Времена года и осенние праздники. 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цель урока:

  • активизировать ранее изученные лексические единицы по теме “Времена года и осенние праздники”
  • развивать мотивацию к дальнейшему овладению английским языком.

Задачи урока:

  • Воспитательные: развивать познавательный интерес к культуре другой страны, умение работать в парах, в коллективе.
  • Обучающие: Формирование языковой компетенции.
  • Развивающие: Развивать диалогическую и монологическую речь.

Тип урока – обобщающий урок

Оборудование: ноутбук, презентация урока, кассета, диск, картинки.

Ход урока

1. Beginning of the Lesson

Good morning children

I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Good morning our guests welcome to our lesson. Today we are going to talk about Seasons and autumn holidays. We'll sing songs and recite poems. By the way what date is it today? Who is absent? Are you ready? Let's talk in pairs about different seasons.

Pupil 1 – Hi. Glad to meet you. How are you?

Pupil 2 – Fine, thanks. And you?

– OK. Thanks. I would like to invite you to our concert. Please, can you come?

– I'd be glad to come. Thank you. But how's the weather?

– It is cold outside.

– Is it going to snow?

– I am not sure. But I hope so. The weather will be milder then. See you soon.

– Bye. See you.

Pupil 3 – Hi.

Pupil 4 – Hello.

– How do you feel today?

– I feel great

– That is good news. When are you going on holiday?

– I am leaving in January. You see I like winter. It is my favourite season. Winter is beautiful. It often snows. The sky is blue. In winter the sun sets early and rises late. The rivers and lakes are frozen over. Everything is covered with snow. Sometimes it is very cold, about 30–40 degrees below zero. Going out in such weather
isn't very pleasant. Winter is a good time for sports. People go in for skating and skiing. Children can play snowballs and make snowman. Tobogganing is popular. In winter we celebrate New Year's Day and Christmas. Winter isn't so reach in colors but it's a healthy season.

– So I think each season has its good and bad sides. Have a good trip bye.

– Bye see you later.

Pupil 5 – Good morning.

Pupil 6 – Good morning.

– You are wonderful today. You look like spring.

– Oh, thank you.

– Why are you smiling?

– I'm smiling because I really like spring. In spring I have my birthday and there are many beautiful flowers in spring. In spring. Nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The days become longer and the nights become shorter. The ground covered with emerald-green grass and the first flowers. The air is fresh, the sky is blue and cloudless, and the sun shines brightly. The trees are in full blossom. The nightingale begins to sing its lovely songs, and sweet melodies may be heard from every wood and park. The days are warm and everything in full of life and joy.

– Thank you very much for our talk. It was very interesting; I hope will meet next day. Bye.

– Bye, bye. See you next day.

Pupil 7 – Hi.

Pupil 8 – Hello.

– How are you?

– Very well. Thanks, what about you?

– You look sunburnt and strong.

– Thanks. I'm OK. I spent my summer holidays in Sochi. Summer was hot. Personally I think summer is a beautiful season. The weather is usually fine in summer but it can be very hot, especially in July. Sometimes there are storms with thunder and lighting. The days are long and the nights are shorts. There are many green trees and nice flowers in the parks and in the squares in summer. The pupils don't go to school. They have got their summer holidays. In summer people try to get away from the city noise and spend more time in the open air. They pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, swim in the rivers and lakes, go fishing and boating. Most people prefer to have their holidays in summer. They like to swim in the Black Sea and try to become sunburnt, spending much time on a beach. As for me I like spring.

– It was nice meeting you. Goodbye. I hope to see you some day.

– Bye-bye. See you again.

Pupil 9 – Hi. I'm glad to see you.

Pupil 10 – Good morning. I'm happy to see you too. Let's talk about autumn. -Oh. It's a very interesting topic. I like autumn because the weather is different. In September we have many sunny days. There is a short spell of dry sunny weather in September, which is called Indian summer. It is a beautiful time when the sky is cloudless, the trees around are golden, red and brown. The air is transparent and it's still warm. Most birds fly away to warm countries. But gradually it gets colder and colder and we can't go for a walk, the sun doesn't shine brightly. The sky is grey and cloudy. Why cry about bad weather. Enjoy it.

–  Does it rain in October and November?

– Oh, yes. It does. Sometimes it drizzles. In November it often sleets which makes autumn an unpleasant season.

