Урок английского языка "Сезоны" для 3-го класса

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: урок первичного закрепления новых знаний.

Цели урока.

1. Воcприятие и первичное осознание нового учебного материала, осмысливание связей и отношений в объектах изучения.

2. Развитие социальной и познавательной компетенции учащихся.

3. Воспитание уважения к особенностям другой страны, мнению друг друга.

Задачи урока:

1. Подготовить учащихся к работе над темой “The English Year” (уроки 81-88), повторить особенности деления на сезоны в Великобритании, английские праздники.

2. Проконтролировать знание лексических единиц , грамматического материала по темам: “Безличные предложения (It’s …)”, “Степени сравнения прилагательных”

3. Активизировать диалогическую и монологическую речь учащихся.

4. Развивать социальную и познавательную компетенции учащихся: умение отвечать на вопрос: Why do you like this season?


1. Мультимедийный проектор, ноутбук

2. Магнитофон.


1. Для создания мультимедийной презентации использованы электронные ресурсы Google. Com.

2. Планирование данного урока осуществляется за счет использования резервного урока 78, который проводится после урока 80 для закрепления материала уроков

План урока.

  1. Организация начала урока. (T-Cl., 1 мин., слайд 1)
  2. Фонетическая зарядка (Т- Cl., 1 мин.)
  3. Речевая зарядка (Т- P1, P2…, 3 мин., слайды 2-3)
  4. Проверка домашнего задания: стих.”Seasons”, диалог “How’s the weather today?” (P1, P2…, 4 мин. , слайд 4, упр. 5- 6, стр. 262)
  5. Контроль сформированности грамматических навыков по теме: отработка безличных предложений It’s …(Р1, Р2…, 3 мин., слайды 5-8)
  6. Подготовка учащихся к усвоению: беседа по теме What do you like to do in this season? (Т.-Р1, Р2…, 5 мин., слайды 9-15)
  7. Изучение нового материала: ознакомление с особенностями деления года на сезоны в Великобритании, праздники (Т-Cl.,Р1,Р2… , 10 мин.,слайды 16-25)
  8. Физкультминутка (Р-Cl, 1мин.)
  9. Первичная проверка усвоения знаний: описание учащимися английских времен года (Р1, Р2…; 5 мин., слайды 26-33)
  10. Первичное закрепление знаний: выполнение лексических познавательных заданий (Р1, Р2…, 5 мин., слайды 34-37)
  11. Контроль и самопроверка знаний: диктант (Т-Cl, 2 мин., слайд 38, упр. 12, ст. 268)
  12. Информация о домашнем задании. Подведение итогов урока: вывод-пословица (Т -Сl, 2 мин., слайд 39)

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент: (Т-Сl; T-P1, 1 мин., слайд 1). Презентация

Т. Good afternoon, dear children! Nice to see you today! The theme of our lesson is “Seasons”. Today we’ll speak about the weather, about the English year, about different seasons. Who’s on duty today?

P1. I am on duty today.

T. What season is it? What month is it? Who’s absent? Are they ill?

2. Фонетическая зарядка: (Т-Сl, 1 мин.)

Т. Let’s repeat these sounds, please:

[ou]: October

[e]: November, December, February, September

[a:] : March

[ei]: April, May

[u:]: June

[ai]: July

[o:]: August

[i]: Christmas, Merry Christmas

3. Речевая зарядка: (Т.-Р1, Р2…, 3 мин., слайды 2-3)

Т. Dear children! Please, answer this question! What is your favourite season?

P1: My favourite season is … (слайд 2)

T. Please, say what season comes after… Make the sentences complete.

P2: After winter comes spring.

P3: After … comes … (слайд 3)

4. Проверка домашнего задания: (Р1, Р2…, 4 мин., слайд 4)

T. Here is a poem about seasons. Your hometask was to learn it . Who wants to recite this poem?

P1. Spring is green,

Summer is bright.

Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white.


T. As you know, English people often talk about the weather. Let’s start learning how to do it. (ex. 6,8 p. 262). Think of your own dialogues and act them out.

P3: I say, Jim, how’s the weather today?

P4: It’s very fine!

P3: Then Mike will wear a green shirt and his grey shorts today.

P4: That’s right.

 P5: Hello. Could I speak to Susan, please?

P6: This is Susan. Hello!

P5: Are you busy today?

P6: No, I’m not.

P5: Well, then, let’s go to the Zoo. The weather is so fine.

P6: Great! See you there in 20 minutes.

P5: All right.

5. Контроль сформированности грамматических навыков по теме: безличные предложения. (T.-Р1, Р2,… 3 мин., слайды 5-8)

T. Look at these pictures, please! Tell us what season is this? What is the weather like in this season?

P1: It’s spring. Spring comes after winter. Spring is green. It’s warmer in spring that in winter.

P2: It’s summer. Summer comes after spring. Summer is green and bright. It’s warmer in summer than in spring. Summer is the warmest season of the year.

P3: It’s autumn. Autumn comes after summer. Autumn is yellow, brown, red. It’s colder in autumn than in summer.

P4: It’s winter. Winter is white. It’s colder in winter than in autumn. Winter is the coldest season of the year. (Слайды 5-8)

6. Подготовка учащихся к усвоению нового материала: беседа на тему “What do you like to do in this season?” (Т.- Р1, Р2… 5 мин., слайды 6-12)

T. Read the questions and answer them, please. (Слайд 9)

Р1: What do you like to do in spring?

P2:I like to run in spring.

P3: I like to play football in spring.

P4: I like…

T.: Why do you like spring?

P5: I like this season because …

P1: What do you like to do in summer? (Слайд 10)

P2: I like to swim in summer.

P3: I like…

T.: Why do you like summer?

P4: I like this season because in summer I can …

P1: What do you like to do in autumn? (Слайд 11)

P2: I like to read in autumn.

P3: I like to watch TV in autumn.

P4: I like…

T. Please, read this puzzle.

Cl. This is the season when fruit is sweet

This is the season when school friends meet.

What season is it?

It is autumn. (Слайд 12)

P1: Do you like to go to school in autumn? (Слайд 13)

P2: Yes, I do. I like to go to school in autumn, in winter and in spring.

P3: Do you like to go to the swimming pool in autumn?

Р4: Yes, I do. Do you like to …

T.: Why do you like autumn?

P5: I like this season because…

P1: Do you like to skate in winter? (слайд 14)

P2: Yes, I do. I like to skate.

P3: Do you like to sledge in winter?

P4: Do you like…

P1: What do you like to do in winter? (Слайд 15)

P2: I like to ski in winter.

P3: I like to play …

P4: I like to…

T. Please, tell us, why do you like winter?

P5: I like this season because…

7. Изучение нового материала: ознакомление с особенностями деления года на сезоны в Великобритании, английскими праздниками (Т. -Cl Р1, Р2, Р3… 10 мин., слайды 16-20)

Т. As you know, the seasons in Great Britain and in Russia are different. Please, name the spring months in Great Britain.

P1 - The spring months in Great Britain are March and April. (Слайд 16)

P2 - The summer months are May, June, July and August. (Слайд 17)

P3 - The autumn months are September and October. (Слайд 18)

P4 - The winter months are November, December, January and February. (Слайд 19)

T. I think that all people like holidays. On holidays people don’t work. People send and get presents on holidays. Many people have birthdays parties.

Т. Please, tell us when is your birthday?

P1: My birthday is on the … of January.

P2: My birthday is on the …of May.

P3: My birthday is … (слайд 20)

T. As you know, English people like Christmas very much. Let’s sing all together a song “We wish you a merry Christmas.” (звучит музыка песни №52)

T. On the 25th of December English people celebrate Christmas. On the 31st of December people celebrate New Year. Do you like these holidays? Do you send Christmas cards to your friends and relatives?

