Урок английского языка по теме "Страны и континенты. Великобритания". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цель урока:

1. Усвоение страноведческих знаний, совершенствование речевых навыков учащихся

Задачи урока:

  1. Систематизировать и закрепить знания учащихся по теме “World around us” (уроки 6, 7, 9) используя все виды речевой деятельности.
  2. Проконтролировать знание лексических единиц, грамматического материала по темe: Present Indefinite Passive; оборота there is / there are при использовании в речи.
  3. Активизировать диалогическую и монологическую речь учащихся, умение вести беседу по теме урока.


  1. Мультимедийный проектор, ноутбук, презентация по теме урока.
  2. Географические карты мира и Великобритании


  1. Для создания мультимедийной презентации использованы ресурсы Google.сom.
  2. Планирование данного урока осуществляется за счет использования резервного урока по теме.

План урока:

  1. Организация начала урока. (T– Cl., 1 мин., слайд 1)
  2. Фонетическая зарядка (Т– Cl., 1 мин., слайд 2)
  3. Речевая зарядка, работа с картой мира (Т– P1, P2…, 2 мин., слайд 4)
  4. Контроль сформированности грамматических навыков: использование в речи учащихся оборотов there is / there are (Р1, Р2…, 3 мин., слайды 5-6)
  5. Устные высказывания учащихся о странах, использование в речи Present Indefinite Passive (Р1,Р2… , 5 мин.,слайды 7-16)
  6. Проверка усвоения учащимися фактического материала, речевые упражнения (Group 1, Group 2; P1, P2 …, 5 мин., слайды 17-19)
  7. Активизация диалогической речи учащихся с использованием опоры. (P1-P2, P3-P4, 6 мин., cлайд 20-21, упр.25, стр. 110)
  8. Беседа об англо-говорящих странах (Р1, Р2,… , 5 мин., слайды 22-27)
  9. Монологическая речь учащихся, работа с картой Великобритании (Р1, Р2, … 6 мин., слайды 29-33)
  10. нформация о домашнем задании. Подведение итогов урока: вывод – пословица (Т -Сl, 2 мин., слайд 39)

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент:(Т-Сl; T-P1, 1 мин., слайд 1)

Т. Good afternoon, dear children! Nice to see you today! The theme of our lesson is “Countries and continents. The UK” (cлайд 1)

Today we’ll speak about our planet, about English-speaking countries. Who’s on duty today?

P1. I am on duty today.

T. What season is it? What month is it? Who’s absent? Are they ill?

2. Фонетическая зарядка: (Т-Сl, 1 мин,. слайд 2)

Т. Let’s repeat these sounds, please:

[e]: America, American , French.

[a:] : Cardiff, France.

[ei]: Asia, Australia, Spain, Wales.

[i:] : English, Chinese, Washington DC, Peking, Egypt

[u:]: the United Kingdom.

[ai]: Northern Ireland, Irish, Cairo.

[o:]: Scotland, Ottawa.

[i]: Berlin, Hindi (слайд 2)

3. Речевая зарядка, работа с картой мира (Т.-Р1, Р2…, 2 мин., слайд 3-4)

Т. Dear children! Please, answer this question. What planet do we live on?

P1: The planet we live on is the Earth. The Earth is round. If you look at the Earth from space you will be able to see land, seas, oceans, continents and even countries. They look beautiful.

4. Контроль сформированности грамматических навыков: использование в речи оборота there is / there are.(Т. – Р1, Р2, . . . , 3 мин., слайды 5-6)

T. How many oceans and continents are there on the Earth?

P1: There are … (4) oceans and … (6) continents. The continents are very large. Oceans and seas wash them and separate them from each other.

P2: The continents are: Europe, Asia, Africa and America, Australia and Antarctic. (слайд 5)

T.: Are there 30 or 40 countries in Africa? What about Australia?

P3: There are more than … (40) countries in Africa, but there is only one country in Australia. (слайд 6)

5. Устные высказывания учащихся о странах, использование в речи Present Indefinite Passive ( Р1, Р2-P3, P4-P5, . . . , слайды 7-16, 5 мин.)

Р1: The largest country in the world is … (Russia). It is situated in Europe and in …(Asia). The capital of Russia is …(Moscow). (Russian) . . . is spoken in …(Russia). (слайд 7)

P2: France. Is France in Europe or in Asia? What language is spoken in France? What is the capital of France? What are the colours of the French national flag? (слайд 8)

P3: France is situated in Europe. French is spoken in France. People from France are… (French). (слайд 9)

P4: Spain. Is Spain in America or in Europe? Is it a big or a small country? What language is spoken in Spain? What is the capital of Spain? What are the colours of the Spanish national flag? (слайд 10)

P5: Spain is . . . Spanish is spoken in . . . People from Spain are … (Spanish). (слайд 11)

P6: Germany. Where is it situated? What language is spoken in Germany? What is the capital of Germany?

