Межкультурный проект "The Heart of a Mother", (after O.Wilde)

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа, Общепедагогические технологии

“The heart of a mother” (“The Star – Child” after O.Wilde)

Тема : “Your Motherly Love is an Island in Life’s Ocean”…

Подтема: “All…I Owe to my mother”

Сюжет: “You will Always Find Forgiveness”

Класс: 6

Урок - межкультурный проект.

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных компетенций , ценностно-смысловых ориентаций личности средствами аутентичного произведения


  1. Образовательные:
    семантизация лексики – в речи, на письме, развитие ВРД средствами изучающего чтения, интерпретации художественного текста.
  2. Развивающие:
    развитие интеллектуально-личностной сферы, рефлексивной культуры, гуманитарное и гуманистическое развитие личности ученика,
  3. Формирование социокультурной компетенции в рамках диалога культур, культуры мира.
  4. Воспитание духовно-нравственной личности с позиции “вечных ценностей”.

Оснащение урока: декорации (лес, дом дровосека, ворота дворца). Компьютер, интернет-ресурсы, музыкальные инструменты.

Музыка: П.И.Чайковский “Вальс снежинок”, Бетховен “Облака”, украинская народная песня “Ридна мати моя”, русская народная песня “Ты не шей мне, матушка, белый сарафан”, “Битлз” “Пусть будет так”, Шуберт “Аве, Мария”, И.Бах “Любовь матери”, “Токката”, “Выше всех” М.У.Смит, индийская музыка, “Любовь матери” (Зое Хэндком).

Гипертекст: “In a house where a heart is hard there is always a cold wind”(O.Wilde).

“I must go and wander through the world till I find her, and she give me her forgiveness” (O.Wilde).

“In the world there was neither love nor kindness nor charity for him”(O.Wilde)

“Mother, I gave you hatred. Do you give me love?”(O.Wilde)

“God couldn’t be everywhere and therefore he made mothers” (jewish proverb).

“The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness” (Honore’de Balzac).

“All that I am or hope to be I owe to my mother” (A.Lincoln)

“Mother, thank you for your heart, faith and hope and all your steadfast love you were fashioned by the angels and sent from God above” (adapted by J.Bratton)

“Your motherly love is an island
In life’s ocean, vast and wide
A peaceful, quiet shelter
From the wind, the rain, the tide
T’is bound to the North, by hope,
By patience, to the West,
By tender counsel, to the South
And to the East, by rest” (J.Bratton)

“Above it like a beacon light
Shine faith, truth and prayer
And through the changing scenes of life
I found a haven there”. (Verses 4cards)

“A mother is like an ever-burning candle,
A warm bright ray,
Whose light is always there
To help along the way”.

“A mother holds her children’s hands for a while, their hearts forever”.

“Mother is another word for angel!”

“Of all the gifts that life has to offer, a loving mother is the greatest of them”.

“If love were a color, you would be the rainbow to me, mom!”

“If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!”(mother-poem-verses.com.)

“Господи и Боже мой Иисусе Христе! Услышь молитву мою о родителях моих. Даруй им единомыслие и любовь во вся дни жизни их. Укрепи тела их во здравии, да послужат тебе делами милости и Евангельского добра. Научи мя всегда быть послушным родительскому слову, избави мя от лицемерия и лукавства в обращении с ними и не лиши нас всех оправдания на Страшном Суде Твоем. Аминь.”(“Будь хранима небесами”- слова С.Шмырева, исполняет Девичий хор Никольского храма г.Воронежа, регент- Т.Филаретова, концертмейстер О.Калинина)

