Schools around the world

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: развитие критического мышления через аудирование, чтение и говорение у учащихся 5 класса (четвёртый год обучения).

Задачи: развитие критического мышления через изучение информации, постановку вопросов и выделения проблем, которые необходимо решить. Тренировка изученной ранее лексики, формирование навыков построения монологического высказывания с использованием полученной информации.

Оснащение: компьютерная презентация, раздаточный материал (таблицы).

Ход урока

I. Фаза вызова

Hello, my friends! I’m very glad to see you!

Let’s meet three person [слайд №1. Презентация]. What countries are they from? Are they schoolchildren? We know everything about Russian schools. Today we are going to compare ours schools and British and Japanese school life. Take these cards, please. You have to fill the scheme.

  The UK Russia Japan
School year      
school day starts at… finish at..      
School uniform      

Have you done it? OK. What are your ideas about school life in these countries?

II. Фаза осмысления

If we want to know when school year starts and if students wear school uniform, how should we ask? Make up questions!

Let’s learn about school year and correct our schemes.

[Слайд №2]

[Слайд №3]

[Слайд №4]

So, does the school year start at the same time in different countries? Do pupils have holidays at the sane time? Who has the longest school year? And the longest holidays?

Let’s have look at school uniform and describe it!

[Слайд №5]

British students wear…

Russian pupils have …on

Japanese students wear…

Listen to short texts about school traditions in three countries!

Match the country and the information.

[Слайд №6]

1. In Japanese elementary schools, classes are divided into small teams for many activities. For example, as part of their education, every day the students clean the classrooms, halls, and yards of their school in these teams. In many elementary schools, the students eat lunch together in their classroom.

2. The children go to assembly in the main hall at 9.00. I n the assemblies the children listen to a story, sing a song and pray. The story is either taken from the Christian Bible or is a story with a moral. The first lesson of the day begins at 9:30 am and lasts for an hour. The children have their morning break from 10:20 - 10:35 am. Our children bring a snack from home to eat in the playgrounds. This snack is usually a packet of crisps, fruit or a couple of biscuits.

III. Фаза рефлексии

Can you summarize what you have learnt and tell about school life of these children? Work in groups. Give them the names.

[Слайд №7]

So, we have learnt more about schools around the world. And I want you to create a project of an ideal school. You can use the information of our lesson. It’s your home work. Good luck.