Урок английского языка в 6-м классе "День Победы"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: домашнее чтение.

Класс: 6.


  • развитие навыков изучающего аудирования;
  • развитие навыков чтения;
  • развитие навыков устной речи;
  • воспитание патриотизма;
  • познакомить с героями Советского Союза Менделеевского района.

Наглядность и оборудование:

  • компьютер;
  • карточки с текстом;
  • карточки с заданиями.


I. Организационный момент

– Good morning, boys and girls! Good morning our dear guests! Today we‘ll have the home reading lesson. 

II. Речевая разминка:

– But at fist, tell me please:
– What is the date today? Wright down on the blackboard, please.
– What is the season now? And what is the month now? What will be next?

III. Постановка целей и задач

– Of  course, what is this month known?
– Yes, the 9 of May! What day is it?
– It is Victory Day!
– Of course! And topic of our lesson will be …. Victory Day!
– 69 years ago began Great Patriotic War! It was terrible 4 years. And 9 May of 1945 Great – Patriotic War was finished! Today we’ll read about Victory Day. And learn more about heroes and veterans.

IV. Введение новых ЛЕ:

– At the beginning, look at the blackboard. You can see some new words:

– Fascist
– Fascism
– Significance
– to defeat
– Spirit
– The world
– Peace
– Hero

Отрабатывает правильное  произношение этих слов. Читаем хором за учителем, индивидуально.

V. Аудирование

– At home you have to read the text. Now listen to me very attentively? And then answer my question: What is this text about?

May 9

Every year on May 9 we celebrate Victory Day. It is a day of the victory of our people over Fascism.
The historical significance of the Soviet Union’s victory lies in main idea to defeat the fascist aggressor.
The victory over fascist was of great significance also because it activated all people of the world.
People know veterans of the Great War not only because they wear their medals on Victory Day. They are known because of their honest spirits and useful public work. Together with all Soviet people they are active participants in the peace movement. Their fight for peace is fully understandable because no one knows better than a war veteran what war means.

Учащиеся слушают текст, затем отвечают на поставленный вопрос. Слушают еще раз и выполняют задание.

– Let’s listen one’s more and do some exercises about the text.
1) you must cut out the parts of the text.
2) and then put them in the right order.

The historical significance of the Soviet Union’s victory lies in main idea to defeat the fascist aggressor.

May 9

People know veterans of the Great War not only because they wear their medals on Victory Day. They are known because of their honest spirits and useful public work. Together with all Soviet people they are active participants in the peace movement. Their fight for peace is fully understandable because no one knows better than a war veteran what war means.
Every year on May 9 we celebrate Victory Day. It is a day of the victory of our people over Fascism.
The victory over fascist was of great significance also because it activated all people of the world.

Учащиеся должны вырезать текст по абзацам, кот они посчитают правильными, а потом поставить данные абзацы в правильном порядке. Приклеивают их на другой лист.

VI. Развитие навыков чтения

– Now let’s read your texts. Who will be first?

Ребята читают текст : сначала представитель одного ряда, затем другого. Выявляем все ли правильно.

VII. Развитие навыков устной речи. Проверка домашнего задания

– Let’s check up your home task. 

Дети рассказывают сообщения о своих земляках, воевавших на войне.

VIII. Знакомство с героями Советского союза Менделеевского района

– Now, let me introduce the heroes of Soviet Union.
– Look here please!

Учитель представляет героев Советского Союза Менделеевского района в форме презентации

IX. Подведение итогов урока

– So, how many heroes is from our location?
7. Who are they?
And what about your village?
A war is very terrible! Let’s keep the peace about our world!
You hometask will be to tell about your veterans more and more!
Our lesson is over! Good Bye!


– I see you are tired. Can you recite the poem and exercises!

Hands on the head,
Hands on the hips,
Hands on the table,
Hands like this.
Hands on the shoulders,
Hands up and down,
Hands behind the head
And sit down!