- You (seeing, see, seen) _______that life is not a simple game,
- You ( do, are, is) ______ ashamed of deeds and feel the human blame.
- And I (am, is, are)______ sure that you are afraid,
- Because your life (depended, depends, depend) __________
- On planet‘ s fate.
Tекст 5
Задание на расставление артиклей.
- Yes, you can offer such ___ (a, -) selfish motion:
- If I ignore, it won’ t prevent ___ (-, the) goal,
- Because my help is just _____ (the, a, -) drop into ___ (the, a, -) ocean.
- But you are part and parcel of _____ (the, a,-) whole !
- We faced _____ (a,-, the) problems, even not at once.
- Let’ s join efforts ;it is really worth ______ (-, a, the) lot
- Oh, people, don’t lose ____(the, -, a) given chance:
Часть 3
Задание 1
В некоторых куплетах заложены более важные мысли. Прочитав их, задумайся насколько человек всесилен или слаб. Мог ли он подтолкнуть планету к разрушению!
Выучи куплеты наизусть.
Куплет 7
1) The fire was the first of main creations,
The great ideas crossed man’s clear mind
And it became a step to foundation
Of independent powerful mankind !
Questions: 1) Why was the fire the first of main creations?
- People made matches,
- People drained swamps,
- C) People used sunlight.
2) Why did the great ideas cross man’s clear mind?
Man wanted to make his life better,
Man hated the Earth,
Man didn‘t know where to use natural resources.
3) Can you agree that the mankind itself is the reason of its troubles?
Yes because it drained swamps, built atom power stations ;
Yes because mankind didn’t think about the future ;
No because a tiny man is not able to damage the environment.
Куплет 8
1. a) So, bit by bit he influenced the nature:
Cut down trees, drained swamps, built plants and dams.
The only thing we have to fear on the planet
Is man, so powerful, short – sighted man!
Questions: Why is man “so powerful”, but “short – sighted “?
- Man developed science,
- Man explored much and developed science to make life better,
- Man doesn’t think about the future of our planet.
Часть 3
Составь диалоги. (Работа в парах в группах)
1-й куплет.
- Are all mysteries solved on the Earth?
- What problems should be searched?
- Do you think our world is very old?
- Do you think and know how our life emerged?
- I think, for example, the problems of life’s creation.
- I often do, but we can’t say it for sure.
- We only guess how old our planet is.
- No, they aren‘t
2-3 куплет
What do you know about the planet?
What things lead to damage?
Do winds and rains help in our life?
What do the sun and rain do for our planet?
Do meteorites land on the Earth nowadays?
- Our planet appeared milliards Before Christ.
- If we use them wisely.
- Rains fill the oceans and sun burns everything around.
- Rains, winds, water, fire did.
- Yes, they do. One of them was the Tungus meteorit.
A D –Anno Domini - нашей эры.
B C – before Christ - до нашей эры.
7–8 куплеты
- What was the first of man’ s creations?
- Did the mankind influence our planet ?
- Why do we have to fear a man on the planet ?
- The fire was .
- Because he is powerful, but short – sighted.
- It definitely did.
Часть 4
Напишите письмо за 20 мин. (С–1)
Письмо № 1.
This is a part of a letter from Sue, your New Zealand pen friend.
Hi, my dear friend from Russia! Have you ever heard about such mysteries as:
- The Bermuda Triangle
- Life on other planets
- The Egypt Pyramids
- Why all the dinosaurs died out.
It was always interesting for me to explore and find out, why these things had happened… How nice it would be to have a time machine…Oh, my friend, what mystery makes you feel excited? If you had a time machine, to what era would you go with its help and why?
Write back to Sue answering her questions.
Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Письмо № 2 (С-2)
You have 40 minutes to do this task. Comment on one of the following statements using it as the basis of your essay. Write if you agree or disagree with those ideas. Try to explain your opinion.
Mysteries make our life more interesting and exciting.It would be boring to live without them.
Labour made a human being out of a monkey.
Teenagers today are not interested in ecological problems of our
Planet, are they?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan.
1. Introduction.
2. Express your opinion and give reasons for it.
3. Give other people‘s opinion if possible.
4. Conclusion.
Часть 5
Словообразование и словарь
1. appear – появляться
appearance - появление
apparently - очевидно
1. erupt – извергаться
eruption – извержение
eruptive -
2. emerge – возникать
Еmergency – запасной
3. enormity – гнусность
Enormous- огромный
4. event – событие
Eventful- богатый событиями
A couple of words about myself:
My name is: Chernilevskaya Tamara Pavlovna.
I graduated from: The Tomsk Pedagogical Institute in 1974.
I work at: Secondary school № 1094 NEAD of Moscow.
My teaching experience is 47 years. During this time I’ve collected a lot of practical knowledge. I teach English to children from 5th till 11th forms. The standards of teaching have changed.
There are a lot of different approaches and different forms of testing knowledge. One of them is State Exam.
In order to make the process of learning interesting and аttractive for pupils, we should use the language not for the sake of the language itself, but through discussing and solving global problems using the language.
That is why we have decided to create a team project where.
We combine the knowledge, rich experience and practice gained by me during almost half a century of my teaching practice and enthusiastic and fresh ideas of the younger generation represented by Gyulnara Bilyalova. This beautiful girl is the author of many poems.
I would like to introduce you a very interesting project based on a poem “We won’t have another planet Earth”. Its author Gyulnara Bilyalova, is at present a 5-th year student of the Moscow State University of Railways at the linguistic faculty. She is a future translator from and into English and German.
I have known Gyulnara since her early childhood as a very smart, curious, Enthusiastic and kind-hearted girl. She was always an incredibly talented child. Being 5 years old she started making - up poems first in Russian and then in English.
The set of her poems made up during her late school years for Instance raises the urgent problems of the mankind, such as environment and ecology, morals and language.
Besides she has danced and drawn but she always put special emphasis on her English classes learning English, which influenced the choice of her future occupation.
She is now an excellent and active student.
At 2009–2010 she was awarded an international scholarship at the Technical University of Dresden where she studied English and German.
During one year she achieved brilliant results and perfected her knowledge, Which was reflected in the references of the professors given to her.
They rate her as one of the top 5–10 % of the students and characterize her as a very “… enthusiastic and gifted student not least because she has contributed to raising the level of her fellow students. “ Gyulnara is not only an excellent student but she has also been dancing In a student ensemble “Gelicon “, known for its high level and wonderful folk dancing.
She writes her poems in Russian and then translates them into English.
Even being a child she rose global topics and problems, especially in the Set of her poems, made up in her school years. You can see it from the Titles of the poems: “SOS ! Save our Speech “, “We won’ t have another planet Earth “, “A human life “.
But she doesn’ t stop, she continues looking for the main idea of life and Her latest masterpiece is a philosophic poem in German “Was ist das Leben?“ (What is life?)
I have used her poems in class in order to bring up a new generation in The atmosphere of love and understanding. And we have recently decided to create a cooperative (team -) project, preparing pupils for State Exam.
I am glad to have a wonderful chance to combine the knowledge and wisdom of an experienced teacher and a new enthusiastic creative forward – looking approach of the younger generation in order to make the studying process more vivid and productive.
English teacher of school №1094
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