Урок английского языка "Планы на выходные". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 5

Презентация к уроку

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Тип урока: урок применения и совершенствования знаний.

Вид урока: практическое занятие.



  • обобщить, систематизировать знания учащихся, полученные в ходе изучения данной темы
  • закрепить полученные навыки говорения путем тренировочных заданий


  • развить активное самостоятельное мышление учащихся
  • способствовать развитию интереса к изучению английского языка
  • развивать творческую фантазию, воображение, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности


  • воспитывать у учащихся культуру поведения и общения, также уважению к мнению товарищей
  • повышать уровень культуры и интеллектуального развития


  • активизировать лексический материал по теме «Мы собираемся путешествовать»
  • закрепить употребление конструкции to be going to do smth. на уровне предложения.
  • развить навыки монологической и диалогической речи, а также аудирования

Оснащение (оборудование) урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, презентация к уроку, учебник, доска, карточки с заданием для каждого ученика.

В ходе урока совершенствуются и демонстрируются следующие знания и навыки:

  1. Лексико-грамматические и речевые навыки;
  2. Коммуникативные навыки – способность получать и передавать информацию, излагать и отстаивать свое мнение;
  3. Интеллектуальные навыки – способность к познанию, к выявлению проблем.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

T. – Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you today!

C. – Good morning, teacher!

T. – How are you today?

C. – We are fine.

T. – Sit down. – What is the weather like today? Lovely weather, isn’t it? Do you like it?

II. Объявление темы урока и ввод в ситуацию.


  • ознакомить учащихся с целями и задачами урока;
  • настроить учащихся психологически на работу.

Let’s begin our lesson.

Dear children! I expect our lesson to be very interesting and exciting today because we are going to arrange a picnic. We’ll write a letter to our friends, we’ll listen to the dialogue and learn how British children arrange a picnic.

III. Фонетическая зарядка.

Цель: развитие фонетических и речевых навыков у учащихся.

First of all, we let’s refresh our memory and recall English sounds. You are to match the words that rhyme (надоскеизображение) One of you will go to the blackboard.

Red Hat Kissed Green Laugh Whose Short
List Mean Shoes Said That Bought Half

Now, let’s check your answers (Ответы в презентации)

IV. Речевая зарядка.

Цель: повторить (систематизировать) знания учащихся выявить умение отвечать на некоторые вопросы и излагать информацию о себе.

a) T: – What day is it today?What day will it be tomorrow?

– What is your favourite day of a week? Why?

– What will you do on Sunday? Where do you go on Saturday and Sunday?

– And what do you usually do at the weekends?

As for me, I usually …

P: I usually ….at the weekends.

b) Look at the pictures, please (картинки в презентации) and say what they usually do at the weekends

c) And now, please tell me what they are going to do at the weekends (картинки в презентации)

V. Развитие лексико-грамматических и речевых навыков.

Цель: развитие умений обобщить информацию, формировать и развивать коммуникативные умения: говорение, чтение, письмо.

a) But what about the weather: it can be good or bad

What are you going to do in bad weather? What are you going to do in good weather?

– Look at the blackboard. There are some word combinations for you. Read them, please. Then fill in this forms

to play tennis         to travel
to visit friends   to do homework
to swim   to watch TV
to go to the zoo   to arrange a picnic
to take pictures   to play the computer
to listen to music   to read books

BAD weather GOOD weather

BAD weather GOOD weather
to play tennis  to swim
to read books to go to the zoo
to play the computer to visit friends           
to do homework to take pictures
to listen to music to travel
to watch TV to arrange a picnic

b) Let’s see the weather forecast for this weekend. Will the weather be fine?

Read it, please

  • Saturday: fine weather, mainly sunny, few clouds late
  • Sunday: comfortably warm, light winds, lots of sunshine.

So, the weather will be fine. It’s good! What about having a picnic. Do you like this idea?

c) We have a lot of things to do. We are: 1. to arrange a date and time

We are to decide:

  1. who will be responsible for the social programme
  2. who will be responsible for sandwiches and drinks
  3. who will be responsible for the music

Let’s take part in the Opinion Polls. Take these shits of paper and write down what you propose

  1. Let’s meet at … o’clock
  2. … will be responsible for the social programme
  3. … will be responsible for sandwiches and drinks
  4. … will be responsible for the music

Thank you, we’ll see the results next lesson.

