Мы любим свою Землю

Разделы: Внеклассная работа

Цели мероприятия:

  1. Развивающая – а) повышение интереса к языку; б) развитие умений и навыков владений; в) развитие языковых и познавательных способностей;
  2. Воспитательная – а) воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка; б) воспитывать любовь к природе, любовь к своему народу, к народам Земли;
  3. Образовательная – расширение эрудиции учащихся; умение пользоваться информацией по данной теме;
  4. Практическая – совершенствование диалогической и монологической речи.

Задачи мероприятия:

  1. Практиковать языковые навыки, речевые умения;
  2. Закрепить речевые обороты и новые слова;
  3. Тренировать в употреблении языковых структур, в аудировании, в говорении;
  4. Познакомить ребят с английским народным творчеством, сказками;
  5. Инсценировать английскую народную сказку «Три поросенка».

Оборудование и наглядные пособия: Магнитофон; воздушные шарики, приложение к учебнику «English» для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка Верещагиной И.Н., Припыкиной Т.А., маски, костюмы; домики; скамейка, лейка, палитра красок с кисточками, метла; возле домиков грядки с цветами, елочки.

План мероприятия:

  1. Приветствие – песенка «Good morning».
  2. Организационный момент о цели.
  3. Фонетическая зарядка: What pets nave you got? Do you love animals?
  4. Речевая зарядка (цепочка).
  5. Песня о Земле.
  6. Стихотворение о природе.
  7. Инсценировка сказки “Three little pigs”.
  8. Песня “We aren’t afraid of Big Grey Wolf”
  9. Итоги. Песня “This landis your land”.

Ход мероприятия

I. Приветствие.

Т. – Good morning, children!

Children (поют песню) –

Good morning, good morning
Good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning
We are glad to see you!

T. – I am to see you too! Children, today we are talking about animals, about our pets, because we love nature, we want to live together with nature, we want to love people, love nature, we want to love our friends, our Earth, each other.

Today we are going to show a performance about animals. But first of all, let’s sing a song.

Дети поют хором:

This land is your land
This land is my land
From the Arctic regions to the Southern islands,
From the red wood forests to the Southern bodies,
This land was made for you and me!

T. – Good, very good. We love our Earth, we love nature, we love the Sun, the Sky. Let’s sing a song!

Дети поют песню:


May there always be Sunshine,
May there always be blue Sky,
May there always be Mummy,
May there always be Me!

Bright blue the Sky,
Sun up on high,
That was the little boy’s picture,
He drew for you, wrote for you too,
Just to make clear what he drew.


May there always be Sunshine,
May there always be blue Sky,
May there always be Mummy,
May there always be Me!

T. – Thank you, children. We love our family, we love nature, we love animals, and we love our pets. Have you got any pets?

Class (хором)→ Yes, we have.

T. What pets have you got? (поцепочке)

P1 : I have got a dog. What pet have you got?

P2 : I have got a frog. What pet have you got?

P3 : I have got a cat. What pet have you got?

P4 : I have got a hare. What pet have you got?

P5 : I have got a pig. → P6 …

T. Good, very good. We have got pets. We love our pets. We love nature. Let’s remember a poem.

Class (хором): → We love trees, and we love flowers

We love the Land, it’s our house,

We love nature, we love birds,

The Sky, the Sun and our Earth!

T. Good, very good. We love our pets, we love animals, we love nature. And we are beginning a fairy – tale “Three little pigs”. (звучит музыка Чайковского «Вальс цветов»).

Scene I.

(Three little pigs are sitting up under an oak-tree.)

One of the Children: Once upon a time there lived three little pigs.

Naff-Naff: (standing up and coming forward): Hello, boys and girls! I am Naff-Naff.

Children: Hello, Naff-Naff!

Snuff-Snuff (coming up): Good morning, boys and girls! I am Snuff-Snuff.

Children: Good morning, Snuff-Snuff. We are glad to meet you.

Niff-Niff (coming up): Good morning, boys and girls. And I am Niff-Niff.

Children: Good morning, Niff-Niff. We are glad to meet you.

The Three Pigs (together): We are three merry little pigs.

(Dancing round the tree and singing):

Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf, Bid Bad Wolf?
Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Naff-Naff: Now stop dancing and listen to me.

(Snuff-Snuff and Niff-Niff stop dancing and singing)

Naff-Naff: Winter is coming. In winter Big Bad Wolf is very hungry. We must make a house and live there together.

Niff-Niff: Oh, no! Winter is not coming. We have time to play and sing!

