Театрализованное представление в 5–7-м классах "Времена года"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: Активизировать иноязычные знания и умения, применительно к теме “Времена года”.


  1. Расширить языковой запас за счет английских песен, стихов, сценок.
  2. Воспитывать эстетический вкус на основе использования художественных произведений.
  3. Развивать творческий потенциал учащихся.


  1. Аудиокассеты с записями английских песен.
  2. Костюмы для сценок “Ромашки”, “Подснежники”.
  3. Декорации к сказкам “Репка”, “Рукавичка”, “Колобок”.
  4. Аудиозапись произведения П. И. Чайковского “Времена года”.

Ход мероприятия

Ведущий: Good afternoon, children, teachers, guests, parents. Today we are going to speak about the seasons of the year. (Выходят месяцы по очереди.)

Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
Winter is white.

The boy:

This is the season
When snowdrops bloom
When nobody likes
To stay in the room

This is the season
When birds makes their nests
This is the season
We all like the best.

Ведущий: What season is that?

Children: It is spring. (Звучит музыка П. И. Чайковского “Времена года. Весна”.)

Рис. 1

Ведущий: Come out here March, April, May and five more children: two boys and three girls.

Дети, одетые в соответствующие костюмы выходят на сцену.

Girl 1:

Pass the happy news along
Listen to the birds’ sweet songs
Spring is coming winter’s gone
Pass the happy news along.

Рис. 2

Boy 2:

The birds are returning
Their songs fill the air
And meadows are smiling
With blossoms so fair.

Boy 3:

I am happy, I am happy
I sing all day
It’s spring, it’s spring again!
In the spring, in the spring
Sweet and fresh is everything.


Spring is coming
Flowers are coming too
Snowdrops, violets, dandelions
Now are growing too.

Flower princess:

Good morning! I am a flower princess. Spring is coming, flowers are coming here. Flowers here flowers there flowers shining everywhere.

Выходят цветы: подснежник, фиалка, одуванчик.

I am a snowdrop. My dress is blue.
I am a violet. My dress is violet.
I am a dandelion. I am yellow like a sun. I am yellow little fellow.

Ведущий:What holiday do you know in March?

Children: We have Mother’s day.

Дети исполняют песню “ Mother’s day”

My dear dear mummy
I love you very much
I want you to be happy
On the 8th of March
Be happy, be happy on the 8th of March
I love you dear mother
I love you very much
I like to give you flowers
On the 8th of March
Be happy, be happy on the 8th of March.


April’s weather
Rain and sunshine both together.


Rain, rain go away
Come again another day
Little Tommy wants to play.


In the spring}2
Sweet and fresh is everything.

Girl: In winter I can ski and skate.

Ведущий: Says little Kate.

Boy: In summer I can go and swim.


Says little Jim
And what do you do in spring?

Girl: In spring we play and sing.


And what season is this? Try to guess.
This is the season when nights are short
And children have plenty of fun and sport
Boating and swimming all day long
We’ll make us well and strong.

Children: It is summer. (Звучит музыка П. И. Чайковского “Времена года. “Лето”.)

Ведущий: That’s right! Now I want the summer months and one boy and one girl to come up to me.

Рис. 3

Дети выходят на сцену.


The sun is shining
Flowers are blooming
The sky is blue
And rains are few.

Дети исполняют песню “There was once a grasshopper” .

There was once a grasshopper}2
In green grass he was sitting
Like cucumber so green.

Imagine my friends}2
In green grass he was sitting
Imagine my friends}2
Like cucumber so green.

His food was only green grass}2
He wouldn’t touch an insect
And made good friends with fly.

Imagine my friends}2
He wouldn’t touch an insect
Imagine my friends}2
And made good friends with fly.


Without my shoes
Without my socks
My feet touch grass
My feet touch rocks


Come my children, come away
For the sun shines bright today
Little children come with me
Birds and trees, and flowers to see.

Рис. 4

Дети исполняют песню “Insy-winsy”.

Insy-winsy spider
Climbs up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
And tried upon the rain
And Insy-winsy spider
Climbs up the spout again.