VI. Физкультминутка

I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest and sing a song (поем песню “Leaving”) Приложение 1

VII. Активизация лексических и грамматических навыков

Цель: развитие умений обобщить (систематизировать) информацию, формировать и развивать коммуникативные умения: говорение, чтение, письмо.

And what are we going to do at the picnic?

a) Let’sseehowyouarereadyforapicnic (учащиеся составляют предложения по картинкам презентации)

b) So, please, tell me again what we are going to do at the picnic

  • To sunbathe
  • To swim
  • To sing songs
  • To cook dinner
  • To make a campfire
  • To play the guitar
  • To take pictures
  • To put up a tent
  • To gather mushrooms
  • Topickberries

VIII. Выполнение письменного лексического задания

Цель: формировать и развивать коммуникативные умения: чтение, письмо.

I see that you are ready for a picnic. Do you have a lot of friends? Let’s invite them with us.

So, you are to write an invitation letter. Please take these papers and fill in the gaps (необходимо вставить пропущенные слова в текст письма)

Dear …,
We would like … you to visit us. We are going ….
We … that you come for the weekends. We’ll … the accommodations and … programme.
We hope we’ll….

Yours sincerely,

(to have a good time, to have a picnic, to be responsible for ,to invite, to propose,social)

Dear …,
We would like to invite you to visit us. We are going to have a picnic.
We propose that you come for the weekends. We’ll be responsible for the accommodations and social programme.
We hope we’ll have a good time.

Yours sincerely,

Now let’s check your letters and send them. …, go to the blackboard and do the task. Readit, please. (ученик выполняет задание на доске)

IX. Аудирование

Цель: развить речевые и фонетические навыки, формировать и развивать навыки диалогической речи

a) Now let’s see how children in Great Britain are going to arrange a picnic. Listen to the dialogue attentively (2 times)


Catherine: – It’s Frank’s birthday next Saturday, isn’t it? What presents are we going to give him? Any ideas, Steve?

Steve: – Let’s have a surprise party for him. We can organize a picnic.

Julia: – That’s a great idea: a birthday picnic.

Catherine: – Let’s arrange the date now.

Steve: – Well, I think next Saturday. The 4th of September is the best day. Is that OK with you, Catherine?

Catherine: – Yes, it is. I’ll be responsible for sandwiches and drinks then. And what about you, Julia?

Julia: – Why don’t I make a special birthday cake for Frank?

Steve: – Great! I’ll be responsible for the music. I’ve got a lot of new CD’s.

Catherine: – I hope Frank would like his picnic.

Julia: – I’m sure he will.

b) Now I’ve got a task for you. You are to put these phrases in a correct order. So, complete the dialogue. Work in pairs. Listen to the dialogue again check your answers.

c) Readthedialogue (читаем диалог парами, затем вслух по ролям, меняются ролями, слушаем еще раз)

d) Now open your books and let’s answer some questions (ex.26 p.34):

  1. When will the picnic start? (the 4th of September)
  2. What is Steve responsible for? (Steve is responsible for the music)
  3. What is Catherine responsible for? (Catherine is responsible for sandwiches and drinks)
  4. What is Julia going to do? (Julia is going to make a special birthday cake for Frank)

X. Заключительная часть урока

(домашнее задание, подведение итогов, выставление оценок)

Would you like to have a surprise party for you friend? At home you are to make up a dialogue, using these cards. Now write down your home task: listen to the dialogue ex.26 p.34 andmake up your own dialogue, using cards.


A: – It’s … birthday next Saturday, isn’t it? What presents are we going to give him? Any ideas, …?

B: – Let’s have a surprise party for him. We can organize….

A: – That’s a great idea: a birthday…. Let’s arrange the date now.

B: – Well, I think next…. The … is the best day.

A: – I’ll be responsible for … then. And what about you,…?

B: – Why don’t I make a special birthday … for… ?

A: – Great! I’ll be responsible for… . I’ve got a lot of new CD’s.

B: – I hope… would like his picnic.

A: – I’m sure … will.

Подведение итогов урока. Оценивается работа отдельных учащихся и выставляются оценки.Well the lesson is over. Thank you for you work. Good bye. Do you like our lesson today? Was it interesting? Was it useful for you? As for me, I like your work today. You marks are…

Приложение 2