P1, Р2…: (монологическое высказывание на основе упр. 8, стр.147 и упр.5, стр.150) (Слайд 21)

T. The 14th of February is St. Valentine’s Day. What do people do in this holiday? Please, open your books on page 278 and read the text.

P1: People buy or make… (Слайд 22)

T. All children like this holiday. What about you? Do you celebrate Hallowe’en? Read the text on page 289.

P2: On the 31st of October… (Слайд 23)

8. Физкультминутка (T., Р1-Cl., 1 мин.)

T. Stand up, please! Look at … (P1) and let’s do exercises with him (her).

P1. Hands up, hands down.
Hands on hips, sit down.
Stand up, hands to the sides.
Bend left, bend right.
Hands on hips, one, two, three, hop,
One, two, three, stop! Stand still!

9. Первичная проверка усвоения знаний: описание учащимися аглийских времен года (Р1, Р2,… 5 мин., слайды 24)

T. You’ve known some new information about seasons in Great Britain. What spring months in Great Britain have you remembered?

P1. Spring months are March and April. The days are long and warm. The trees are green in spring.

P2. In Great Britain summer begins in May. The weather is usually warm. The days are long and the nights are short. It’s often hot in summer. People wear shorts and shirts in summer. Pupils do not go to school in summer.

P3. Autumn is usually a nice season in England. It is warm and dry. The forests are beautiful. The leaves in the trees are of different colours. School starts in autumn. Look! How beautiful the trees are in autumn.

Р4. The winter months in Great Britain are November, December, January and February. They are cold. It snows and rains in winter. Winter is the coldest season. People celebrate Christmas in winter. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, balls and little coloured lights.

10. Первичное закрепление знаний. (Т. -Р1, Р2,…5 мин., слайды 25-26)

T. Could you compare these words?

Small, warm, cold, long, short, nice, big.

Bad, good.

Interesting, beautiful.

P1: Small – smaller – the smallest.

P2: Warm – warmer – the … (Слайд 25)

Т. Some sentences are true, some not. Choose and read aloud those which are true:

  • In winter there is a lot of snow.+
  • Summer comes after winter.-
  • Autumn is the warmest season or the year.-
  • Summer is warmer than spring.+
  • There are five seasons in a year.-

P3: … (слайд 26)

Т. If you put the words in the right order you’ll read a sentence.

(I like winter, but she likes summer) (Слайд 27)

P4: …

T. Which words are missing? Complete the sentences.(ex.11, p.268)

  • In winter the days are … than in summer.(shorther)
  • It’s … in summer than in spring.(warmer)
  • Summer is the … season of the year.(warmest)
  • It’s … in winter than in autumn.(colder)
  • Winter is the… season of the year.(coldest)

P 5: … (Слайд 28)

11. Контроль и самопроверка знаний: диктант (Т. – Cl., 2 мин., слайд 29, упр.12, стр. 268)

Т. Learn to write these words:

- Время года - (Season)
- Зима - (Winter)
- Весна   - (Spring)
- Лето - (Summer)
- Осень - (Autumn)

12. Подведение итогов урока. Информация о домашнем задании. (Т. - Cl, 2 мин.)

T. Thank you for your work today. Please, read this proverb all together.

Cl.: Everything is good in its season. (Слайд 30)

T. I give all of you “fives”. Your hometask is …

Good bye, dear children.

Слайд 31 – В презентации использованы ресурсы Google. Com.

Примечание: В начале и в конце урока звучит музыка “ Spring, summer, autumn and winter.” №1 из УМК “ English – IV” Верещагиной И. Н., Притыкиной Т.А. для создания положительного эмоционального настроя у детей.

Список литературы

  1. Верещагина И.Н., Притыкина Т.А. English – III, - М., Просвещение, 2000
  2. Google. Com.