Урок английского языка в 11-м классе "Мария Селеста"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 11

Ключевые слова: открытый урок

Вид  урока: обобщающего повторения.

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции.


  • Образовательные:
    • совершенствование  речевых навыков,
    • повторение и обобщения знаний по теме «Путешествия»,
    • расширение словарного запаса.
  • Воспитательные:
    • воспитание умения вести диалог, соглашаться или опровергать,
    • воспитание культуры общения.
  • Развивающие:
    • расширение кругозора,
    • развитие способности к сравнению, анализу,
    • развитие воображения,
    • развитие умения строить гипотезы  и выражать свои мысли,
    • развитие интереса к предмету,
    • развитие быстрой реакции,
    • развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей,
    • ценностных ориентаций, чувств, эмоций ученика, т.е. раскрытие гуманитарного и гуманистического потенциала его личности.


  • Компьютер.
  • Мультимедийная техника.
  • Экран.
  • Презентация «The Mary Celeste» (Презентация).
  • Аудиозапись шума волн (Приложение 1).
  • Раздаточный дидактический материал (распечатки упражнений, новых слов, заданий для игры).
  • Картинка для релаксации с изображением парусника.
  • Шляпы трех цветов.


1. Введение и знакомство с учащимися

1.1. Приветствие учителя.

– Good morning. I’m very glad to see you. My name is Olga Vladimirovna. I am from Podolsk region. Today we shall work together.

1.2. Подготовительный этап («Разминка»).

1) Before starting our lesson I would like to ask you some questions. (Блиц-опрос). T ––>Ps

  • Do you like travelling? Why?
  • What kind of transport do you prefer? Why?
  • Where have you been? What place did you like best?
  • Have you ever been abroad? What countries have you visited?
  • Where do you usually go on holiday? Do you like it there?
  • What would you prefer – to go on an excursion or to lie on the beach?
  • Have you ever travelled by sea?
  • What are the advantages of sea voyages?
  • What are the disadvantages of travelling by sea?

Ответы могут быть разные. На последний предполагается ответ:

– You may be seasick.
– Yes, you are right. Moreover, nowadays sea voyages are quite safe, but even a  century ago they were very dangerous and each one was a real adventure.

2) Let’s read some interesting information. (Слайды 2, 3, 4).

Слайды дублируются раздаточным материалом (Приложение 2) для удобства чтения учащихся. Слайды предназначены для присутствующих учителей.

2. Организационный момент. Постановка задачи

I hope you have already guessed that we shall speak about sea voyages. And the topic of our lesson is the “Mary Celeste”. At the lesson we are going to
Watch the film.
Find out some information about the ship.
Discuss this information.

3. Введение новой лексики

3.1. At the lesson we may need some words and expressions. Now I shall read them and you will read after me (Приложение 3).
3.2. Now I would like you to match the words with their definitions (Приложение 4, упражнение 1).
3.3. This time I would ask you to fill in the gaps (Приложение 4, упражнение 2).
3.4. In the film we shall come across some personal and geographical names. Let’s read them. Follow me, please (слайд 5).

4. Просмотр фильма. Получение информации

Now we are ready to watch the film. But before starting it I would like you to pay attention to the pieces of information you are to find out in it. Look at the screen, please (слайд 6).

Фильм на слайде 7 запускается  по ссылке через MozillaFirefox. Просмотр закончить до перехода к версиям исчезновения людей словами “CaptainBriggs, hiswife, his 2-yearolddaughterandthesevencrewmenvanished“. При этом на экране на фоне моря появляются портреты перечисленных.

Was the film interesting? Did you understand it?
Look at the questions you are to find out once more and we shall watch the film again.

5. Обсуждение полученной информации (послетекстовый этап)

Now I shall give you the text about the “Mary Celeste”. But there are some mistakes in it (the mistakes are in facts, not grammar or lexical ones). You will read the text and find them. There are no mistakes in extra information which wasn’t given in the film. We shall do this task one by one. Start doing it please.

Текст дан в Приложении 5.

6. Релаксация

There is a picture of a ship on your left. Look at it. Look at the flag, look at the waves, to the right of the ship, to the left. Once more – at the flag, at the waves, to the right, to the left. Now close your eyes and try to relax for a minute.
Слайд 8 – для релаксации. При нажатии на рупор идет запись «Дыхание моря» в течение 1 минуты.

8. Говорение

8.1 Подготовительный этап.

Here is a list of facts about the “Mary Celeste” (Приложение 6) which may seem very mysterious. Read them, please (one by one).

8.2. Игра (слайд 9).

Now we shall play “Hats”. We shall have the 3 teams. The first team, the team of “the black hat”, will state the explanations of what happened on board the “Mary Celeste”. Choose any ones you like from the list of your tips (Приложение 7).
The second team, the team of “the red hat “, must agree with the first one and give arguments from the list of facts which can prove this version. You will also have some tips (Приложение 8).
The third team, the team of “the blue hat “, is to give us arguments from the list of facts which are against this explanation and point out the contradictions. I’ll give you the tips as well  (Приложение 9).
Here is an example(слайд 10).
Проигрываются  версии из перечисленных в приложениях. Еслипозволяетвремя, можнопроработатьвсеидобавитьновые (a rebel, sea gases from the bottom of the ocean, gasses from wine). За 2-3 минуты до конца урока игра прекращается.

9. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов

As you see there is no good explanation for this mystery nowadays. Perhaps you will be able to solve it when you grow up.
I thank you for the lesson. It was very pleasant to work with you. We did a lot. We learnt some new words concerning sea voyages, we watched the film and found out some new information about a mysterious ship. We discussed it.
There were a lot of articles with geographical names in the texts we read. At home I want you to do one exercise on articles. And those who can, write the list of fors and againsts for the versions we have discussed (Приложение 10, Приложение 11).
It seems to me that everybody did their best and I hope that your teacher will give you “Fives.”
In conclusion, I would like to give you small presents and to say good bye to you.