– I like when it's raining cats and dogs. Lef s sing our song about the rain, (песня).

Now comrades, you know that every season has a lot of interesting holidays please, name some of them:

  1. Mother's day, April. Fool's day.
  2. Boxing Day. St Valentine's Day.
  3. Pancake Day, Bank holiday.
  4. Christmas, New Years day.
  5. Easter and Maslenitsa.
  6. Victory day, the women's day.
  7. The day of National Unity, Thanksgiving day.
  8. Guy Fawkes, Columbus day
  9. Day of know ledge. The country defendant's day.

Good for you. Thank you. I see that you know every holiday very well. Now I want you to make a short quiz. Here is a sentence and 3 variants to it. Choose the right variant. (Провожу викторину)

1. When do American people celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

– on the fourth Thursday of November

– on the second Monday of March

– on the third Tuesday of May

2. Traditional American food on Thanksgiving Day is:

– roast turkey

– Ice-cream -porridge

3. People decorated their houses with autumn fruits and flowers on:

– Christmas

– Thanksgiving Day

– New Year's Day

4. The Halloween colors are:

– white and blue

– orange and black

– green and pink

5. The 5th of November is:

– New Years Day

– April Fool's Day

– Guy Fawkes's Day

6. Columbus Day is celebrated:

– in spring

– in autumn

– in summer

Well done. Thank you. As far as I know, there are many autumn holidays in America, Great Britain and Russia. Do you know them? What are they? Please, name them. Speak about them.

Pupil 1 – in America Labour day is celebrated on the first Monday in September. On this day workers make a public show with marches and meetings. It also marks the beginning of the school year and the end of summer.

Pupil 2 – The next autumn holidays in America is CD.

It is celebrated on the second Monday in October. Christopher Columbus discovered America on the 12of October, 1492. At that time many people in Europe thought that the world was flat and that if a ship sailed to the edge of the world. It would fall off. But Columbus believed the world was round and made the journey to America. Most localities sponsor special programmes, to make the day. Parades, ceremonies are popular ways of honoring Columbus.

Pupil 3 – 1 would I like to tell you about Thanks giving day.

In the year 1620, a ship named the Mayflower brought 102 English men, women and children to the rocky coast of what is now Massachusetts, one of the 50 states of the United States of America. The ship's passengers were Puritans – members of a religious sect which was unpopular in Britain because its members wanted to reform the Church of England. They came to America to found a community where they could practice their religion without interference.

Pupil 4 – It was late in the year when the Pilgrims landed and founded the colony they called Plymouth. They had only the belongings that they had brought on the small ship. The winter was cold, and about half of the Pilgrims died. In the spring, with advice and help from the Indians, with whom they lived in peace, the Pilgrims planted corn (known also as maize) and other crops and prepared as well as they could for the next winter.

Pupil 5 – In October 1621, to celebrate the good harvest, the Pilgrims held a feast which featured, among many other foods, wild turkey, which is native to North America. They called this their day of thanksgiving, held to thank their God for his blessings.

Pupil 6 – The story of that Pilgrim feast is well-known among Americans. It is told and retold every year to young children in schools as one of the major American holidays approaches. The holiday is called Thanksgiving Day and is now observed on the fourth Thursday of November.

Pupil 7 – Other nations have days of thanksgiving, too, but Thanksgiving Day has a special significance for Americans because it is traced back to that group of people who were among the first to come to New World in search of freedom.

Pupil 8 – Today, families – often including grandparents and aunts, uncles and cousins and grown children who live away from home – gather together, usually in a home but sometimes in a restaurant, for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. This almost always includes some of the foods served at the first Thanksgiving, roast turkey and cranberry sauce, plus sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. But between endless bites of food Americans take time to feel grateful for whatever is good in their lives. Some people thank God; others thank fate on their loved ones.

Pupil 9 – I'd like to recite a poem about Thanksgiving Day:

What's the place you like the best
Thanksgiving Day in the morning?
The kitchen. With so many things to test
And help to measure and stir with zest
And sniff and sample and all the rest
Thanksgiving Day in the morning.
What are, the colors you like the most
Thanksgiving Day in the morning?
The color of cranberries uppermost,
The pumpkin-yellow the pie tops boast,
The turkey brown of a crispy roast,
Thanksgiving Day in the morning.
What are the sounds you think are gay
Thanksgiving Day in the morning
The sizzly sounds on the roaster tray,
The gravy gurgling itself away,
The company sounds at the door – hooray!
Thanksgiving Day in the morning.