Ход урока

  1. Антиципация. “Молитва о родителях” на фоне песни в исполнении Девичьего хора. Управляемый диалог.Who is the dearest person to you? With whom can you compare your mother? Why? Prove your version, please! Why is she like a rainbow? A deep abyss? An angel? An island? A beacon light? A candle? A ray? How can you name your mother else? Explain why, give reasons. Make up a web-map.
  2. Well, a mother is a rainbow. She symbolizes perfection. You have named many positive mother’s traits. And how can you characterize your attitude to mother? Are you just, kind, attentive and thankful to your mother? Does your mother forgive your faults? Give your example. Let’s remember a parable about mother’s heart.
  3. Интерпретация текста “Мальчик-звезда”. Развитие дискурсивной рефлексии.
  4. How can you interpret the title of the tale? Why “star”? What does the Bible tell about Jesus’ birth? Let’s write key words. Анализ ключевых слов (семантизация в речи). Проверка и корректировка цитатного плана.They say, every man is a king of his own life destination. In the focus of our lesson there is “The evolution of the character” : 1.There is a piece of gold. 2. It’s an evil thing to leave the child here. 3. In a house where the heart is hard there is always a cold wind. 4. He became more beautiful. 5. His beauty worked him evil.6.He hadn’t pity for the poor, ill, weak people.6. I have suffered much to find you. 7. Get out of here. 8. I will go and look for her around the whole world. 9. In the world there was neither love nor kindness nor charity for him. 10. You need it greater than me.11. Mother, I rejected you. Receive the child now. 12. Much justice and mercy he showed. Why did the star-child undergo changes from an evil person to a wise king? Had you expected this end? Why do you think the writer shows us this change? Find the sentences in the tale that support your answer. Is it like a real life?
  5. What is the author’s attitude to the characters? By what literacy devices does the author manage to show the child’s evolution? How is it revealed? Does it coincide with your own judgement of the characters? (star, way, world, king – methaphors, simile, method of contrast, the antithesis, hyperbola etc.) Who in the text did the following and why? Comment on the people who did it: took up the child, looked at him, and her eyes were full of tears, looked at him with terror in her eyes, went away into the forest, threw stones at the woman, run away into the forest and called out to his mother, had pity, and gave him the piece of white gold, passed through the gate and the guards bowed down, kissed him, and brought him into the palace, gave bread to the poor, and clothes to the naked).
    What is the plot of the tale? (Краткий пересказ).
  6. Составление и заполнение таблицы (группа) 1 Your opinion

Opinion !woodcutter took him! child grew evil!hurt his mother!underwent trials!became king


7. Составление, заполнение, обсуждение таблицы 2 (группа)

What were they like! (Работящие, щедрые)

hard-working! generous! fool! kind (Добрые, глупые)

What was their !испугались, рады, !were afraid !surprised!glad!disappointed

reaction on the find? (Удивлены, разочарованы)

Why did his wife!бедна, многодетна,!had many children!poor!stupid!cruel

reject a child? !глупа, жестока !

Why was he ! сирота, эгоист, не -!an orphan !egoist!nice!a lack of attention cruel? (Достаток внимания)

Why was he !забыл мать,любил!forgot his mother !hurt her!loved!betrayed obliged to suffer? (Обидел, предал)

8. Дискуссия по проблеме с опорой на личный опыт учащихся.Prove. Explain. How would you characterize… Use the following phrases to answer the questions. Give examples of similar situations from classical literature or from your life. What’s your attitude to the old, ill people? Do you help them in their difficult situations? What would you do if you were in child’s place? How do you feel …?
9. What does it mean to be a good son? Would he manage to find a mother if he stayed an egoist? Why did he become a good king?
10. What is the main theme? What is the main idea? What characters do you like best and why? What did you do if you were in mother’s shoes? In child’s shoes?
11. Просмотр мюзикла-сказки. Проблемный вопрос-установка : What does it mean :Treat others as you would like to be treated?(as the Bible tells)
“The Star-child” -драматизация.
12. How do you like it? As for me, I was carried away by the acting. You are the brightest. How can you interpret the phrase from the Bible? Surely, the more we give love, kindness, attention to people, the more we receive. What has the tale added to your knowledge of life and people? What feelings does this tale arouse in you? What is the moral of this tale? Is it a planetary moral value? I like the way you have worked today. Your marks are…Especially I like…At home I wish you to write an essay - interpretation of “The Star-child”. Would you use your table:” know, learned, want to know”! I’m interested in your own experience. So long! Where love is, all is.