Get your hots and come away
For it is a pleasant day.


Butterfly, butterfly
Where do you fly?
So quick and so high
In the blue blue sky.


Let us make a merry ring
Talk and laugh and dance and sing
Quickly, quickly come away
For it is a pleasant day!

Дети на сцене берутся за руки и поют, танцуя в хороводе:

We like flowers that are bright
We like flowers that are white
We like flowers that are blue
We like red and yellow flowers too.

Дети возвращаются на свои места.

Ведущий: Now we come to autumn. (Звучит музыка П. И. Чайковского “Осень”.)

Рис. 5

September, October, November come up here.

Дети выходят на сцену.


There are 12 months in the year
From January to December
The finest month of all the twelve
Is the merry month September.

Дети исполняют песню “The ship is sailing”.

Рис. 6

The ship is sailing
The flag is waving
Hello my friends}2
The sun is shining
The stars are smiling
Hello my friends}2
We’ll be together
In any weather
Hello my friends}2
The ship is sailing
The flag is waving
Good bye my friends}2


Autumn is the season
When apples are sweet
It is the season
When school friends meet
When noisy and gay
And browned by the sun
With their books and bags
To school they run.


Come little leaves said the wind one day
Come over the meadows with me and play
Put your dresses of red and gold
For summer is gone and the days are cold.


What a rainy season!
The sky is dark and gray
No sunshine any more
No playing out of doors.

Ведущий: Is autumn a rainy season?

Children: Yes, it is!

Ведущий: Which is the coldest season?

Children: It is winter! (Звучит музыка П. И. Чайковского “Зима”.)

Рис. 7

Ведущий: Let us talk about winter. You are welcome winter months and two boys.


This is the season
When children ski
And old Father Frost
Brings the New Year’s tree.


The windows are blue at night
But in the morning they are white
And snowflakes are falling
“Come out” they are calling.


Get out of bed and take your sledge
This cold and frosty day
The sun is bright the snow is white
For outdoor winter play.


When windows are frosty and icy in places
I like to write letters and draw funny faces.

Boy: Where is my cap? My warm little cap? My boots and my mittens too? I want to go and play in the snow and have a lot of fun. Do you?

(Надевает шапку, ботинки, варежки. Звучит композиция ветра из “Времена года”.)


The snow is falling
The north wind is blowing
The ground is white
All day and all night.

(На сцену влетает ветер. На нем белая накидка.)

the Wind:

Little snowflakes come and play
I have nothing to do today.

(Вбегают снежинки в соответствующих костюмах.)

Рис. 8


Here we come oh, what fun!
We are dancing and floating in the sun.

(Снежинки танцуют под музыку.)

the Wind:

Come on, snowflakes come with me
There are many things to see.

Сценка “The sun and the wind”.

Father Frost (звенит колокольчик): May we come in?

Winter months: Yes, do, you are welcome. We are glad to meet you.

Father Frost: Let’s sing a song about winter and a little tree.

Once in a wood a tree was born
And in a wood grew tall
In summer winter and in fall
The greenest tree at all.

Father Frost:

Singing dancing merrily
Round the New Year’s tree
Merrily, merrily
Round the New Year’s tree
Happy New Year my friends
Happy New Year today


New year’s day happy day
We are all glad and very gay
We all dance and sing and say
Welcome welcome New year’s day

Выходят дети с новогодними колокольчиками


Soon we’ll celebrate new year’s day and Christmas. But today is Christmas in England. Now let’s sing a song “We wish you a merry Christmas”

Father Frost:

My dear friends, I have brought New year’s presents for you.

(Достает свиток из своего мешка и читает: “Выступление кукольного театра. Сказки: “Рукавичка”, “Репка”, “Колобок.)

Рис. 9

Рис. 10

Сценарий сказки “PUFF-THE-BALL”.

Сценарий сказки “THE TURNIP”.

Сценарий сказки “THE HOUSE IN THE WOOD”.

Ведущий: Our party is over. Good-bye. Good luck to you.