Teacher: So we have just spoken about holidays in America. What about holidays in Great Britain? Who wants to be the first?

Pupil 1 – The 5th of November is Guy Fawkes's day in Great Britain. All over the country people build wood fires, or bonfires in their gardens. On top of each bonfire is a Guy, this is a figure of Guy Fawkes .On the 5th of November, 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to kill King James the 1. He and a group of his friends put a bomb under the Houses of Parliament in London. But the king's men found the bomb and Guy Fawkes. They took him to the Tower of London, where his head was cut off. As it gets dark on the 5th of November children go out into the streets with a figure like a scarecrow. They stand in the streets asking for a Penny for the Guy. With the money they have collected they buy fireworks and burn the Guy on their bonfire. People watch the fireworks and some people go to parties in the evening.

Pupil 2 – One of the greatest holidays is Halloween in Great Britain. On Halloween children dress up in costumes and go from door to door at dusk gleefully calling "Trick or Treat!" The holiday gets its name from "All Hallows Evening" or the evening before All Saints Day, November the 1st, according to the western European Christian church calendar. However, its traditions date back to pre-Christian Celtic beliefs once prevalent in what is now known as Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Irish immigrants brought these customs with them to the United States.

Pupil 3 – October the 31st was the eve of the Celtic New Year, a time when ghosts or evil spirits walked the earth and mingled mischievously with the living. Costumes and jack-o-lantems were thought to protect people from any harm they might cause. A jack-o-lantern is a face carved into one side of a hallowed out pumpkin in which a lighted candle has been placed. This gives it an inviting yellow and orange glow on a dark autumn night. This is why the Halloween colors are orange and black. Even today small children are told that any house with a jack-o-lantern burning in the window is a safe place to go trick-or-treating. The custom of trick or treating comes from when children dressed in costumes on All Souls Day and went from house to house to house begging for soul cakes. Another Halloween custom is scrape out a pumpkin, cutting eyes, nose, and mouth in its side and lightning a candle inside, this is made to scare their friends.

Pupil 4 – Children still go begging for treats. However, over the last few years, school church and neighborhood parties are replacing the custom of trick or treating from house to house. More and more adults are celebrating Halloween with masquerades parties in which they dress up like political and historical figures or just plain old scary fellows from recent horror films like ghost, vampires, goblins, Frankenstein. Witches flying on broomsticks with black cats, skeletons, spiders and haunted houses are other symbols of Halloween.

Pupil 5 – Another popular activity at Halloween parties is bobbing for apples. One person at a time must get an apple out of a tub of water without using his hands and only by sinking his or her face into the water and biting the apple. The party may start or end with a Halloween costume parade, wherein those with the best or scariest costumes receive prizes. Telling scary stories or ghost stories while huddled together by candlelight or around a fire outside is one of the highlights of Halloween night. Any story will do, but it must be spoken in a low, tense voice and reach a starting climax, as does the following story told in Britain and in certain US eastern coastal states.

Teacher – Thank you, boys and girls do you want to sing a song about Halloween? Sing with us. (Песня Halloween) good for you now comrades answer my question what autumn holidays do people celebrate in Russia? What can you say about day of Knowledge?

Pupil 6 – in Russia we celebrate day of Knowledge on the 1st of September. We are glad to see our friends our teachers at school after the long summer holidays. You can see many beautiful flowers many happy children and their parents. As for me.

I go to school with pleasure because I like my school I am happy at school. Now i would like to recite a poem about autumn.

Fall is here fall is exciting
It's apples and cider.
It's an airborne spider.
It's pumpkins in bins,
It's burrs on dogs chins.
It's wind blowing leaves.
It's chilly red knees.
It's nuts on the ground.
It's crisp dry sound.
It's green leaves turning
And the smell of them burning.
Its clouds in the sky.
It's fall. That's why... I love fall.

Teacher – thank you. Boys and girls would you like to play? Your task is to find and circle 11 words in the puzzle. These cards are for you.
Write down your homework do the project my favourite holiday. Boys and girls I'll give you a 5. Thank you for your work. The bell has gone. The lesson is over.

Good bye.