Цель: обобщить и систематизировать знания учеников по теме "Hobbies ".
- формирование навыков самостоятельного решения коммуникативных задач,
- совершенствование техники чтения про себя,
2. развивающие:
развитие навыков монологической и
диалогической речи,
3. воспитательные:
- повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.
Оборудование: карточки, мультимедийное оборудование, карточки контроля.
ПрезентацияХод урока
1. Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls. The topic of our lesson is " Hobbies".
Слайд №1.
2. Объявление цели и задач урока.
Teacher: Today we shall learn the poem, listen to the stories about your hobbies, play a game, do morning exercises, carry on the dialogue and read the text.
3. Разучивание стихотворения "One Thing at a Time"
Teacher: Do you want to learn a new poem?
Слайд №2.
Listen to the poem. Did you like it?
Read the poem after me. (Ученики читают стихотворение за учителем.)
Read it yourselves, please! Translate the poem into Russian!
(Ученики читают стихотворение самостоятельно и переводят.)
One Thing at a Time.
Work while you work, play while you play,
This is the way to be cheerful and gay.
All that you do, do with all your might.
Things done by halves are never done right.
4. Речевая разминка:
- What is a hobby?
- What hobbies do you know?
- Is it interesting to have a hobby?
5. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи.
Teacher: I think you are ready with the stories about your hobbies. It was your home task. Let's tell your stories to your partner and your partner has to say what hobby you have got.
(Ученики работают в парах, заслушивают рассказы друг друга о хобби, затем называют хобби друга.)
6. Игра: "Угадай пропущенное слово!"
Teacher: Tastes differ. Different people spend their free time differently. Let's see what the most popular pastime activities are. Look at the screen and guess the missing words in each rhyme.
Слайд №3.
I like to play with Mary,
I like to play with Paul,
I like to play with Bobby
And with my big, nice : (ball)
Слайд №4.
Look at my photo!
You are right of course,
My favourite hobby
Is riding : ! (a horse)
Слайд №5.
I don't need my friends,
I don't need my tutor!
I like to be at home
And play on my :! (computer)
Слайд №6.
She meets her friends,
And stops to talk!
She likes to go
For a :! (walk)
Слайд №7.
My Mum's very kind.
And she is good-looking!
We love her very much
For care and tasty :! (cooking)
7. Физкультминутка.
Hands up! Clap, clap, clap!
Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!
Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Hop! Hop! Hop! Stand still!
8. Обучение диалогической речи.
Teacher: A lot of people are fond of collecting things. They like swopping. (Обмениваться) Look at the screen and play a game "Let's Swop!"
Choose a partner and make up a dialogue. Use the new phrases!
Слайд №8.
Let's swop! - Давай меняться!
No deal! - Так не пойдёт!
That's a deal!- Договорились!
(Ученики составляют короткие диалоги, используя новые фразы и картинки слайда.)
Примерный диалог:
Hello, Sasha! A toy car for a CD! Let's swop!
No deal, Dan! Two for a CD and a sticker.
Two toy cars for a CD and a sticker. That's a deal!
9. Тренировка в чтении про себя с извлечением нужной информации.
Teacher: Now it's time to read the text about hobbies in England. You will read it to yourselves and answer what hobbies Englishmen have.
(Текст напечатан на карточках, которые раздаются ученикам. Ученики читают текст про себя и выбирают названия хобби, упоминаемых в тексте.)
Hobbies in England.
Almost every Englishman has a hobby. It is impossible to guess from his profession or appearance his personal interests. It may be stamp-collecting or coin-collecting, sports or doing crosswords in the newspaper. Gardening and growing flowers, especially roses, is the most common hobby of all among Englishmen.
Teacher: Your time is up. Name the hobbies, please! (Stamp-collecting, coin-collecting, sports, doing crosswords in the newspaper, gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.)
Teacher: What hobbies in Russia can you name? (Ученики называют хобби в России.)
10. Подведение итогов, выставление отметок.
Teacher: Well done. Children, thank you very much for your answers. You have done many tasks. I think it's very interesting to have a hobby. It's impossible to describe all hobbies known in the world, but they increase our knowledge and broaden our outlook. Fill in your Control Card.
Control Card
Tick the following columns
I took part in :
Learning the poem _____________
Speaking about hobby __________
Playing the game _______________________
Morning exercises _______________
Carrying on the dialogue ____________
Reading about hobbies in England ________
My score is ______________
- "5": 5 - 6
- "4": 3 - 4
- "3": 1---2
Teacher: And now write down your task for the next lesson. Find out who in your class is fond of reading books, collecting things, dancing and singing.