THE STAR – CHILD (script)

Part 1

Winter forest. Woodcutters are appearing. /P.I.Tchaikovskiy Waltz of the Snowflakes./

1 Woodcutter: Well done! I’m off and very tired…There fell from heaven a very bright and beautiful star.

2 Woodcutter: Why! There is a piece of gold. Let’s run!

1W.: It’s a coat of golden tissue. Let’s open it and divide the pieces of gold!

2 W.: Alas! No gold is in it, but only a little child. He is asleep.

1 W.: This is a bad ending to our hope. What does a child profit to a man? We are poor men and have children. Let us leave the child here in the snow.

2 W.: No, it’s an evil thing to leave the child here. Though I am as poor as you are, and have many children, I will bring it home with me. (He took up the child)

Woodcutter’s house /I.S.Bach. Organ Toccata/

His wife opens the door: Glad to see you! What is it?

2 W.: I found something in the forest, and I brought it to you to take care of it.

Wife: Oh! Have we not children enough of our own?

2 W.: It’s our star-child.

W.: Our children don’t have bread, and shall we feed the child of another? Who’s there who cares for us? And who gives us food?

A cold wind from the forest came in. (The door turned out to be opened)

W.: Will you close the door? I’m cold.

2 W.: In a house where a heart is hard there is always a cold wind.

Wife’s eyes were full of tears. He put the child in her arms. She kissed it.

After 10 years. Woodcutter’s house. /I.S.Bach. Mother’s love./

2 W.: Listen, our star-child is handsome, but proud, selfish, cruel. His beauty has worked him evil. He has no pity for the poor, or for those who are blind.

W.: Why is he so cruel to all who need pity? Look at him!

A beggar-woman: Give me a piece of bread!

Star-child: See! There sitting a dirty beggar-woman under that tree. Come, let us drive her away, she is ugly and ill. (He threw stones at her)

2 W.: Surely, you are hard of heart and know no mercy, for what evil has this poor woman done to you?

S-Ch.: Who are you to ask me what I do? I’m not your son.

2 W.: You are right. Yet I did show you pity when I found you in the forest.

A beggar-woman cried and fainted.

W.: What has happened to you?

B-W.: Did you say that the child was found in the forest and was it not ten years ago?

2 W.: Yes, it was in the forest that I found him, and it was ten years ago.

B-W.: What signs did you find with him? Had he a chain of amber on his neck?

2 W.: It was as you said. (He showed them to her)

B-W.: He is my little son. Please, send for him quickly. I’m looking for him all over the world.

W.: Go into the house and there you will find your mother. She is waiting for you.

S-Ch.: Why, where is my mother? I see none here but this ugly beggar woman.

B-W.: I’m your mother.

S-Ch.: You are mad to say so. I’m not your son. You are a beggar and ugly. Get away, and let me see your dirty face no more.

B-W.: But you are indeed my little son (She fell on her knees) I recognized you when I saw you. Come with me, my son, for I need your love.

S-Ch.: If in truth you are my mother, it’s better you stayed away, and not come here to bring me to shame.

B-W.: Alas! My son, will you not kiss me before I go? I have suffered much to find you.

S-Ch.: No, you are too ugly. ( B-W went to the forest).Get out of here! (a stone)

S-Ch.(to children): Let’s play!

Children: Why are you so ugly?

S-Ch.: What is this that they say to me? I will go to the well of water and look into it. It will tell me of my beauty. Oh, horror! Surely this is because of my sin. I denied my mother and sent her away. I was proud and cruel to her. I will go and look for her around the whole world.

Sister: What does it matter if you lost your beauty? Stay with us, and I will not mock at you.

S-Ch.: No, I was cruel to my mother, and as a punishment this evil was sent to me. I must go and wander through the world till I find her, and she gives me her forgiveness.

