Добро пожаловать, весенние праздники

Разделы: Иностранные языки

VII класс. Обучение чтению в контексте диалога культур с использованием инновационного методического приема "Jigsaw reading".

Форма урока. Урок-праздник.

Продолжительность урока 45 минут.


  1. магнитофон
  2. П. И. Чайковский "Времена года" (фрагменты);
  3. иллюстрации праздников;
  4. тексты для чтения;
  5. раздаточный материал;
  6. карточки для самооценки.

Цели урока:

  • Познавательный аспект:
  • знакомство с праздниками англоязычных стран.
  • развитие умения извлекать информацию о культуре англоязычных стран из аутентичного текста.

Развивающий аспект:

  • развитие способности к сравниванию и сопоставлению, к формулированию выводов из прочитанного.

Воспитательный аспект:

  • воспитание уважительного отношения к другой культуре, более глубокое осознание своей культуры через контекст культуры англоязычных стран.

Учебный аспект:

  • формирование лексических навыков чтения, говорения и аудирования.
  • развитие умения читать с разными стратегиями - с целью понимания основного содержания, с целью поиска специфической информации.
  • формирование навыков употребления пассивных конструкций и модальных глаголов в речи.


People in every culture celebrate holidays .The word "holiday" means "holy day", but nowadays most holidays have lost their religious significance and are simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and make merry.

Today we are going to speak about some Russian and English holidays, their role in bringing people of different nationalities together.

I. Brainstorming.

T: Please, answer my questions:

Do you like holidays? Why? (the whole family gets together, spend merry time together, have fun, receive guests, play jokes, play games, laugh, etc.)

What holidays are celebrated in Russia? (на доске помещен список праздников).

Which of them are the most popular?

Do all of them are celebrated in your family?

Which is your favourite one?

T: OK. Good for you.

II. Listening.

T: Now listen to the text and say:

How do you understand the term "bank holidays"?

Name the "bank holidays" in the UK. ( приготовить список праздников на отдельном листе для подстраховки ).

Choose from this list those points I'll have read you about ( на доске ):

The Most Important Festival of the Year

Patron Saints' Days


Bank Holidays

Ghosts and Witches

Christmas Carol


(текст на отдельном листке). (Appendix II)

T: Well done. Now let's summarize all the information about holidays in the UK and Russia in the following way:

T: Look at the scheme again and say what festivals are observed (celebrated) in the UK and Russia (P1; P2).

What similar holidays are celebrated in these two countries? (New Year, Christmas, May Day).

T: OK. So, these are official holidays when people don't work. But there are festivals, both in Great Britain and in Russia, which are not "bank" ones, though people like them and enjoy having fun on those days. What are these holidays? (Hallowe'en, St. Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, April Fool's Day, Guy Fawkes Day etc.). Thank you. I'm pleased with your answers.

You know, every celebration corresponds to some season. Now the winter came to the end and the spring is coming. Spring is that time when everything - nature, animals, people - awakens to life from long winter sleepiness. Everybody and everything is glad to feel alive, active, cheerful. And, as you know, throughout time people have been meeting spring with songs, games and fun. It's an ancient tradition. Now look at the chart and say what festivals Russian people meet spring with. What about the UK? - That's right. And what holiday in the UK corresponds to Russian Maslenitsa? Why do you think so? (People eat pancakes on those days). - Good for you.

III. Reading.

Т: Well, now you will read the texts to learn more information about how Welcome Spring Holidays are celebrated in these two countries. You can see the texts on your tables. While reading the texts, put the verbs in brackets into the Passive. Then you have to answer the following questions (на доске):

When do people celebrate this holiday? (When is this hol. celebrated?)

Is it a religious holiday? Does it have any religious roots?

What are the symbols of the holiday?

Do people cook any special food? (Is any special food cooked on this day?)

What colours are associated with this holiday?

In what way do people observe the holiday? (In what way is the holiday observed?)

(The students are divided into two groups. Each group is given a text. Texts are different, but the questions are the same).

T: Students of group 1 will read about Shrovetide and students of group 2 will read about Pancake Day. But questions are the same. Please, while reading fill this chart. Work in groups. Discuss the points and one pupil will fill it. You are given 10 min. to do this work.

T: Your time is up. Let's check up your answers. Read only the verbs. Don't read the whole sentence. Group 1, please. :

IV. Speaking

T: Now, please, look at the pictures on the blackboard and put them in the order of sequence according to the text (подобрать любых 5-6 картинок, отражающих содержание текстов: Масленица и Pancake Day), then retell the texts using these pictures. You can also use your charts. (P1 from group1 and P1 from group2 расставляют картинки и готовят пересказ). The rest of the pupils ask questions using the Passive. You can see the cues on the table in front of you. Do this task in written form in your exercise-books.

V. Role-play.

T: Imagine that you are foreign visitors (Group2) and you are Russian students (Group1). Foreign visitors are going to take part in Russian Shrovetide. Russian students give advice.

P (II): I'm going to take part in Maslenitsa. What should I : ?

P (I): You should : .

VI. Conclusion.

T: Thank you. Everything was quite all right. Well, please, think it over and say what these holidays teach us. (They teach us love our Motherland, respect old traditions and customs.) Thank you, dear friends.

T: On the whole, some holidays are quite different and others have much in common. But there are some immortal things: love to (for) parents and relatives, respect to the old and women, love to Motherland, honouring traditions and customs. And no matter what we call them, good and kind feelings are still the same everywhere.

VII. Homework.

T: Answer the questions you have asked, in written form. Write a letter to your pen-friend about Shrovetide (Group1) or Pancake Day (Group2).

T: In conclusion, let's have a bit of Shrovetide. Dear guests, our pupils have cooked some pancakes for you. Test yourselves, please.