Праздник английского языка в 3-м классе. Сказка "Hare and Tortoise"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: систематизировать знания детей по пройденному материалу и применять полученные знания в игровой форме.


  • поддержать интерес к изучению английского языка;
  • совершенствовать навыки устной речи;
  • повторить материал в игровой форме;
  • научить детей видеть результаты коллективной деятельности.

Форма проведения: урок-сказка “Hare and Tortoise”.










All other animals

Author - Once upon a time there lived a funny silly hare. He likes to run and he can run quickly. But he liked to boast very much.

Hare - Aha! I want a race!

I want a race

I want a race

La la la la la la

I want a race

I am not slow,

I am very fast,

I am always first,

I am never last

Author - He met a hedgehog in the wood.

Hare - Ha-ha ha! Hello, Hedgehog!

Hedgehog - Hello, Hare!

Hare - Let`s have a race!

Hedgehog - Oh, no, no, no.

You are too fast

And I am too slow.

Author - The hare was upset. Then he met an elephant.

Hare - Hello. Elephant!

Elephant - Hello, Hare!

Hare - Let`s have a race, Elephant.

Elephant - A race! A race!

No, no, no.

You are too fast

And I am too slow.

Author - The hare was sad. Later our Hare saw a tiger.

Hare - Hello, Tiger!

Tiger - Hello, Hare!

Hare - Let`s have a race, Tiger!

Tiger - No, no, Hare!

Not today.

I am too tired.

Go away!

Hare - It`s not fair.

I want a race today!

Author - The hare went away. But suddenly he saw a tortoise.

Hare - Hello, Tortoise!

Tortoise - Hello, Hare!

Hare - I want a race. Let`s have a race, Tortoise.

Tortoise - A race? Yes, OK, Hare.

Hare - Yippee! Yippee!

I can jump, I can run,

I am very fast,

I am number one

All other animals - We want Tortoise! Come on Tortoise!

WE want Tortoise! Come on Tortoise!

Lion - Quite! Quiet, please! Ready, Hare? Ready ,Tortoise?

One. Two. Three. Go!

Author - And Hare runs very, very fast…. He runs up the hill and he runs down the hill.

Quickly, quickly, quickly, Hare runs and runs and runs.

- And Tortoise walks slowly up the hill and slowly down the hill.

Slowly, slowly, slowly, Tortoise walks and walks and walks.

Seller - Tasty ice-cream! Chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice-cream! Big and small! Buy tasty ice-cream!

Hare - Aha! Ice-cream! I am hot… and I am thirsty… and I am hungry! I want an ice-cream!

Seller - What ice-cream would you like?

Hare - Vanilla

Seller - Big or small?

Hare - Big!

Seller - Here you are!

Hare - One more chocolate ice-cream, please!

Seller - Here you are!

Hare - I am tired. I am very tired!

Author - Look! The Hare is sleeping! And what about our Tortoise?

Lion - Look! Here comes Tortoise.

All other animals - Come on Tortoise! Come on Tortoise!

We want Tortoise! We want Tortoise!

Lion - Yes! Tortoise is the winner!

Well done. Well done, Tortoise!

Tortoise - Thank you. Thank you.

All other animals - Tortoise is the first! Tortoise is the first!

Author - At last our Hare woke up!

Hare - I am never last! I am never last!

I am very fast. I can run.

Tortoise - I am very slow but I am number one!

Author - The end!