He ran away into the forest: Mother! Mother! Where are you? /Schubert. Ave Maria/

2 part.

For three years he walked over the world, and in the world there was neither love nor kindness nor charity for him. He had travelled England, India, Russia, the Ukraine:

1. England. Waltz (“Let it be”).

S-Ch: Where is my mother?

The dancers: “Ugly, ugly!”(stones)

2. Russia. Russian dance “White sarafan”.

3. The Ukraine.”My native mother’

4. India. The eastern dance..

The gate of the unknown city.

Soldiers: What is your business in the city?

S-Ch: I’m looking for my mother.

S.: Your mother will not be happy when she sees you. Get away!

S.: Who is your mother, and why are you looking for her?

S-Ch.: My mother is a beggar as I am. I treated her badly. I pray she may give me her forgiveness, if she is in this city.

Officer: We will sell him for a slave at the price of a bowl of sweet wine.

Magician: I will buy him for that price. (to the child) Come together. Will you go to the forest and look for gold?

S-Ch.: As you say…

In the forest: It’s a hare in the trap. I’m a slave, yet. I may give you the freedom.

Hare: You gave me freedom, and what shall I give you in return?

S-Ch.: I’m looking for a piece of white gold. I can’t find it anywhere. If I don’t bring it to my master, he will beat me.

Hare: Come with me. I know where it is.

Leper: Give me a piece of money, or I shall die of hunger. There is no one who has pity here.

S-Ch.: Alas! I have one piece of money, and if I don’t bring it to my master he will beat me!

Magician: Do you have the piece of white gold?

St-Ch: I don’t have it. (He was beaten and hungry).

Magician: If today you don’t bring me the piece of yellow gold, I will keep you as my slave, and give you three hundred stripes.

(S-Ch.is Crying) Hare: Why are you crying? What are you looking for in the wood?

S-Ch.: I’m looking for a piece of yellow gold. If I don’t find it, my master will beat me, and keep me as a slave.

Hare: Here you are.

S-Ch.: How shall I thank you?

Leper: Give me a piece of money or I shall die of hunger.

S-Ch.: I have one piece of yellow gold, and if I don’t bring it to my master, he will beat me and keep me as a slave.

Magician: Do you have the piece of yellow gold?

S-Ch.: I don’t have it (he beat him, loaded him with chains).

M.: If today you bring me the piece of red gold, I will set you free, but if you don’t bring it, I will sure kill you!

S-Ch. (cries): Oh, my mum!

Hare: The piece of red gold is in the cave that is behind you. Don’t cry, be glad!

The gate of the unknown city.

Leper: Give me the piece of red gold, or I shall die!

S-Ch.: You need it greater than me (gave him the piece of red gold).

Soldiers (bowed down): How beautiful is our lord!

People (knelt down): There is none so beautiful in the whole world! You are our lord and our king!

S-Ch.: I’m not worthy, for I denied my mother. Let me go, I must wander again over the world for her forgiveness though you bring me the crown and the scepter.

Mother and Leper are appearing. /Bethoven Clouds/

S-Ch (he bowed his head in the dust): Mother, I denied you in the hour of my pride. Accept me in the hour of my humility. Mother, I gave you hatred. Do you give me love? Mother, I rejected you. Receive the child now. Mother, my suffering is greater than I can bear. Give me the forgiveness, and let me go back to the forest.

Leper: Rise.

The leper put his hand on his head: We are a Queen and a King! (The servants brought him a throne and a crown).

This is your father! This is your mother!

They kissed him, set the crown upon his head and the scepter in his hand.

S-Ch.: I’m your King, my people! Charity begins at home! I’ll give bread to the poor and clothes to the naked! It will be peace! I’ll be charitable, just and kind!

“We are all children at Heart and the Heavenly Father has a Heart for children” (from the prayer)

“Above all” – все поют.


  1. “The Happy Prince and Other Tales” (after Oscar Wilde). – М., Дрофа, 2008.