Snuff-Snuff: Yes, yes, we have time to play and sing!

Naff-Naff: As you like. I shall go and make a house (goes away).

Snuff-Snuff: I shall go and make a house, too (goes away).

Niff-Niff: Then I shall go and make a house, too.

One of the Children: Niff-Niff is making a house of grass. Snuff-Snuff is making a house of sticks. And Naff-Naff is making a house of bricks.

Niff-Niff (comes dancing and singing):

I have made my house of grass,
House of grass, house of grass.
I have made my house of grass,

Snuff-Snuff (comes dancing and singing):

I have made my house of sticks,
House of sticks, house of sticks.
I have made my house of sticks,

Naff-Naff (comes with a big hammer in his hand): My house is not ready yet. I must go and finish my house of bricks. Good-bye, children.

Children: God-bye, Naff-Naff.

Niff-Niff and Snuff-Snuff (dancing and singing):

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf.
We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Scene II. (Comes in the Wolf.)

Wolf: My name is Wolf.

Children: Go away, Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf: Hush, children! I see two nice little pigs. Oh, I am very hungry! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Children: Go away, Big Bad Wolf!

One of the Children: The wolf runs after the two little pigs. But he cannot catch them. They run to their houses very quickly. Oh, here is the Wolf near Niff-Nuff’s house.

Wolf: Ha! Ha! Niff-Niff, let me in!

Niff-Niff: Oh, no, I won’t!

Wolf: I shall puff and puff and blow your house down.

One of the Children: He blows and he blows the house down. Niff-Niff runs to Snuff-Snuff’s house. The Wolf runs after him. Niff-Niff comes in.

Wolf: I’ll catch you, silly little pigs!

Children: No,you won’t, Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf: Snuff-Snuff, let me in.

Niff-Niff and Snuff-Snuff: Oh, no! Go away, you Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf: I shall puff and puff and blow your house down.

Niff-Niff (to Snuff-Snuff): Your house is bad, too. Let’s run to Naff-Naff. His house is made of bricks.

One of the Children: The Wolf blows and he blows the house down. The little pigs run to Naff-Naff’s house.

Niff-Niff: Oh, Brother, save us!

Snuff-Snuff: Big Bad Wolf wants to eat up.

Naff-Naff: Don’t be afraid. My house is made of bricks. Come in!

Wolf: Open the door and let me in.

All (together): No, no! Go away, Big Bad Wolf!

Wolf: Then I shall puff and blow your house down.

One the Children: The Wolf blows and blows but cannot blow the house down. Naff-Naff opens the window and knocks the Wolf on the head with a big stick. The Wolf runs away.

(All the “pigs” and the children form a circle and begin to dance and sing):

We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf.
We aren’t afraid of Big Bad Wolf,

Storyteller: The fairy – tale is over, thank you, children, good – bye!

All: Good – bye! (звучит музыка, дети уходят со сцены).

T. Thank you, children! We have watched a fairy – tale about animals. Do you like the fairy – tale?

Class → Yes, we do. We like the fairy-tale.

T. We like the fairy – tale about animals, because we love animals, we love nature, we want to live and to love Earth, we want to live with nature together, we want to be happy together. Let’s sing a song.

Class (хором): We love the Earth (звучит музыка, дети поют песню “The land was made for you and me!”)

This land is your land
This land is my land
From the Arctic regions to the Southern islands,
From the red wood forests to the Southern bodies,
This land was made for you and me!

T. Good, very good. Our performance is over. Thank you very much.

Good bye, children!

Class: Good – bye!

(Дети под музыку выходят из зала).

Список использованной литературы:

  1. Амамджян Ш.Г., «Играя, учись!». М. «Просвещение», 1986.
  2. Бурлакова А.П. «Занимательный алфавит», М. «Просвещение», 1986.
  3. Верещагина И.Н., Притыкина Т.А. Приложение «Сказки» к учебнику английский язык для 2-го класса.
  4. Могучая И.В. «Пой и танцуй!», М. «Просвещение», 1973.
  5. Мюллер В.К. «Англо-русский словарь», М. Издательство «Русский язык», 1977.
  6. Никонова С.М. Удивительный мир природы. Книга для чтения. М., «Просвещение», 1977.
  7. Стефанович Г.А. Английский язык в пословицах и поговорках. М., «Просвещение», 1980.
  8. Хорби А.С. при участии А.П. Коуи «Толковый словарь современного английского языка для продвинутого этапа – Великобритания «Оксфорд Юниверсити Пресс»», 1982.