P7: Germany is situated . . . People from Germany are… (German) (слайд 12)

P8: Italy. Is it situated in Europe? Is its capital Madrid or Rome? What language is spoken in Italy?

P9: . . . (слайд 13)

P10: What country is it? Where is it situated? ( Egypt ) (слайд 14)

P11: It’s Egypt. What is the capital of Egypt? What language do people speak there? (слайд 15)

6. Проверка усвоения учащимися фактического материала, речевые упражнения. (Group1, Group 2; P1, P2, . . ., 5 мин., слайды 16-18)

T.: Please, do the tasks. Whose group will be the winner?

  1. Write the names of the capitals: of China, of Vietnam, of France, of Germany, of India, of the United States, of Russia.(слайд 16)
  2. Say what your name (nationality) is, where are you from and what language you speak.
  3. Example: My name is Nick. I’m from the USA. My language is English.

    Lorance/France, Mary/ Gr. Britain, Carmen/Spain, Ahmad/Egypt, Harry/Canada, Van Lee/ Vietnam, Natasha/Russia. (слайд 17)

  4. Write the names of the countries: nadaca, ncerfa, ssirua, yalti, pyget, aliusaart, snipa, tgaer ntiabri, nchai, namvite, ygmenar, aidin.(слайд 18)

7. Активизация диалогической речи учащихся с использованием опоры (Р1-Р2, Р3-Р4, 6 мин., слайды 20-21, упр. 25, стр. 110)

Р1: What is the most popular language nowadays?

Р2: I think … (English) is. People speak English …(all over the world). By the way, English has become an… (international) language in the 20th century. People will understand you practically … (everywhere) if you speak English. (слайд 19)

Р3: English-speaking countries. In these countries people use English as their native language. What English-speaking do you know? Do you know merican equivalents for the British words “biscuits”, “sweets”, “autumn”.

Р4: . . . (слайд 20)

8. Беседа об англо-говорящих странах. ( Р1 – Р2, Р3, Р4; Р5 -Р6, . . ., 5 мин., слайды 21-26)

Р1: The USA. Is the USA situated in the North or in the South America? What are the colours of its national flag? Is Washington or Ottawa the capital of the United States? Do people in the USA speak American English or British English? (слайд 21)

Р2, Р3, . . . : The USA is situated in the North America. The colours of its national flag are white, red and blue. . . . People from the USA are … (American). (слайд 22)

Р5: Canada. Where is Canada situated? What languages are spoken in Canada? What is the capital of Canada?

Р6: Canada is situated in… (cлайд 23)

Р7: Australia. How many countries are there in Australia? Has it got the same name as the continent? Is Australia a very big country? What language is spoken in Australia? What is the capital of Australia? (cлайд 24-25)

Р8: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Is the UK an island state? What are the colours of its national flag? What is the flag of the UK known? (слайд 26)

Р10: . . .

9. Монологическая речь учащихся, работа с картой Великобритании. (Р1, Р2, . . . , 6 мин., слайды 27-31)

Р1: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the map): The UK is an island state. The two islands are Great Britain and Ireland. The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the North Sea in the east. . . . (слайды 27)

Р2: The capital of England is … (London). People from England are … (English). What language is spoken in England?

Р3: English is spoken in . . . (England)

Р4: Edinburgh is the … (capital) of …(Scotland). People from Scotland are Scottish or …(Scots). Do people from Scotland like it when they are called English? (слайд 28)

Р5: People from Scotland don’t like it when they are called English.

P6: Cardiff is the capital of … (Wales). The Welsh are especially… (proud) of their language. Do they like to speak Welsh, to …(sing) songs in Welsh? Can you see road … (signs) in Welsh or in English when you travel in Wales?

P7: They like to speak Welsh. (слайд 29)

Р8: Is Belfast the capital of Wales or N.I.? People from N.I. are not English. They are… (Irish). (слайд 30)

P9: London is … (one of the oldest and the most beautiful cities in the world). There are many old buildings in London. One of them is the Tower of London. What does the old legend say? How many ravens live in the Tower of London? Do Londoners believe this legend? What do they bring to give to the birds? (слайды 31)

10. Информация о домашнем задании. Подведение итогов урока. (T. – Cl., 2 мин., слайд 32)

T. Now you see that there are very many different countries on our planet. They are very different. It is interesting to know something new about them. We like our country too. English people say: “East or West home is best”, and “ There is no place like home”. Do you agree with them? I think, you do. Your hometask is . . .

Thank you for your good work during our lesson. I give all of you “fives” and “fours”. Good-bye, dear children.

11. Приложение – слайд 32: В презентации использованы ресурсы Google. Com.

Список литературы:

  1. Верещагина И.Н. Английский язык: Учеб. для V кл. шк. с углубл. Изучением англ. яз., лицеев, гимназий, колледжей/ И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева. – М.: Просвещение, 2009. – 330с.
  2. Google.com.
