Праздник в Великобритании

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентации к уроку

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Основные задачи.

  1. Введение и закрепление лексических единиц по теме: “Праздники в Великобритании”.
  2. Развитие у учащихся навыков чтения и говорения.
  3. Формирование социокультурной компетенции учащихся.
  4. Развитие внимания, анализа и обобщения, языковой догадки и воображения учащихся.

I. Warm – up

T.: Good afternoon, class. Good afternoon, our dear guests! You are welcome to our lesson “Holidays in Great Britain.” Holidays. I like this world. It sounds great. By the way, raise your right hand if you can answer “Yes” to this question: “Do you like to celebrate holidays?” And I like to celebrate holidays, because:

· I like the atmosphere of holidays;

· the preparations;

· the presents;

· a day – off.

Why do you like to celebrate holidays?

P1. I like to celebrate holidays, because I have a lot of fun and we don’t go to school.

P2. I can meet my relatives…

II. Закрепление лексических единиц. Совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи.

T. Today we are going to talk about holidays and festivals which British people like to celebrate.

All holidays can be divided into several groups.

What are they?

P1. They are

Public holidays Festivals Family celebrations
Christmas Day

Boxing Day

New Year’s Day


Good Friday

May Day

Spring Bank Holiday

Summer Bank Holiday

Pancake Day

April Fool’s Day


Guy Fawkes’ Night



The birth of a baby


Учащиеся дают краткую характеристику каждому празднику, основываясь на содержании фильма “British Culture”, просмотренного на предыдущем уроке. В это время два ученика на доске размещают карточки с названием праздника, датой его проведения и символом.

На предыдущем уроке ученики были разделены на несколько групп. Каждая группа должна была представить мини-проект проведения праздника по указанному плану:

  • the history;
  • the activities;
  • the food.

Каждой группе было дано три с половиной минуты на выступление.

III. Расширение социокультурных знаний.

T. Great Britain consists of 3 parts: Scotland, England and Wales.

Scotland is a part of England.

But it’s an independent country with its own customs and traditions.

Some information about Scotland.

P. gives a presentation.


Area: 78,769 sq km

Population: 5,200,000 approx.

Capital: Edinburgh

Political: Scotland is part of the United Kingdom but it has its own parliament, legal system, education system and its own international football team.

History: The Romans never conquered Scotland. Between the years 120 and 140, they built Hadrian's Wall, a huge wall, 118 km long, to protect their empire. In the Middle Ages, Scotland became a united country. There were many wars between England and Scotland. In 1603, the Scottish king, James VI, became king of England and a century later Scotland and England were united.

IV. Развитие и совершенствование лексических навыков.

T. The words and expressions from ex. 1 on p. 31 will help us to understand some information about Scotland’s holidays and festivals better.

Ученики выполняют упражнение 1 и 2 на стр. 31.

Во время проверки упражнений учитель демонстрирует презентацию на доске.

To eat haggis – a traditional meal from Scotland made by cooking the inside parts of a sheep.

To wear a kilt – a traditional skirt, worn by men in Scotland, but only on special occasions (at Weddings or at Hogmanay).

To play the bagpipes – it’s a Scotish traditional musical instrument.

To toss the caber – it’s a national kind of sport. Strong men try to lift it (a large trunk of tree) and throw it as far as possible.

To celebrate Burns’s Night – Robert Burns is a famous poet from Scotland. People celebrate his birthday every year. They recite his poems and eat haggis.

To build a wall – The Romans built it in 119 A. D. to protect English territory from The Scots and to control tribes on both sides of the wall.

To become a King – Michel Jackson is a King of music.

To celebrate the Military Tatto – It is a public show, a parade of military practices; soldiers do exercises.

To go first footing – the tradition in Scotland when someone is first to come into a building or room at New Year and brings good luck.

V. Совершенствование навыков чтения.

VI. Обсуждение прочитанного. Развитие и совершенствование навыков устной речи.

1 What do you know about Scotland? Work in pairs and try to answer these questions.

What is the capital of Scotland?

How do Scottish people celebrate the New Year?

What is Scotland's national dish?

What happens at the Edinburgh Festival?

What are the following?

a) bagpipes

b) first footing

c) a kilt

d) tossing the caber

2 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false Information.

Scotland is an independent country. —

Scotland has its own football team. —

The Romans conquered Scotland. —

Scottish New Year celebrations finish at midnight. —

Scotland's national poet is Rabbie Burns. —

Haggis is a vegetarian dish. —

The Highland Games at Cowal are winter games. —

The Edinburgh Festival is a classical music festival. —

VII. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.

VIII. Домашнее задание.

1 Which Scottish celebrations would these people probably prefer?

Kim loves the theatre and classical music.

Carol likes sport and is interested in Scottish culture.

Lena loves parties and dancing all night.

Peter likes poetry and trying different food from around the world.

2 Which celebration would you like to go to? Why?

Список используемой литературы

  1. Virginia Evans, Spotlight 7.
  2. M. Harris, New Opportunities (Pre-Intermediate).
  3. E. Sharman, Across Cultures (Pre-Intermediate – Intermediate).